Pisces is trine to moon with, virgo rising, moon in11th h. cancer, trine Pluto, in Scorpio, (7th h. sun, Pisces with mercury,). I soaked up all the info that he had to offer, and as I started learning more about the techniques he uses, I thought more about possibly getting a reading. And as others have said, he has a great sense of humor; in my opinion, the value of that cannot be overstated! Mercury in Pisces is a powerful combination of analytical thinking and imaginative power. Interesting article. They have a deep appreciation for the arts, and enjoy creative hobbies such as painting or writing. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. Mercury, the planet of the mind, communication and business will swim through the tropical reefs of Pisces from March 9 until March 27, 2022. A strong Mercury in the birth chart indicates a witty, intelligent, curious person. Being sensitive, they quickly get hurt. Seems to be, I have an extreme amt. Yearly-Horoscope.Org 2023. Imagine yourself on a journey through the skies, soaring on the wings of imagination, where anything is possible. It is professional astrologer Patrick Watson who does his job best. And because you are this way, you absolutely abhor small talk and people who are superficial. I never knew about some interpretation of my natal placements but Patrick described. These people are caring and tender which is noticed by others clearly in their way . This placement accentuates their compassion, imagination, and intuition. In some classical scriptures, there is mentioned that a retrograde planet is so strong that is capable of overcoming its own weaknesses in the sign of fall even without the support of dispositor. The characteristics you included describes a person with this combination of improved Pisces Mercury well. Mercury in an expansive water sign like Pisces, tends to make it hyper imaginative and intuitive. If this fortunate combination occurs, then it can produce extremely good outcomes from the significations that were mentioned earlier. Asteroids and comets added, well chk. A very mystical soul, you are attuned to all things spiritual. The Astrological reason for this is the rulership of Jupiter over the zodiac sign Pisces. Their compassionate nature allows them to radiate love to the world around them, making strangers feel like old friends. Mercury in Pisces has the tendency to soak in the entire world's subconscious ideas, and has a strong lack of discernment when it comes to to deciding what thought belongs to us, and what belongs to someone else. He gives you a great perspective on your life and how it unravels by pinpointing period in your past that will echo through today (and tomorrow!). As the planet the closest to the Sun, it has the shortest orbital period of all the planets. Mercury in Pisces is usually non-traditional and mystical. However, this can become an extremely powerful placement, if the cancellation of debilitation occurs and a powerful yoga is formed. Thank you for your work. Pisces is the mutable water sign. Mercury in Pisces is an introspective and imaginative individual who has the capacity to absorb a vast amount of knowledge effortlessly. (Sunan an-Nasa'i 4047)There must be no racism, sects, tribes, or gangs amongst you, and take special care of women, and increased rewards get those who educate women especially who suffer in calamities. However, a dignified Jupiter greatly improves this situation. 2) Timing recommendations provided by this electional service are based on Patrick Watsons opinion of astrological factors and are not guarantees of desired results, and are not intended to contradict, supersede or be in any way a substitute for the advice of qualified professionals in other fields such as medicine, law or finance, etc. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Search, get listed, or request production services. Pisces is the sign of duality. They often talk about morals and what is right or wrong. Because of your sensitivity, you take on the energy of other people easily, what might overwhelm you. They are very sensitive to the arguments and criticism of others and tend to carry grudges inside them for a prolonged time if they feel hurt. The late great Albert Einstein, legendary singer/songwriter Elton John, and actress Emma Watson are examples of successful people with Mercury in Pisces. Would do again 10/10! This is so apt and very good narration. All in all, I wholeheartedly recommend choosing Patrick Watson as your astrologer, and I look forward to pursuing consultations with him again in the future. This zodiac sign is receptive, dreamy, intuitive, creative, artistic, sensitive, gentle. They are soft spoken, sensitive and compassionate. Mercury in Pisces also attracts those with a deep sense of compassion and empathy. Mr. Patrick is a great astrologer. 2) Analysis provided by this horary service are based on Patrick Watsons opinion of astrological factors and are not intended to contradict, supersede or be in any way a substitute for the advice of qualified professionals in other fields such as medicine, law or finance, etc. One of the main weaknesses of this Mercury sign is that it might lack the sense for practical things. They are intuitive and seek a spiritually oriented partner who is compatible with their emotional nature. This is a great time for self-examination and introspection. I have a neighbour who is Also Sun and Mercury, in the 12th house and shes always been good at Maths and is smart. I cannot speak highly enough of Patrick. Mercury is planet of communication while Pisces is sign of imagination. