His plan was ruined when Jennifer called over a helicopter and sent the flyers he was about to put up on Jennifer's house scattered all over town instead. Bill apologized, and she forgave him. The girl turns out to be Alice, Koffsky's love. When you speak with him, Donald tells you that Watson has been calling him nonstop. Bill and Mary get back together. Clyde gives you a Blue Gift for your help. He will ask you to make him some Energy of Nature Ice Cream with Guarana before he leaves. You explain Petrovich took her ring from a magpie. Jennifer is ashamed to have been blind to Mike's machinations but thankful you opened her eyes. Elsa and Clyde decide they want to surprise their daughter (Mary) and her fianc (Bill) with the perfect wedding - and they need your help! Requirements: Smoothie with Espresso, Chocolate Shavings, Cardamom and Saffron for Jennifer, Magical Coffee with Rose, Cardamom, Saffron and Gold for Jennifer. He thinks Carl could be of help considering his criminal past and the antique dealer suggests setting up surveillance cameras to catch the thief in action with the help of Bill. When Clyde returns, he says his childhood sweetheart loved it, although her husband wasnt too happy. They do still love each other, but now theres feelings of distrust and annoyance. Carl tells you that, while he doesnt know the recipe or ingredients needed to make a supercupcake, he does know where to find them. As a result, she wants to prepare both the men for this conversation. Mary will ask you for a tapioca tea with milk, vanilla and cardamom, and Bill asks for the latest flooring. Gives you 3 diamonds. Henry is fed up trying to convince his friends that the ghost isnt real, so he decides to take matters into his own hands and track down the culprit himself. Jennifer then decides to go up against him in the next election. When Felicia gets home, theres a trail of rose petals and candles leading down to the basement. Once you talk to Watson, if you qualified for Gold Gift, he will also offer you a Red Gift for 899 diamonds. The dinner turns into a shouting match and neither Felicias mother nor Petrovich notice when Felicia leaves, angry at them both for thinking they know whats best for her. When you see him again, he tells you about accomplishing the mission Then Koffsky returns and gives you 15 diamonds and Saffron as a reward. Turns out, the new customer isnt a criminal at all, but a celebrity who goes by the name Workhorse. When you talk to the new customer, he asks for a Invigorating Tea and introduces himself as Clyde Bowen. Donald favorite aunt owns the stadium, he promises to get her permission to hold the concert there on the condition that you serve him a Choco Moco. The potion enhances your feelings, even the subconscious ones. Say you were upset about the mix-up with the dress. Elsa actually likes Bill very much, although she does think hes a little dorky. Emily and Lucass answers are different from each other, but she accepts that and accepts him for who he is. Koffsky returns from the cook-off, looking uncomfortable. He asks for a Honey Milkshake with Tapioca, Cardamom and Rose. Say you were at the salon and you were impressed by the service. In return for your help, hell give you a Gold Gift. Agent quit, she's a DJ pariah now. So Mary decided to create a prophetic dream to help Elsa to relax. Excited for her first rehearsal, Cleo is dismayed to find that Cream Hall is only interested in the Queen of Scandal, not Cleo herself, and wants her to do something outrageous during her performance: perform topless with a peacock on her head. Mary is perfectly happy and Clyde is, too, now that hes found Emily. Went to a wedding event with Mary recently. Refusing to stay in her house alone any longer, Henry offers to stay at Elsas to check the music box for prints, but instead he sees Koffsky running away from Elsas house. At level 4, the player meets Ben, Mary's boyfriend. New equipment: Mixer (Cost: 7.5 million coins), Simple machine costs 2.5 million coins. Nevertheless, that method worked. After some asking around, the question came up if Leopold had any other wives before Elsa. When you talk to him, Lucas is heavily in denial and insists its simply for a scientific experiment; theres no feelings of love, only chemical reactions. While waiting for Lucas, she flips through the magazine and finds out how Lucas traveled to a parallel universe and fell in love with the scientist version of her there. To do this you must investigate why Bill looks so disheveled of late by asking customers questions in order to gain clues. When Cleo hears this, she asks you for a Canel with Vanilla and Honey as she thinks over what to do with Mike. Tips: Superman costume for Bill and white dress for Mary, OR dinner jacket for Bill and Wonder Woman costume for Mary. Asks for Tea with Guarana, Cinnamon, and Lemon to calm his nerves. Watson, furious that their squabbling has intruded on his daytime life as well, warns them to stop, otherwise theyll find themselves both in jail. However, this scoop is nothing compared to what she said next: that shes Marys biological mother! Surprisingly, Ben manages to buy a mansion from her directly -she needs to keep selling real estate on her own to still be a member of the real estate association-. She agrees to share the findings with you as soon as you treat her to some Tea with Galangal, Milk and Caramel. If you sell the caf to Donald, he'll give you 25 diamonds. She doesn't mind she ended up losing the bet either because, regardless, she's happy for Cleo and said she did an amazing job. At level 7, Petrovich's ex-wife calls him, says she is coming home and wants to see him. Your choice whether to get