Some Dubs believed the year 2000 would not arrive before Armageddon. Accordingly his days shall amount to a hundred and twenty years.' Tweet. I am sure that, based on the Watchtower articles I have referred to above, you have no intent of providing a possible means for the calculation of a date for Armageddon. She has taught lies about God. Were not the anointed Christians in Thessalonica impatient to see "the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ" and "the day of Jehovah"?2 Thessalonians 2:1, 2.15 There is nothing basically unscriptural in using chronology in efforts to learn "the appointed time" for the fulfillment of God's purposes. (The Time Is At Hand; 1889; 1908 ed. by slimboyfat Jehovah's Witnesses with 1.3 million members in the U.S. who hand out brochures on sidewalks and subway platforms and ring doorbells are one of the most visible religious groups in the . Noah preached 120 years until the time of the flood, which was the time of the end to Noah and his generation . (Rev. We are certainly in 'the time of the end.'. Growth slowed substantially in the 1960s and the board of directors panicked. class to publish the interpretation after the Supreme Court by Christ Jesus reveals it. Jehovah God is therefore the only Supreme Court of interpretation of His inspired word. To such remnant of faithful servants of Jehovah God Christ Jesus has entrusted all ?his goods?, or earthly interests of the Kingdom. Notice that Jesus did not liken his presence to the relatively short period of time during which the Flood occurred in Noah's day. We must, therefore, insist that the Scriptures do not teach that Armageddon is a carnal conflict that is a precursor to the end of earths history. We can take the prophetic time, and time-and-a-half, apply it to the preaching work done by Noah to come up with a parallel even realized by the inspection. If we have once established what instrument God is using as his "slave" to dispense spiritual food to his people, surely Jehovah is not pleased if we receive that food as though it might contain something harmful. Five years later, Poul and his wife stopped associating with the Witnesses, which in 1964 resulted in his being interrogated by their Elders and then ostracised from the . He will vent that rage by using demonic propagandaunclean inspired expressionsto cause a coalition of nations to turn on Jehovahs servants. I have a suggestion about what might happen to Witnesses in the future. Proof they already started on this road. The December 15, 2003 Watchtower article is paralleling Noah's day to our present day. 9 Jehovah will not wipe out Satans entire world all at once, as he did in Noahs day. When the planet earth is destroyed, it will be a consequence of militant muslims or tectonic or planetary/solar mechanics and not because of any intervention from the "spirit realm.". Most Jehovah's Witnesses - roughly two-thirds (65%) - are . 1914." The first was the initial portion of Matthew 24, while the latter was an excerpt from Pauls second epistle to Timothy. 32:8) We will trust in Jehovah our Goda stand that will seem foolish to the nations. That great historical event took place in the year 1914, conclusive proof concerning this having already appeared in the . 4. But I did agree with those who suggested that it may be an indication of things to come. We are certainly in 'the time of the end.' 10 But who is at the head of this rapidly expanding congregation, you ask? Final Prophecy Cycle Timeline Images; . This does not signify that the faithful remnant or society of Jehovah?s anointed witnesses are an earthly tribunal of interpretation, delegated to interpret the Scriptures and its prophecies. More important, imagine how profoundly happy you will be when Gods name and sovereignty have been fully vindicated! 77:12) These activities, along with a full share in the ministry, will keep our faith strong and our hope alive! The eschatology of Jehovah's Witnesses is central to their religious beliefs. Will the Witnesses have a turn-around just as they did in the early 1970s? It is Gods spirit that bears witness with that persons spirit that anoints them with the heavenly hope. Answer (1 of 23): Jehovah God is the ONLY one who decides who will have the privilege of being anointed/born again or not. We should have confidence in the channel God is using . 6:33; 24:14) It also includes supporting Christs anointed brothers as they care for their weighty responsibilities.Matt. jw 30:15; Rev. Never in these instances, however, did they presume to originate predictions 'in the name of Jehovah.' So I'd like to answer some of the a accusations that questions about Jehovah's witnesses always seems to bring. 24:14. 