Subtitle B: Extension of Protection of Civil Rights Statutes - Extends the protection of the criminal civil rights statute to any person in a State. 130008) Authorizes the Attorney General to accept and utilize gifts of property and services from State and local governments for the purpose of assisting the INS in the transportation of deportable aliens who are arrested for misdemeanor or felony crimes under State or Federal law and who are either unlawfully within the United States or willing to submit to voluntary departure under safeguards, subject to specified limitations. to bait violent anti-democratic conspiracy theories or to engage in anti-semitism. (Sec. Authorizes appropriations. Federal and State permit writers were then required to determine, on a case-by-case basis, emission limitations equivalent to MACT, had an emission standard been promulgated in a timely manner as required under the CAA. Directs the Attorney General, in acting on applications under this subtitle, to consider any credible relevant evidence. Professional-quality color photographs, allegedly taken in January 1998, reveal residual scarring and swelling including a scar on plaintiff's left leg, a small scar on plaintiff's elbow, swelling around her nose,4 and some facial scarring. (Sec. (Sec. Subtitle B: Local Crime Prevention Block Grant Program - Directs the Attorney General to make specified payments to qualifying local governments for purposes including: (1) education, training, research, prevention, diversion, treatment, and rehabilitation programs to prevent juvenile violence, juvenile gangs, and the use and sale of illegal drugs by juveniles; (2) programs to prevent crimes against the elderly based on the concepts of the Triad model; (3) programs that prevent young children from becoming gang involved; (4) saturation jobs programs that provide employment opportunities leading to permanent unsubsidized employment for disadvantaged young adults age 16 through 25; and (5) midnight sports league programs that require each player to attend employment counseling, job training, and other education classes. 320104) Increases penalties for: (1) trafficking in counterfeit goods and services; (2) conspiracy to commit murder for hire; (3) arson; and (4) drug trafficking near public housing. He also sponsored bills to create a program for educating Further, because we remand for trial on plaintiff's alleged pain-and-suffering damages, we need not address or resolve plaintiff's alternative argument that, even if no single injury is found to satisfy the threshold requirements of N.J.S.A. See Brooks, supra, 150 N.J. at 403-04, 696 A.2d 619 (citing Thorpe v. Cohen, 258 N.J.Super. Chapter 3: Miscellaneous Provisions - Authorizes appropriations for: (1) the community economic partnership investment funds program; and (2) the emerging CDCs program. 110519) Revises the definition of "armor piercing ammunition" to include a full jacketed projectile large than .22 caliber designed and intended for use in a handgun, the jacket of which has a weight of more than 25 percent of the total weight of the projectile. lincoln military housing capeharts east; what does julie walters daughter do; apoquel talking dog commercial actress name Were looking to learn more about who uses GovTrack and what features you find helpful or think could be improved. Product Description. 320917) Amends the Federal criminal code to: (1) extend the statute of limitations for arson; and (2) require that first time domestic violence offenders, if not sentenced to a term of imprisonment, be sentenced to probation, a condition of which is to be attend a court-approved rehabilitation program (requires the court to order as an explicit condition of supervised release that the defendant attend) if an approved program is readily available within a 50-mile radius of the defendant's legal residence. 20418) Directs the Attorney General to establish within DOJ an Office of Correctional Job Training and Placement. (Sec. Sets forth further provisions regarding the control of drug-related resources, funds control notices, and certification of the adequacy of the budget request. Requires the court: (1) to promptly, upon the defendant's request, assign two counsel of whom at least one shall be learned in the law applicable to capital cases and who shall have free access to the accused at all reasonable hours; and (2) in assigning counsel, to consider the recommendation of the Federal Public Defender organization or, if no such organization exists in the district, the Administrative Office. The Act banned the sale of goods that were made by children under the age of 14, in interstate commerce. Sets forth provisions regarding: (1) circumstances in which there is more than one offender or more than one victim; (2) payment schedules; (3) setoffs; (4) the effect on other sources of compensation; (4) conditions of probation or supervised release; (5) proof of claim; (6) modification of orders; and (7) reference of issues arising in connection with a proposed restitution order to a magistrate or special master. 103322 is an Act of Congress dealing with crime and law enforcement; it became law in 1994. In Collins, our Supreme Court held that an aggravating and intrusive assault that causes a victim to sustain a permanent psychological injury may be sufficient to qualify as a permanent loss of a bodily function under N.J.S.A. Subtitle D: Domestic Violence - Prohibits the sale or other disposal of firearms or ammunition to, or receipt of firearms or ammunition by, persons who have been convicted of offenses involving domestic abuse. 