Though if you spent the first 2 years at the CC living at home and paying very little for tuition (at least in our state) you could still come out saving money. In some ways I think the hardest thing is being at a different stage now than his closest friends, who are still the ones he went to HS with. The institutional educational and testing systems are largely dysfunctional in the COVID world, but our kids lives march on. There are more kids described at - some of these guys also left high school via the CHSPE; some are in community college, at least two attend Ex\x92pression in Emeryville, and some are still struggling. She does what she needs to get the B+ or A-. My husband, an Maybeck alum, had a great time, with lots of community building experiences (camping, travelling, bike trips) - his school stories still make me jealous! Or possibly be able to still apply as a freshman. There is also Tilden Prep, which is a private high school program where kids meet one-on-one with teachers and then do most of their work independently. Legally, all colleges in the state of California have to honor the CHSPE as an equivalent to a diploma. It was a mixed bag in terms of quality of instruction (but so was Berkeley High ;), but for kids with anxiety and other mental health challenges it is a pretty good program. Coming in as a transfer student means they MUST follow a proscribed course series for the full two years to be accepted. The small, nurturing environment kept him going little longer. CHSPE is an acronym for California High School Proficiency Exam. He was hanging around at home a lot those last two years because he had so little class time and I couldn't get him out of the house much - I didn't know what would become of him. My son took the CHSPE at 16 and then left high school after the 1st semester of his junior year. The book he used was called ''CHSPE: Are you ready to Pass the the CHSPE'' and came with a CD. Our older son took the CHSPE exam ( and entered college at age 16, graduated, and is now in an M.A./credential program for - of all things - a secondary credential in history. California state universities also require, however, that applicants have a certain number of units in several courses of study including social science, English, mathematics, laboratory science, and . </p> Do you have to live in California to take the CHSPE? If you pass the CHSPE, you may (with parental approval) leave high school early. The first step is to make an appointment with a community college guidance counselor to understand his options, course of study, required additional courses, testing (if needed), and skills assessment. Based on what you shared, if she were my child, I would support testing out of HS and doing community college classes. Community colleges are not the same - some are more academically oriented, some have excellent theater / arts programs, some are great at certificate programs, and so forth. She has stated many times that she has no desire for the traditional college experience. As for art classes in our local Community Colleges--My husband took a number of art courses at Laney and Merritt in the late 90s, and had some really terrific instructors. My 16 year old daughter will shortly be ''done'' with high school, having taken the CHSPE exam because she wants to move on. She often relates more to her teachers than her classmates. It can be taken by minors, though, unlike a G.E.D.


Frankly, I am tired of the strict rules about which classes I can or can not take by my high school and I do not want to transfer to another high school. A parent looking for an alternative, My son took the CHSPE 2 or 3 years ago. Do colleges accept CHSPE? Another boy who was exceptionally bright through middle school, has had a very tough time in high school, tested out and is now happily in residence at the Green Gulch Farm of the Zen Center. Bestdecision ever. I should have stuck it out another year, maybe taking fun/light courses. Students and their families are facing some difficult choices and scenarios. Passing the CHSPE only allows you to legally not attend high school. I'm curious to know if any parents have insight into enrolling in city college and getting the GED or CHSPE for their homeschooled teen. Legally, all colleges in the state of California have to honor the CHSPE as an equivalent to a diploma. a parent who has been there! They want brilliance, not a diploma. Which routine is best for gaining muscle? In California, 16 year old students can take it after their sophomore year in high school. Universitas Nyack.