the Red Gift or just take the Gold Gift. Alice was upset that Koffsky had forgotten her allergy and Koffsky left. I am stuck.. dont know what to choose.. level 28 sell cafe to Donald for 1 coin. Then he decides to take a parenting class with Elsa, but first asks you for a Spring Cupcake with Nutmeg and Saffron. Then, Olivia asks her to take coffee to everyone involved in the case, Michaela will ask you for an Americano with Saffron and Cardamom. He also tells you hes found Emilys real biological father whos been in jail for murder for 21 years. The recipe has been split into three parts. Ron comes into the coffee shop angry. His wife left him at the time. He now needs to write a speech for the proposal while you prepare: Make him Tea with Saffron, Ginseng, Lemon and Honey. She concludes this was a whole PR stand from her competitors and gives you a Blue Gift. When you first meet him, he will ask for a Cheesecake with Anise, Lemon, and Chocolate Syrup. But things still dont add up: why would Carl confess if the police were looking for a woman? No spoilers for what happens there;). Olivia is about to kick her sister our of her life tomorrow, but they have to go to court before with Cleo's jewellery. When you see Koffsky again, he tells you about Watson's odd reaction. He tells you he will rescue Michaela in a horse and after that, he'll tell the police. After an Adrenalino with Guarana, he'll tell you that Mary proposed to him because she wasn't sure when the heck he'd do it. Olivia asks you to tell Micaela to take care. Talking to Bill, you learn that he made a mistake in his search for Mr. Bowens offspring. She tries to get Lucas to fix it, but not even quantum mechanics can help it now. Donald would love it if his grandmother could read "Cinderella" to him one more time. My Cafe: Recipes And Stories Answers for Android - Chapter Cheats Each will decline the invite (Bill because he's in love with Mary, Margaret because she has been married 13 times and is tired of going to weddings, Koffsky because he cannot afford a gift and Watson because work has been busy). She believe she's cursed since even before she went there. The programmer says if it wasnt for Rons tricks during their chess match, he probably wouldve lost against his opponent since he tried to distract Bill the entire match. Bill canceled her plane ticket by buying it, blowing her chance of making it into show biz. She asks you to speak to Mary and find out more about her childhood. Tip: crossing the moat using the branches of a nearby tree, point the vacuum cleaner at the tiger because cats are afraid of them, call the fire department to save the sentimental grand piano. Requirements: Ice Tea for Bill, Cupcake With Cinnamon and Anise for Margaret. Lucas rebuilds his equipment with the help of Petrovich to repeat the experiment and return himself and Emily to their own bodies. But he doesnt have much luck either and is convinced Ron has a soccer ball for brains. Out of all his ramblings, it seems that Carl is one of the most prominent suspects as hes come into some money recently. It's time to try good pancakes and tasty biscuits. Margaret will ask you to serve a Chocolate Cake with Tapioca, Hazelnuts and Honey to share a secret about how to behave in high society, Petrovich will ask you for an American with Saffron and Cardamom to get ready for the charity, Petrovich will ask for an Americano with Saffron and Cardamom after the party, Petrovich will ask for Aphrodite Tea with Nutmeg, Rose, and Cinnamon for Felicia, Felicia will ask for Tea with Ginseng, Guarana, Lemon, and Mint, Cat food - Mary Ditt's cat (Faustina), vacuum, catnip, favorite food under advertised food. Spoiler, Bill falls into a pit while helping to save some tiger cubs. When you break the news to Jennifer, she says she has to think and come up with another plan of action. Margaret thinks you should advise Koffsky to rent out part of his home to Clyde Bowen, who just happens to be looking for a place. I got no gifts or anything from that quest.. did they change it with all those updates. Watson recognizes her as a girl whom he rescued once. Cleo has her first match coming up, but neither she nor Mike know how to play chess. Both Bill and Mary say theyve been fighting and it seems to have started out of nowhere. Cleo says shes using them for the Oh blondie! game show, which Mike roped her into. Alice goes to a mental health clinic where she undergoes a series of tests, while under hypnosis, that should help her deal with her problems(bad luck). Alice has decided to get into something extreme and has chosen diving. They met when he went to fix the computer network at Mary's college but she doesn't remember him. With the equipment finally setup, Bill returns with good news: he was able to see a figure escaping from the exhibit, but from the recordings it looks like it was a woman. Koffsky almost dies and asks for a sub-style 5 sconce decoration for the cafe. For one, Lucasor "Lucassandro" in this realityis a famous heartthrob celebrity! He is the town's mayor, but unfortunately a corrupt one. Answer from: Ann@Andy. But it turns out that NoDitt99 is really Mary, who was nervous about telling Bill that she was pregnant and why she was acting so moody with him. He is the threat that Watson Holmes is talking about. In the meantime, she asks you to talk to Cleo to find out whats going on with her and her phone. Bill gives you a Blue Gift. Requirements: 3 Stands, 3 Bar Counters and 3 Bar Stools from the style you have chosen. Watson is like I'm going to keep this for a bit til it's sorted. He offers to take the mirror off your hands and tells you to let Koffsky know its gone. When confronted by the player