12-18) Noteworthy is the sentence that says: "Rather than trying to decide whether a certain person, family or group of persons . ***15 Yes, Jehovah's people have had to revise expectations from time to time. Let's take a real close look at the name "Jehovah . Jehovah is the one behind all of it. After being given divine warning of things not yet beheld,' says the apostle Paul, '[Noah] showed godly fear and constructed an ark for the saving of his household.' Armageddon is just ahead. Prior to 1975, it was widely taught among the Witnesses that that year would usher in the end. When such did not occur, thousands abandoned the movement. The phrase is taken from Jesus' words in the book of Matthew. It appears to me that the context of these accounts is clearly focusing on an event (it occurred Luke 17:26) that overtook unwary people. What events will lead up to it? . Jehovah's Witnesses are more convinced than ever before that the end of the world is imminent. Figures increased greatly leading up to 1975 and there was great expectation. The group took on the name International Bible Students Association and by 1914 it . | I asked this question (and I received no answer). 1993 3/22 Why So Many False Alarms? (b)Why will our knowing Jehovah prove to be a blessing at Armageddon? Either that or there is a contradiction between Matthew and Luke on this matter. 2034 was one of the dates Newton determined. The statement in the footnote appears to ignore the parallel account in Luke 17:26-28: Moreover, just as it occurred in the days of Noah, so it will be also in the days of the Son of man: 27 they were eating, they were drinking, men were marrying, women were being given in marriage, until that day when Noah entered into the ark, and the flood arrived and destroyed them all. Answer (1 of 19): Others have already given good answers as to what Armageddon is. When I was still a JW some of us were wondering aloud who the "king of the north" is now. 5. | It is vital, therefore, that each one recognize that Jesus Christ is the Head of the Christian congregation, as well as showing proper regard for those on earth who have been theocratically appointed to positions of oversight.-Phil. At 1Thessalonians 5:2, Jehovahs day refers to the great tribulation. (Rev. 3. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . (1 John 2:17) Now is therefore the time to do Jehovah's will with a keen sense of urgency.". 13. 202-203 ***. You will be interested to learn that God has on earth a people, all of whom are prophets , or witnesses for God. It wasn't clearly subjected at all but, as usual, they used their twisted words Tour de Garde du 15 Dcembre 2003 Extraits: " 6 : "Aux jours de No, Jhovah a dclar " Mon esprit n'agira pas envers l'homme indfiniment, puisqu'il est galement chair. Armageddon: The Next of the Left-Behind Series, The English Standard Version and Micah 5:2, Be Confident of Your Salvation Studies in 1 John (Part 2). 14 Gog will trust in his arm of fleshhis military might. latest ):--arise, be assembled, be(-come, -fall, -have self), be brought (to pass), (be) come (to pass), continue, be divided, draw, be ended, fall, be finished, follow, be found, be fulfilled, + God forbid, grow, happen, have, be kept, be made, be married, be ordained to be, partake, pass, be performed, be published, require, seem, be showed, X soon as it was, sound, be taken, be turned, use, wax, will, would, be wrought. Aussi ses jours se monteront-ils cent vint ans." 2. This may seem counter-intuitive to getting rid of someone, but the fact is that if you don't answer the door, they are likely to mark you as "not home" and return in the near future. Now, all they have to do is shift the start date to 1914 and they've got 2034 to look forward to. *** w84 12/1 p. 18 Keep Ready! Incredibly, however, they manipulate the expression this generation across more than 2,000 years of history to embrace the modern era. Their strength will be in keeping calm and showing trust in Jehovah and his heavenly armies.Isa. They were not the first group to resist mandatory recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance in public schools, but their resistance was the most widespread, coordinated, and uncompromising. PRIVACY POLICY (a)Why is Armageddon good news for mankind? World. 4:18)"February 15, 1981, page 19. No man?s opinion is expressed in The Watchtower. Then there was that Watchtower a while back that many apostates interpreted as pointing to 2034 implicitly. 37:2337-Minute Listen. Do Jehovah?s Witnesses claim that Jehovah God speaks through them? Witness leaders nowadays do not have the luxury of an 'open the window' period of reform, although there have been some small moves in that dirrection. Danker, et al., Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature, Chicago: University of Chicago, 2000, p. 191). At Armageddon, Gods people will not fight. I don't know what I am talking about read this post at your peril. . 