pamavision- thank you for sharing your experience. Of course, every person is different - it worked out for us, but I wish my son had remained in high school for a more well rounded education prior to going to college. He has just turned 18, and it seems different now. Testers who pass the CHSPE receive a Certificate of Proficiency from the California State Board of Education which is equivalent to a high school diploma. The CHSPE is very similar to the CAHSEE, but the questions are more difficult. Specifically, some people think the CHSPE is not recognized outside of California. Registration is on a first come, first served basis, and a waiting list will be established for those who are interested. She is happiest when creating her art, reading or being with her animals. Can an 18 year old take the CHSPE? If students have completed the course requirements for college admissions (and have the grades, SATs, experience etc. What money is available for senior citizens? Good luck. False, I know few people who have taken the chspe, transferred, and then got into a UC. No, it will not hurt your daughters chances getting into UC.Have you been following UCs new prioritiesfor admissions? That is a fact. Our daughter only made one friend in high school, due to girl-clique dynamics, but she has made plenty of friends in college. Also don't know what the Ca law is regarding when you can stop going to school. What my d is probably going to do is dual enroll. GED test fee-$35 per subject, $140 altogether. The test is given in English only. Dropping out of school after registering for the CHSPE or while awaiting results is unlawful for those under eighteen years old. Thank you all. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. You take it and go to Community College or Work. 7 What is the California high school proficiency examination? For him, leaving HS early and switching to college was absolutely the right thing to do. I took the California High School Proficiency Exam when I was 16and have zero regrets. enthalpy lab report conclusion Menu. Or a high school dropout? We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. We are leaning towards letting her take the exam with no promises on our part. and our I believe their requirements at the high school level are more strict, but they provide funding for classes/materials and youre assigned a teacher to meet with once a month who can help make suggestions/guide you/offer resources. In some cases, students take the test and leave high school early to work or attend college. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. He is 20 now, and finding that he has to face the after-college questions earlier than many of his friends --like ''now what do I do with my life?'' She doesn't enjoy school. Should I take CHSPE? It may also result in failing grades for courses in which you are enrolled. (He does not particularly recommend the book; says it was ''less than fantastic''. Cookie Notice Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. No matter what they say, its possible bc we did it. Any advice or information would be most appreciated. Graduated with a GED or high school diploma equivalency test and not enrolled in a degree-seeking program. I'm not sure if this means he won't get a H.S. I am also preparing to go to a college upon passing the CHSPE.</p> October 18, 2014, 6:43am #3 <p>Good luck on the CHSPE tomorrow! California law requires that the Certificate of Proficiency be equivalent to a high school diploma. On the contrary, the great majority of employers and schools in other states will accept this certificate in lieu of a regular high school . My son is a smart kid and enjoys learning about a variety of subjects. High achieving, very creative. I think the next step is to talk with the CC and try to find some students who have taken this path. Hi - My son took the CHSPE exam after his sophomore year & he has no regrets. Technically, these options lead to a diploma that is equal to a high school diploma. CHSPE is generally considered a bit more difficult than the GED examination, but Im sure there are other differences. I think there are quite a few younger students at community colleges these days. - CHSPE" is an official packet of practice questions from the CHSPE website.</p> <p>Regarding your questions about acceptance to the community colleges, most of them should accept you, unless they are out-of-state. Community college for 16yo who just passed theCHSPE? ), most colleges and universities accept CHSPE in lieu of high school graduation - I know, because my son left high school after 11th grade and used the CHSPE option to enroll in UCLA. Next year she will be a junior. Taking the CHSPE and going on to a vocational course, Community college for 16yo who just passed theCHSPE. If students have completed the course requirements for college admissions (and have the grades, SATs, experience etc. CHSPE fee-$130. Warning: Creating default object from empty value in /homepages/17/d4294970467/htdocs/morpheus/wp-content/themes/virtue/themeoptions/inc/class.redux_filesystem.php on . Im thinking about taking the CHSPE this summer. We tried everything before discovering the CHSPE. Maria College of Albany. It would 1) demonstrate your interest in the school, and 2) get you a legitimate answer.


Most schools have some sort of admissions contact email on their websites if you search for it


It's no good for Princeton; you can't transfer into Princeton from a college for now.