she quickly admits she did it. He asks you to talk to your customers to see how they get rid of love sickness. Clyde dreams of giving another concert, but he needs to write a new song to perform. Heartbroken and feeling used, she tells Lucas hes dead to her and rushes out. When you speak with him, he tells you Alice moved out, although theres nothing wrong with their relationship. Tip: there's no good option to choose regarding the flowers, just choose one (Mary will send them back without comment anyway); at the end, when it's time to help Clyde, take him out for sports, then choose hot chocolate, hot chocolate again, and eventually relaxation. But nobody knows who started the rumor, including Daisy. Koffsky agrees, confident that hell win with his new tech. Elsa plucked up her courage and told Mary everything. Koffsky gives you 300 if you lent him 250 at #Level 14. In the end, Mary and Bill hangs out with another couple who has a baby. Cleo says the ring is a family heirloom, so there's no proof of ownership as a result. Clyde snapped at him, saying it was a new song, and, to twist the knife even more, Simone piped in and said that style of music went out of fashion in the mid-1970s. When you talk with him hes daydreaming about winning the soccer championship. The player convinces her to do so and get to decide whom she will vote for and thus who wins the election. While visiting Emily's office, Lucas's almost caused a fight between him and Emily's coworkers. Juice box - use Cleo's friend baby, try a different juice, give something to eat to get a smile. Answer from: MeI sold cafe to Donald, and my game has been stuck ever since. With no way out and without the distraction of her phone, Jennifer falls asleep until she's accidentally freed by Petrovich on his way to the gym. They end up making a bet: if Mike doesnt get the video ready in a week, hell have to move away, but if he does manage to finish it, Cleos music video will be shown at the start of the ceremony and Jennifer will have to pick up trash around town. Not one to call in favors, she asks you to speak to Donald to find a compromise since its his business partner who wants to replace the park with a mall. He tells you that he's worried for Michaela's life and some stolen diamonds. Watson is no longer cold and Bill's tablet works fine. Give food. When you ask Felicia about it, shes in a frenzy trying to get everything ready for her mother whos coming to town to visit. The styles are: He tells you to ask your customers to see which style you should decorate your cafe with: After getting the results, Fernando says it's up to you. When you confront Margaret, she already knows what youre going to ask about. He wants to get in touch with his family again and apologize to his father for how he acted when he was young, but he needs a recipe for cinnamon buns. Turns out, he did! Get the "magic" notebook from Carl. Answer from: Sam. The writer tells you that she only found blue, white, red and yellow paint, but she says Petrovich can mix the colors to get the shades he needs. But thank you for your answer, Answer from: MehYou get the cafe back from Donald. Requirements: Wooden Table for Two, Carnations and Cheesecake for Mary's wedding reception. Lucas, an inventor and scientist, is searching for an assistant; he'll find one in Henry Dougan, who in exchange needs the help of Lucas in solving an old case. Requirements: Crazy Cloud Ice Cream for Emily, Equilibrium Tea for Emily, Magical Coffee with Rose, Cardomom, and Gold for Lucas, Americano with Saffron and Cardamom for Lucas. She was going to be a warm up for a rad DJ. Lucas agrees after a little persuading and Emily is even more willing since itll look great for her work experience. Answer: First floor. She then tries to call Mike, but hes too busy to even take her call. Clyde returns to the shop, his muscles aching from singing, dancing, and cleaning at the same time. He also says that letters addressed to the mayors fund often contain profanities. Mary thinks Bill is the hero and wants to treat him a romantic dinner. *, You get a Wedding Cake Decoration for your cafe! Emily wants to make Lucas more familiar with her job and Lucas agrees to try Emily's plan. Koffsky needs to calm his nerves with Tea with Saffron, Milk and Honey. He gave her the statuette he made for her and it turns out shes a huge fan of Petronia Sledges work! . Seemed out of place with glitz, except loved the expensive jewelry around. Walkthrough of the story of Lucas love potion of level 25 of My Cafe: Recipes and stories game.You can find the written story and answers at our blog at the . This section is a work in progress and being edited by one or more. Even though Watson turned you down earlier, someoneMargaretbroke into the archives recently and organized everything and he agrees to help on one condition: ask Donald if hell help out the force because they need his crime-fighting abilities. Clyde agreed to help Cleo get another performance, although couldn't guarantee it. Rewards: 12 diamonds, 525 Prestige points, getting to level 5. You ask Watson, the coffee shop's resident police officer, about the robberies at the Louvre and Naples Museum and he says his friend at Interpol will help for a Vanilla Frapp. We then learn that Ben proposed while on a walk in the park (on bended knee playing Mendelssohn's Wedding March on a whistle). After your customers return to the coffee shop following the fake fire alarm, Emily tells you shes come up with new riddles and wants to test them on you. Kevin left before he got murdered but remembers two people being in the house that night: a woman and a man.
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