2034,that would make my husband 84yrs old.But i thought it was any day now.Same crap,keep the flock in line with death threats no matter how long it takes. To receive everlasting life in the earthly we must identify that organization and serve God as part of it. (Ps. A plane carrying five Jehovah's Witness ministers crashed Saturday, killing all aboard, officials said. Revelation is clear that it is the Kings of the earth versus God. How can we be among those who will be saved at Armageddon? But what happens when an elder's reasoning is confronted with . As she grew up as a third-generation Jehovah's Witness, there were certain things . 9. (Ezek. 23 The holy spirit of Jehovah is working mightily today! -2 Thess. The organization expanded worldwide under these men's leadership, from about 113,000 in 1942 to more than 6 million in 2000. (Genesis 6:3) The issuance of this divine decree in 2490 B.C.E. It's amazing that other Christians will mock us for this scriptural belief but at the same time tell . Lots of threats - pandemic, China, Russia, terrorism and no real integrity in leadership are unnerving, however the JW's have a clear and tangible history of falsely prophesying Armageddon, actually 6 or 7 separate and distinct episodes in their brief ~140 year history - yes "God's Organization" is less than 200 yrs old as while Jesus walked . Matthew 24:21 NWT. 8:3) How so? 1986 June 8 p.9 "Would That All Were Prophets!" Why not? (Watchtower, Jan. 1, 1989, p. 12 [bound volume changed "20th century" to "day"]), Jehovah's prophetic word through Christ Jesus is: 'This generation (of 1914) will by no means pass away until all things occur.' The fact of the matter is, however, the Watchtower folks concede that Christs application was to the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans in A.D. 70. Welcome This website was founded by dedicated, baptized Jehovah's Witnesses. This crazy religion changes doctrine more than some people change underwear. 33:22; Heb. 11:18) To help us understand these points more clearly, let us consider four questions: What is Armageddon? Some Dubs believed the year 2000 would not arrive before Armageddon. SONG 143 Keep Working, Watching, and Waiting. 13 The attack of Gog. So, they've cut expenses to the bone (with more cuts on the way I would imagine). The Jehovahs Witness view of the battle of Armageddon is but one example of the ineptness of this group to analyze biblical prophecy. Why do they have to go from one extreme to another? It's obvious to me that leadership needs to fire up the members in some way. The contextual wording has it emphasis not in the length (period) of time people where involved in this behavior, but in that this behavior caused them to miss the sudden event. (a)According to 1Thessalonians 5:1-6, what unusual proclamation will world leaders make? Don't cry Slimboy, its early here on the east coast on my side of the pond and most of the rest of the yanks are still in bed, I'll give it a read after my next cup of joe. *** Watchtower 1943 July 1 pp. And it will save mankind by protecting our planet from ruin. The cover of that particular issue dramatically asked: "Are we . 2 - Set an end date at 2034 and attempt to repeat the amount of growth they got in the 20 years prior to 1975. I doubt they'll come out with a specific date in the near future. No more than four-in-ten members of the group belong to any one racial and ethnic background: 36% are white, 32% are Hispanic, 27% are black and 6% are another race or mixed race. Failed Watchtower date predictions and changed date doctrine of Jehovah's Witnesses, including lesser known ones such as 1799, 1844, 1874, 1878, 1918, 1920 and the 1940's. . I was just a young kid during the 75 debacle but I do remember the energy and excitment thinking that the great trib was going to start any day now (fear too, but that's another story). They will not even be armed! Third, as we will see later in this article, the war of Armageddon will begin when the worlds kings attack Gods people, who are scattered throughout the earth. I am just setting out one of the possibilities. Let us take a closer look at those two major events. ", I asked. One of the biggest problems for the governing body is that 2034 is an awful long time away. And they will not recover until they make a new prediction That is all history you know already, so sorry for going over it again. Will religious leaders participate? Jehovah's Witnesses teaches that Armageddon will start in the year 2034. ;-). - Genesis 6:17", Page 15, Paragraph 7 "Noah received the warning of the upcoming catastrophe decades in advance and he wisely used the time to prepare for survival.'
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