I'm going to wait for a few replies from schools, and then research a bit more. He took the CHSPE in the spring of his junior year a year or two ago. We moved our upcoming junior to private school where at least online means the day spent in class on zoom with teachers instruction. (He still lives with us, and given the cost of living around here, probably will for at least another year.). He has talked about this before, and I encouraged him to stay in school. I seem to be unable to find them online. It's been two years, and they and their parents think this option worked out fine. If she is not yet 16, consider enrolling her in an independent high school that follows a 1:1 tutoring model. The GED is recognized in all 50 states. You can go to work or go to community college, or you can get into a 4 year college or university. He took the CHSPE in March of his junior year and then got some part-time jobs, he's now at junior college. I was bright and did quite well until high school, when my grades began slipping and I stopped doing much work. These are all friends of my own son: one finished early through Berkeley's Independent Studies and is a freshman in college a year ahead of schedule; another took the CHSPE after 10th grade, went to Diablo Valley and is now applying to 4 year colleges as an 18 year old junior. Would the credits earned in community college transfer to my desired college or would they be considered high school credits? could anyone tell me some colleges that accept the chspe (California High School Proficiency Examination)? I started college in the fall, bombed out within a couple of months, and then worked until I felt ready to try again the following year, right when I would have anyway if I had stayed in school. Everything you need to know about the CHSPE is on their website: California High School Proficiency Examination (CHSPE) I recommend reading every single word on that website prior to even truly considering it as an option for you. To take the CHSPE, a student must be 16 years old. The exam tests individuals based on the high school curriculum in California, which may or may not be similar to curriculums in other states. I put myself through engineering grad school the same way and finished my MS degree two years later. A complete understanding of Algebra I and basic English are all that's needed to pass, really.'' The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. He's a bright kid but didn't apply himself at school for a variety of reasons. They must complete and print the registration form or electronically submit a CHSPE Registration Form with proof of eligibility. 16-year-old passed eqivalency exam - what's next. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. He has many friends who either left early or were kicked out of high school, and almost every one of them is doing well - one's on the Dean's list at UCSC at age 25 (it took him a while), another is becoming a nurse, another is a union organizer, etc. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Does community college look bad on a resume? Is the California High School Proficiency Exam the same as a GED? Sounds like a very good plan. You can go to work or attend community college, or you may be able to attend a 4-year college or university. I found one of them. Many colleges in Canada accept PTE, so it depends on what you are looking for in a college. He was very motivated & did all this himself. He is bright but has not done well - slipping slope scenario. Nothing to be ashamed. No state accepts an online high school equivalency test. If your son is interested in a trade program focusing on metalwork please check out Chabot College in Hayward. University of Kentucky. I'll try to find them - but there was a really long thread in the parents forum about kids who wanted and did leave high school early.


MaterMia- thanks. Good luck! It's a little harder to stay connected socially I think. He had been quite happy socially at HS, but quite unhappy with classes and school work, and his grades were sliding. Good luck! Your kid can drop out and go to city college instead. In all cases they were pretty self-directed, though, and knew what they wanted. They loved it. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. Our son attended both DVC and CSUEB. My son just passed the CHSPE this summer and started at Berkeley Community College this Fall. In fact, I suspect that may be a great option for many high school upperclassmen. CHSPE is for California only; California employers must accept it as the equivalent of a high school diploma. He learned a lot from being in the work force, and he gained from not being in an environment where he was struggling and failing. My oldest daughter struggled to accept my queerness, so she went to live with my evangelical mother. After trying me in five different high schools my mom finally let me drop out. Big scholarships are for graduating students who will be incoming freshmen. Take 4 classes at the HS and two at the CC. If he goes that route he might end up graduating one year earlier than if he'd finished up high school & then gone directly to a 4 year school, but he may take longer in community college or the 4 year college.. either way is fine. He enrolled in 2 classes that spark his interest at our local community college & is working PT in a field he loves. You graduate with your HS class. She is very self-directed, a bit of a loner who still manages to have ''followers'' due to her intensity. In retrospect, I think I hated school and my grades were poor because I was immature for my age. What is the meaning of it is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light? Then, transfer to a university. Can anyone let me know which agency I contact to get this and does anyone have experience doing this and advice for me? CHSPE is generally considered a bit more difficult than the GED examination, but I'm sure there are other differences. I hope it's as good for your daughter as it was for my son. He goes to a relatively small high school and has grown up with most of these kids yet he has always had a hard time connecting with many kids. CHSPE instead of BHS senior year 2020-2021: Experiences/ ideas? There is also a CD you can order. Just letting the whole idea stew in my brain. Colleges. In my D's case the counselor said by Ca law she must be enrolled in some form of school next fall.


