- The half-goat, half-fish who are the children of Pricus, who becomes the constellation Capricorn. ), N: Nymph The Greek and Roman Mythology guide provides a short glossary of terms relating to the gods, goddesses, people, places and events that feature in Roman and Greek legends and myths that begin with 'E'. (In Modern English they are strictly known as baby or toddler angels. These are magical beings often found in storybooks and legends. Still, tourists often visit Loch Ness hoping to see this beast. Even though she was already dead, the severed head could still turn people into stone. It is also not afraid of water. According to Arabic mythology, ghouls ate human flesh. ), H: Hydra In the passage, Behemoth partners with Leviathan. Roman Gods and Goddesses Names and RolesEdesia was the Goddess of food who presided over banquetsEgeria, water nymph or goddess, later considered one the CamenaeEgestes, Goddess of povertyEmpanda or Panda, a goddess openness, friendliness and generosityEpona, goddess of horses and horsemanshipEventus Bonus, God of success both in commerce and in agricultureRoman Gods and Goddesses Names and Functions, Dictionary of Roman and Greek gods starting with 'E', Dictionary of Roman and Greek Gods Names starting with the letter 'E', Interesting information via the Dictionary of Roman and Greek Gods Names, Facts and information about the Ancient World for schools and kids. His jealous wife, Hera, reacted by killing Lamias children and turning her into a hateful monster a woman above the waist and a serpent below. (In some Native American legends, a skin-walker is a person with the supernatural ability to turn into any animal he or she desires). 50 Sweet Valentines Day Facts To Celebrate Love, Facts about Adoption Statistics Cost LGBT More, 50 Fascinating Leprechaun Facts For A Magical Feeling, 60 Random Language Facts Youve Never Thought Of, 50 St Nicholas Day Facts That You Never Knew About. Mermaid? Some of them are small, and some are human-like. They will have multiple eyes, sharp teeth, and horns. Type of creature: LandPlace of origin: Canada and United StatesOther names: Windigo. A fast, at-a-glance list of short definitions starting with 'E' are provided in this section on Greek and Roman Mythology. In some legends, banshees visit families to warn them of impending death in order to save the family member. The living being had no need of eyes when there was nothing remaining outside him to be seen; nor of ears when there was nothing to be heard; and there was no surrounding atmosphere to be breathed. In some versions of the myth, this creature would be a human with the skin, pincers, or tail of a scorpion. After death, a werewolf resumes his human identity. The gorgons stare is deadly. ), V: Vampires Throughout the world, cultures have taken note that the craters on the moon create shadows that look like a bunny. Thus, a griffin was an especially majestic beast. Once given salt, they realize whats happening, and return to their grave. Captured, the leprechauns grant him three wishes in exchange for their freedom. There are a lot of scary mythical creatures, but many believe the Basilisk is the scariest. In their hands they carry brass-studded scourges. WebThis is an alphabetically ordered list of Greek mythological figures, including deities and other immortal beings as well as significant legendary mortals. Canadian folklore warns of the Wendigo. Centaurs are hybrids. dont waste your traffic, you can earn additional cash Hey! I have noticed you dont monetize your page, Roman and Greek Gods Names with short definitions of their roles in the Dictionary of Roman and Greek Gods Names starting with the letter 'E'. Type of creature: LandPlace of origin: Britain, Italy, and other countriesOther names: Ogress. Golems are amorphous creatures. Their upper bodies are human while they have the legs and tail of a goat. Ancient Greek and Roman MythologyThe Greek and Roman Mythology guide provides definitions of gods, people, places and events starting with 'E'. However, they often wear hanboks, ortraditional Korean clothes. Some depict the Tengu as yokai while others depict them as Shinto kami or gods. The following Greek Gods Family Tree provides a fast reference and instant overview of the genealogy of the principle Greek gods and goddesses detailing family connections, genealogy and relationships between the main gods and goddesses who feature in the legends and mythology of the ancient Greeks. Gorgons are mythical creatures that appear in the earliest stories of Ancient Greece. The Roc is featured in various stories of the Thousand and One Nights and they have also featured in historical texts of Marco Polo on his travels. Another one of the most popular mythical creatures is the ghoul. Giant Onion. Type of creature: LandPlace of origin: Ancient GreeceOther names: N/A. Entries consist of legendary and unique creatures, All Rights Reserved. What is error code E01-5 on Toyota forklift. Alcyoneus, a giant. Many legends describe them as charismatic and attractive. Only silver bullets or arrows can kill a werewolf. Type of creature: LandPlace of origin: JapanOther names: Yokai, Japanese Ogre. Its a close relation to a werewolf, only it cant