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. You might be on the fence measuring the pros and cons. I thought, finally an astrologer with a practical approach, who really knows their stuff, and he has a personality too! Mercury in Pisces enables to think outside the materialistic box and make things in completely unique way. 4) I accept Patrick Watsons right to refuse service and provide a full refund on the basis of any ethical, legal or other concerns about my electional request. It is not fully rooted in the physical world, what adds a dreamy touch to people who have Pisces strong in their chart. You might struggle with anxiety, especially when you are under pressure. Water signs are linked with mysticism, the unconscious, emotions, depth. With all that being said, other people are able to manipulate and take advantage of Pisces Mercury natives rather easily. No effect is bad when it is channeled or applied correctly at right time in the right places! Edgar Caycefour planets plus the north node in Pisces. So, embrace the power of Mercury in Pisces, and see what amazing things you can create. Her fondness for staying in touch with family and friends makes it likely that she is popular among both groups. He also helped me realize how my passions and interests appear in my chart, and gave me advice on how to anticipate incorporating passion/purpose and find a career. Her intuition is like a sixth sense, allowing her to see beyond what is visible to the naked eye. She is careful and considerate of feelings, and takes all emotions involved into account before she makes any action. In astrology, Mercury represents the way we think and reason, the way we speak and communicate, saying something about our interests, skills and hobbies, our sense of humor. They find it really difficult to analyze clearly and tend to just stay optimistic which can put them in danger to execute irrational decisions. Pisces is the final sign of the Zodiac. When it comes to this combination of Mercury, the general effect is that they communicate in a very different way. So, lets celebrate the magic of Mercury in Pisces and the fantastic individuals who have made a mark on the world with their gifts. Hence, this combination, if well manifested, can be a great benefit. When they are involved in debates, they often tend to jump into conclusions rather than trying to find and explain the reason or logic for their statements. 3)Prices are provided in USD. Coinbase automatically converts the USD price into the current exchange rate for currently accepted cryptocurrencies: Bitcoin (BTC), Bitcoin Cash (BCH), Dai (DAI), Dogecoin (DOGE), Ethereum (ETH), Litecoin (LTC) and USD Coin (USDC). I'm talking about ideas the drift in from the ether (eal). The combination of Mercury in their sign gives their mentality an almost mystical quality, although naturally the Pisces influence means they can also be particularly dreamy and impractical. Thanks again for helping me to better understand the path Ive been on all my life. Sun in Arise and Saturn and Rahu combination in the fourth. Herein the 7th signifies entrepreneurship, marketplaces, partnerships, marriage, while the 10th signifies social rank, honor, status, and high achievements. They are polite and compassionate towards others. Mercury, the planet of communication and thought, is the sign of dreams, emotions, and spirituality in its astrological home in Pisces. Furthermore, if a dignified Jupiter supports Mercury well, they are endowed with higher wisdom which helps them to support their often unconventional statements. So much makes sense now. Mercury likes to gather facts and information; it investigates and analyzes. Pisces belongs to a different realm, just like music. This Cancer Rising singer has Mercury in Pisces , Venus in Taurus and the moon in Libra. Mercury changes signs relatively quickly, so its sign is highly personal. From time to time it is not easy to deal with this placement. She is always daydreaming, building castles in the air, and living a parallel life in a fantasy world. Mercury can also have a big role. If you have Mercury in Pisces, fear not! If you have this placement, you might often feel that you are misunderstood. The special facet of Pisces rules dreaming and the subconscious, so there will always be a dreaminess about him. One of the negative traits of the Pisces Mercury is that this placement might be manipulative. Be sure to seek advice from Patrick Watson! This is why they are often drawn to poetry, art, and psychology as the professions of choice for them. Gotta appreciate an astrologer that doesn't sugarcoat things and analizes everything to the minor detail. Mercury is actually the planet that signifies a network of nerves. (Riyad as-Salihin 1808). There is good luck through large institutions and spiritual development. Mercury in Pisces is a unique and independent blend of minds whose deep emotional connection to one another may not be obvious to the casual observer. It felt like my chart wasnt looked at. Therefore, Mercury also rules over information transfer including various kinds of devices that are used to communicate. Her creativity does not allow her to follow a certain trail of thought or be guided by a plan. However, a strong Jupiter endows them with faith which means that they have the capacity to trust their imagination by following spiritual or religious principles instead of wasting their vital energy on analysis. Looking forward to read many more!!! He is quite gifted and can do many types of readings. If something sparks their interest, they absorb it on a very deep level. them really simply and thoroughly. Reese Witherspoon, Pedro Pascal, and Justin Timberlake are just a few of the Mercury in Pisces celebrities. Stars are part of creation and must never be worshipped according to The Last Word of God, and older authentic religious revelations. With thanks to my sponsors! Despite him receiving the message, he somehow failed to forward it to the captain. Soon after the Sun moves into Aries, the Moon joins in, so on March 21st, 2023, we have a New Moon at 0 Aries. The New Moon in Aries is our bridge between life before . He is the type of person who will always be one step ahead of those around him. Muhammad [PBUH] was most akin to Jesus [PBUH], who is coming back, and the best of people will be under protection of Jesus [PBUH]. This planet rules the mind in astrology. Thanks. Mercury is the planet of merchants, mental intellect, and clear thinking. Instead, it merely gives impulses that inspire to gain from the significances of Mercury through immature tactics. Mercury in Pisces men are also famous for their intuition and psychic abilities. However, they perform well in tasks and activities which require a less analytical and critical mind. In astrology, water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) are