20406) Requires the Director of the National Institute of Corrections to establish a task force on prison construction standardization techniques and cost-cutting new building materials and technologies. Similarly, plaintiff failed to present any objective medical evidence of an injury to her right elbow, shoulder or ankle that meets the requirements of N.J.S.A. Requires participants who do not follow through on their commitment to pay back all the scholarship money plus ten percent interest. Regrettably, he did not articulate his reasons for concluding that plaintiff had failed to demonstrate a prima facie case of permanent disfigurement that is substantial. 40609) Directs the Attorney General to: (1) compile data regarding domestic violence and intimidation (including stalking) as part of the National Incident-Based Reporting System; and (2) report annually to the Congress concerning stalking and domestic violence. A tale which stems from an assertion by the filmmakers that, in the '30s, Stalin endorsed the idea of sex-change operations for the purpose of providing more soldiers for the motherland. 320603) Sets penalties for insurance industry crimes, including embezzling from insurance companies, making false entries in insurance company books with intent to deceive, corruptly influencing or obstructing proceedings before State insurance regulatory agencies or insurance examiners, tampering with insurance regulatory proceedings, and obstruction of a criminal investigation by insurance industry officials or employees. In Falcone, the trial court stated that to be a disfigurement a scar must impair[] or injure[] the beauty, symmetry, or appearance of a person or thing render[ing its bearer] unsightly, misshapen or imperfect, [or] deform[ing her] in some manner. Falcone, supra, 135 N.J.Super. Authorizes appropriations. (Sec. 110509) Authorizes the summary destruction of explosives subject to forfeiture by the seizing officer under specified circumstances. 31503) Sets priorities for selection of at-risk youth recreation grant recipients including programs targeted to youth who are at greatest risk of becoming involved in violence and crime and programs which show the greatest potential of being continued with non-Federal funds or which can serve as models for other communities. Authorizes the enforcement of an order of restitution by a victim named in the order to receive restitution in the same manner as provided a judgment in a civil action. 320929) Amends the Tennessee Valley Authority Act of 1933 to authorize the board of directors to designate employees of the corporation to act as law enforcement agents to maintain law and order and protect persons and property in the corporation's area of jurisdiction and to protect property, officials, and employees of the corporation outside that area. Authorizes grants to hire former members of the armed forces to serve as career law enforcement officers for deployment in community-oriented policing, particularly in communities that are adversely affected by a recent military base closing. 320607) Sets forth provisions regarding: (1) the addition of specified predicate offenses to the financial institutions rewards statute; (2) the definition of "savings and loan association" for purposes of bank robbery and related offenses; and (3) the definition of "one year period" for purposes of the offense of obstructing a Federal audit. Title XXXII: Miscellaneous - Subtitle A: Increases in Penalties - Increases penalties for assault: (1) of Federal officers, foreign officials, and official guests and internationally protected persons; (2) within a maritime and territorial jurisdiction; and (3) of the President, presidential staff, congressional leaders, cabinet officials, and Supreme Court justices. 59:9-2(d). Allows a prisoner serving such a sentence, at the discretion of the Bureau of Prisons, to receive such credit if the prisoner has displayed exemplary compliance with institutional disciplinary regulations. 90102) Directs the Sentencing Commission to amend its sentencing guidelines to appropriately enhance the penalties for drug-dealing in "drug-free" zones and for illegal drug use in, and smuggling drugs into, Federal prisons. Compensability depends on the severity of the disfigurement. 150005) Specifies that grants authorized in this Act to reduce or prevent juvenile drug and gang-related activity in "public housing" may be used for such purposes in Federally assisted, low-income housing. Chapter 5: Youth Education - Amends the FVPSA to authorize the Secretary of HHS to select, implement, and evaluate four separate model programs, aimed at primary schools, middle schools, secondary schools, and institutions of higher education, for the education of young people about domestic violence and violence among intimate partners. As a father of two young boys, who worked in a cotton mill, Dagenhart filed a claim against a U.S. attorney, Hammer. 40507) Directs the Attorney General and the Secretary of HHS to report to specified congressional committees on the medical and psychological basis of "battered women's syndrome" and the extent to which evidence of such syndrome has been considered in criminal trials. Sets forth provisions regarding the amount and allocation of assistance Authorizes appropriations. 