Daughter #2 went the CHSPE/CC route after junior year. 16. )


What I would like to know, though, and have been unable to find is whether or not ivy league or top schools such as Stanford, Harvard, Brown, Yale, etc. math), you don't have to take that section again, even if you do not pass the other sections. That is a fact. Three years later I transferred into UCLA's engineering program as a junior, then graduated magna cum laude. If youre looking for support/funding, you might check out one of the homeschool charter schools. By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. Is it possible to get into college with Chspe? The CHSPE is very similar to the CAHSEE, but the questions are more difficult. My understanding is that, because she is in her sophmore year in high school, that she needs to be enrolled somewhere while she prepares. Our child went to IS for both Junior and Senior years. In addition, the GED is used across the country while the CHSPE is only offered to California residents. Just racked with anxiety and dread on the social pressures. diploma (?) GED test includes four subjects: Math, Language Arts, Science, and Social Studies. Students who pass the CHSPE receive a Certificate of Proficiency from the State of California. Does your CC and HS district offer some sort of "middle college" program? It worked for us. Most were much better off for moving on, but I'm not convinced that it was because they were 'bright but bored' necessarily, but, rather, they were struggling with too many issues and needed to move on somehow someway somewhere. The CHSPE is very similar to the CAHSEE, but the questions are more difficult. My older child went into the BUSD Independent Studies program. This option expressly states that it is not for students who want to go to a 4 yr school as a freshman. Feel free to contact me directly via my BPN username. She finds much of the school day a waste of her time. It is a very pleasant campus (my daughter took an economics course there). All in all, he skipped about 1-1/2 yrs of HS - that is a good deal of reading, history and science core knowledge that he missed. He's much happier and is working hard--a tremendous turn- around. He did the practice test that is in the application packet and had no problem passing the test. If youre applying as a freshman to UC, you still need to fulfill the A-G requirements. UCLA GPA Requirements At a minimum, you must earn a 3.0 GPA or better (3.4 for nonresidents) in all college preparatory courses. Anyway, check out some of the other resources mentioned in the newsletter - internships, community college, etc. The cost of community college is significantly less than most universities. The total test is about 10 hours long. Our son took and passed the CHSPE recently. Eligible persons who pass the CHSPE are awarded a Certificate of Proficiency by the California State Board of Education. The CHSPE is not recognized in all 50 states, but states other than California do recognize it. You will need to pass any remaining sections of the test prior to the July 1, 2023 transition. Largely remote learning for next year has us rethinking our child's final year of high school.She is a strong, self motivated student, and is considering taking the California High School Proficiency exam in October, and then doing some community college classes in the winter and spring instead of a mostly remote senior year at Berkeley High. Also have her make some phone calls to colleges that she is interested in.