mute. Religious truth & wisdom to bless your lifeKeep repenting and repeating secretly in mind: "God is enough for me and I bear witness that there is no other worthy of worship than the Almighty Creator alone" for the joy and abundance of God to flow in(Surat al-Baqarah 2:163)Whoever makes the Hereafter (aims for piety & righteousness) his/her goal, Allah (english: God) makes his/her heart rich, and organizes his/her affairs, and the world comes to him/her whether it wants to or not (Jami` at-Tirmidhi 2465)And God is the most merciful and loving. Also, I feel like I dont really care about information and details sometimes, I have a hard time remembering it too. But with a name like bigfatastro, I just had to check it out. Pisces, on the other hand, is the sign of intuition and dreams, misty and soft, a world where rational thinking doesnt play the leading role. Additionally, it indicates being unable to achieve high success, recognition, and reputation due to fraudulent and wicked mentality. Shes willing to forgive because the sweetest spot in her heart is reserved for romantic relationships. Its a time for introspection, where we can slow down and reflect on our thoughts and feelings. You have the vision, but without the necessary discipline and attention to details, it is hard to make your dreams come true. This will make them very attached to their spouse, willing to do anything for them. This can be really paralysing in your everyday life. He is a deep, mysterious character. As a result, the characteristics of Mercury function inefficiently in Pisces. One example of such a situation happened on an unfortunate night on the deck of Titanic where Jack Phillips was responsible for transferring telegraphs (messages). When they get caught, they are inclined to escape from their quilt by convincing others with their mental skills that they were not aware of the fact that their wrongdoings cause harm to somebody. Later, they refrain from repeating the same mistakes. Is there a significance of Moon opposing Mercury + Sun (1-7 axis)? Hi , its a superb and detailed article on debiliated mercury I came across. Because you are so sensitive to the feelings of others you expect them to be the same too, which is not always the case. Therefore, they are naturally very talented in activities where their intuition and imagination are highly valued. The native blessed by positive combust debilitated Mercury in the twelfth house in the sign of Pisces and other positive planets may possess great skills related to music composition and by virtue of such skills; he may earn very good amount of money, success and fame as a music composer. These individuals are sympathetic to the human condition. super impressed and happy with the reading. It is important for you to recharge and get enough sleep. Positive Traits of Mercury in Pisces. Thank you for sharing your experience! In fact, they can become very famous and renowned in the world with their original and unique creations. Mercury in Pisces men are the wittiest and most charming among other astrology signs. Mercurys house and aspects should be taken into account too. This also means that it transits the Zodiac quickly (after the Moon and the Sun, it is the quickest celestial body in astrology). Pisces is a soft sign that slips out of your handit is hard to differentiate illusions from reality. This person will have a constant wanderlust and desire to be on the move. His predictions are very consistent. And with possible Cherokee 4 Gens back on my Paternal male line, Springer. Moreover, as Mercury the planet of communication is weakened, their way of interaction is somewhat suppressed. In addition to that, the angle formed between Sun and Moon carries an additional important role in shaping Last updated on July 12th, 2020 at 09:33 pm What does Mercury in Capricorn mean? PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Keep an open dialogue with loved ones to ensure it will ward off discord and disappointment. Wanted to i am in Pisces acendent , Sun, Mars and Mercury in 1St house and Jupiter exalted in 5th house . Heartily thankful. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED! Similarly, Mercury is a planet of dualities, a wildcard, a trickster, sometimes hot, sometimes cold, sometimes good, sometimes bad. Rely on your imagination and intuition now for inspiration. But Pisces is the place of the sublime and the divine. But in the other subjects I learnt quite easy and Ive ways had good memory. His reading for me was profound and answered many questions I had about trends. Those born with Mercury in Pisces are imaginative by nature. When the debilitation of Mercury is canceled, and further leads to the formation of a special and powerful Neecha Bhanga Raj Yoga, it is a true blessing. Mutable signs are associated with endings and changes. These celebrities are often humanitarians, using their platform to impact the world and fight for those in need positively. Hence, both logically and spiritually, meditation definitely improves Mercury, regardless of which sign it is placed in. Black Irish Descent. With these valuable insights we can evolve through wisdom and avoid making same mistakes over again that are caused by our deep weaknesses and insecurities. They are able to relate to what others are feeling, and they want nothing more than to be loved and cared for as well. Hello! In extreme cases, people with this placement might seek relief in alcohol or drugs (or other dysfunctional coping mechanisms). Hence, this disposition of Mercury from its home supports them in succeeding in the world of spirituality and other similar imaginative creations. I was amazed with what he told me it was as if he knew me intimately. The Mercury in Pisces woman is curious which has a positive effect on her creativity. Although these individuals can appear a little shy or reserved, they are able to form deep and intense friendships with those who are sensitive enough to understand their gentle needs. This Mercury sign indicates a need for time alone. This is a transit that feels very dreamy, and it is a good time to reorient and do some damage control with your motivation and resources.
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