59:1-1 to-12-3 (the Tort Claims Act), plaintiffs Susan Hammer and Alan Hammer1 appeal from a dismissal of their complaint following a successful motion for summary judgment by defendants Township of Livingston and Craig D. Dufford, the Chief of the Livingston Fire Department. 20413) Requires the Secretary of Defense and the Attorney General: (1) to jointly study the suitability of military installations selected before this Act's enactment to be closed pursuant to a base closure law for conversion into Federal prison facilities. ), certif. 110508) Prohibits: (1) possession of explosives by felons and others; (2) transactions involving stolen firearms or ammunition which have moved in interstate or foreign commerce; and (3) the theft of firearms or explosives from a licensed dealer. 150007) Amends the Omnibus Act to permit the use of drug control and system improvement grants for victims assistance programs and multijurisdictional gang task forces. Sets forth reporting requirements. On Wednesday afternoon, Senate Democrats took up legislation to expand the Elliot-Larsen Civil Rights Act in Michigan. Authorizes appropriations. is not a government website. 130009) Amends the Federal criminal code to: (1) increase penalties for passport and visa offenses; and (2) set penalties for violating passport and visa provisions to facilitate a drug trafficking crime or an act of international terrorism. Title VIII: Applicability of Mandatory Minimum Penalties in Certain Cases - Amends the Federal criminal code to require the court to impose a sentencing for specified drug-related offenses pursuant to Sentencing Commission guidelines and without regard to any statutory minimum sentence, if the court finds, after the Government has been afforded the opportunity to make recommendation, that: (1) the defendant does not have more than one criminal history point and did not use violence or credible threats of violence or possess a firearm or other dangerous weapon (or induce another participant to do so) in connection with the offense; (2) the offense did to result in death or serious bodily injury to any person; (3) the defendant was not an organizer, leader, manager, or supervisor of others in the offense and was not engaged in a continuing criminal enterprise; and (4) the defendant has truthfully provided to the Government all information and evidence the defendant has concerning the offense (but the fact that the defendant has no relevant or useful other information to provide or that Government is already aware of the information shall not preclude a determination by the court that the defendant has complied with this requirement). Hammer of the Gods is a turn-based strategy game that recreates the world the way the Vikings experienced it. (Sec. (Currently, the statute only covers State "inhabitants.") (Sec. 90206) Authorizes appropriations. Directs the Attorney General to determine whether a ground for exclusion exists with respect to such a nonimmigrant. Title XVIII: Rural Crime - Subtitle A: Drug Trafficking in Rural Areas - Amends the Omnibus Act to authorize appropriations, and increase the base allocation, for rural drug enforcement assistance. (Sec. Subtitle E: Gambling - Specifies that the term "gambling ship, "for purpose of the prohibition under the Federal criminal code against such ships in international waters, does not include a vessel with gambling aboard beyond U.S. territorial waters during a covered voyage (as defined in the Internal Revenue Code as in effect on January 1, 1994). Modifies the prohibition against accessing a Government computer where such conduct affects the use of the Government's operation of such computer to cover only actions that "adversely" affect such use. Authorizes appropriations. Includes among permissible uses of grant monies working with local domestic violence programs and providers of direct services to encourage appropriate responses to domestic violence within the State, including: (1) providing training and technical assistance for local programs and professionals working with victims of domestic violence; (2) planning and conducting State needs assessments and planning for comprehensive services; (3) serving as an information clearinghouse and resource center for the State; and (4) collaborating with other governmental systems which affect battered women. WebHammer: Pumps and a Bump, Version 2: Directed by Craig S. Brooks. Your note is for you and will not be shared with anyone. From the 1950s when they pumped Technicolor blood into old monsters like Frankenstein and Dracula, to today's chillers like 'Let The Right (Sec. Chapter 2: Education and Training for Judges and Court Personnel in Federal Courts - Encourages the circuit judicial councils to conduct studies of any instances of gender bias in legal proceedings in their respective circuits and to implement recommended reforms. (Sec. This Court further finds that the healed fractures do not constitute, individually, a permanent bodily function that is lost. (Sec. Permits the use of such notice solely for law enforcement purposes. Requires any such device manufactured after the date of this Act's enactment to be identified by a serial number that clearly shows that the device was manufactured or imported after the effective date of this Act.
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