As a high school junior, I've also taken the CHSPE. If youre transferring from CC, just finish your GE requirements and transfer with TAG/TAP. Online classes? How can the Certificate of Proficiency be used? There are two sections on the test; Math and English Language Arts. Pulling off this feat was not easy! Our son also took tests at home to help him prepare. Her counselor felt based on her courseload she should pass the placement exams without a problem. Otherwise she will need to complete 2 years of Community College before she can transfer. AP tests were given and high schools kids took them. SAT scores are no longer required and will not be considered in admissions. The California High School Proficiency Examination (CHSPE) is a voluntary test that assesses proficiency in basic reading, writing, and mathematics skills taught in public schools. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. If students have completed the course requirements for college admissions (and have the grades, SATs, experience etc.). Many CCs have honors programs, with more challenging levels of classwork and more motivated students. If youd like to pursue an undergraduate degree in the future, then you should make sure that you have enough credits needed to apply to the college of your choice. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. She is an ideal student. This means that you will need to be able to recall many math formulas on the CHSPE. Both of my teens have left Berkeley High due to mental health issues and the school environment/administration just being totally not equipped to support them. A HS student, while enrolled as a HS student, may take as many Community College classes as they like, for free, and get the credit, and apply as a first year UC student. However, I wanted to share that the CHSPE was a great option for my son and was the right choice for his situation. mass effect 2 best armor; pusha t daytona album sales; franklin middle school staff website I'd like to hear however from parents who have helped their child accomplish this goal. Does anyone have any experience with this? Amelia. Been there! Nothing helped, so we decided to have him test out of high school and go to work. Instead of fighting with him about school and a house filled with negativity, I have my happy, engaged and curious boy back. Our son is happy to be out of high school, and is doing very well, but I feel awful that we didn't intervene earlier and offer up other options for him before he got to the point of taking the test. You can order their information packet, which has instructions about filling it out, where to send it, etc. He's contemplating community college but is really enjoying working full time. All persons and institutions subject to California law that require a high school diploma for any purpose must accept the certificate as satisfying the requirement. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. CHSPE meets the requirement of California state universities that an applicant have a high school diploma or equivalent. If your son is mature and has set his goals, a technical trade program is an excellent stepping-stone to a good career. For universities under CA law, it is the equivalent of a high schol diploma, but it does not mean that all of the required classes to get a high school diploma were taken. He learned so much from working, lessons they don't teach in school - responsibility for showing up every day, the rewards of doing a good job, and the motivation of getting a paycheck. The principal at Independent Studies is supportive and understands kids with anxiety and the accommodations they need. A student needs a parent/gaurdian signiture to leave school, even if she passes the testa student may continue to attend school if she passes the test. My daughter was also at the breaking point and could not find a high school environment that would be a fit. I don't think they really check. His dad and sister who is going to start collage this fall thinks this could be a good change for him. I'm worried that he may find being surrounded with nothing but older kids could be more isolating for him and that this is not a reversible decision. The standard test fee for the CHSPE is $162. I have no idea how to proceed with possible homeschool options. If I decide not to enroll in CC during my senior year, and instead choose to work as an intern or volunteer abroad, would I apply to college with the rest of my class as a high school grad? What GPA Do I Need to Get Into UCLA? The answer to the question of whether Harvard accepts GED graduates is simply YES. We moved back home to the bay from the DC area where she was about to start 11th grade. Does anyone have any knowledge or advice or hindsight about this situation? I have been homeschooling my younger kids for the past two years, and it's super easy to file to a PSA in California, a private school affidavit. Our son was way too young to go to college at 16 (he figured that out in hindsight), but was dropping out of HS with absolutely no plan whatsoever, and he was able to sort himself out and graduate in 5 1/2 years, about the time he would have anyway. You won't have lost your first-time freshman status when you apply to college, and does the high school pay all the CC costs (and perhaps provide the textbooks?) And taking lower-division requirements at a CC then transferring to a 4-year is an economical way to get a brand-name degree at a bargain price.


Some alternatives you might consider: USC has a program for a few very high-achieving students, who enter as freshmen after their junior year of HS. Any horror stories? See for an easy explanation of the process. Your child's counselor ought to be ableto confirm CHSPE route negates UC as a freshman. Diploma, My son also had a hard time in High School. Instead of being assigned to a class, she will need to become an expert user of Ratemyprofessors to find the classes with the best teachers, and of ASSIST to find classes that will transfer/meet IGETC requirements. Important Notice - Please be aware of the following information: . However, you may visit "Cookie Settings" to provide a controlled consent. People who are sixteen years of age or older may take the test. I'd like to recommend an alternate pathway: when you enroll in Independent Study through BHS (a fantastic program, especially for the really motivated student) it is easier to take CC courses. That way she will get some college credits and also keep her options open.


Thank you, mom60 and mom2collegekids.

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