change into a human and when its killed it doesnt turn into a human. The Aqrabuamelu is one of the mythical creatures from Mesopotamia. The oni is an orc or ogre with horns on its head. Artists usually depict these magical creatures in vibrant colors, such as red and blue. In Greek mythology, there are three well-known gorgons: Stheno, Euryale, and Medusa. ), Banshee - Man-eating beautiful women whose song compels men to them. They have a human upper body and the lower body of a horse. According to Greek mythology, centaurs were wild beasts inhabiting the mountains of Ancient Greece. They do not have a permanent form. Some of them arent monsters at all. They often ride wolves or wargs. Elebird. - Apparitions of people that occur in impossible situations. Ko-gok ( Abenaki) - Hideous monster. Thrones This page was last edited on 27 February 2023, at 13:53. Originally they are described as winged beings, a tetrad of living creatures, each having four faces: of a lion, an ox, an eagle, and a man. In Jewish mythology, dybbukim are cursed spirits. Giant of Trapani. LatmusEnna: Plain in Sicily;favorite resort of ProserpinaEnyo: Greek goddess of war and peacekeeping, Roman counterpart BellonaEos: Greek goddess of dawn, Roman counterpart Aurora- jealousy of, - winds, offspring ofEpaphus: Son of Jupiter and Io;founder of MemphisEphesus: City in Asia Minor sacred to DianaEphialtes: Giant son of Neptune- brother of Otus;imprisons MarsEpigoni: Sons of the seven chiefs who besieged ThebesEpimetheus: Greek god of afterthought, Roman counterpart EpimetheusEpimetheus (Afterthought): Son of Iapetus- husband of PandoraEpimetheus signifies after-thought, Prometheus fore-thoughtEpirus: Country visited by Aeneas, who meets Andromache thereErato: One of the Muses;daughter of Jupiter and MnemosyneErebus: God of darkness- marries his mother, Night- progenitor of egg- dethronedEridanus: River into which Phaeton fell from the sun chariot- Hercules consults nymphs ofErinnyes: Collective name given to the FuriesEris: Eris Greek goddess of war, Roman counterpart Discordia, goddess of discord and strife- apple cast by, Greek and Roman Mythology starting with 'E'Erisichthon: An unbeliever;punished by famineEros: Greek god of love, Roman counterpart Cupid - child of Light and Day- arrows of, - egg produces- causes mans creation- mans life given byErymanthus: Place where Hercules slew the wild boarErythea: Island home of Geryones;visited by HerculesEteocles: Son of Oedipus and Jocasta- reigns one year- slain by his brotherEthiopia: Country visited by BacchusEthiopians: Happy race of Africa, south of the river Oceanus;visited by the godsEuboean or Euboic Sea: Sea where Hercules cast LichasEumaeus: Swineherd visited by Ulysses on his return to Ithaca, - Ulysses aided byEumenides: Collective name given to Furies- forest sacred toEuphrosyne: One of the three Graces or Charites;attendant of VenusEuropa: Daughter of Agenor;wife of Jupiter, - mother of Minos, Rhadamanthus, and Sarpedon, Eurotas: River near Sparta, where Helen bathedEurus: Greek god of the east wind, Roman counterpart Vulturnusson of Aeolus and AuroraEuryale: One of the three terrible GorgonsEuryalus: Youth sent with Nisus to warn Aeneas that his son was in dangerEuryclea: Nurse of Ulysses;recognizes him after twenty years absence- Penelope awakened byEurydice: Wife of Orpheus, who seeks her in HadesEurylochus: Leader of Ulysses men- escaped Circes spell- Ulysses men misled byEurynome: Wife of Jupiter;mother of the GracesEurystheus: Hercules taskmaster;appointed twelve laborsEurytus: Ioles father;visited twice by HerculesEuterpe: One of the Muses;presided over musicEutychia Greek goddess of success, Roman counterpart FelicitasEuxine Sea: Same as Pontus Euxinus, or the Black SeaEvander: King of Tuscans;ally of Aeneas;father of Pallas, Evenus: Father of Marpessa;drowned himself in river of same name- Hercules crosses- Fama: Attendant of Jupiter, goddess of fame. One of the most majestic mythical creatures ever is the griffin. Criosphinx, a creature with the head of a ram and the body of a lion. Mythical creatures dont have to be big and scary monsters. Read also: 50 Sweet Valentines Day Facts To Celebrate Love, Type of creature: LandPlace of origin: Middle EastOther names: Great Beast, The Water-Ox. Some depictions show the Bogeyman having claws and sharp fangs. Wendigos cannot control their urges to kill and they eat even their loved ones. Another example of mythical creatures from the Bible is the Leviathan. You can get the definition(s) of a word in the list below by tapping the question-mark icon next to it. One notable example is the reference to this sea creature in the Twilight franchise. They are barbaric creatures that eat humans. 4 Best Research Paper Writing Services of 2023, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 50 Facts About Hispanic Culture You Have To Know, Hungry Ghost Festival All You Need To Know, 40 Essential All Saints Day Facts That You Never Knew About, 50 Thanksgiving Facts To Prepare For Holiday Season, Auld Lang Syne Meaning Behind This Favorite New Year Song, 40 Overpopulation Facts To Crowd Your Brain, 30 Fun Facts About Gargoyles That You Never Knew About, 30 Silk Facts That Will Make You Feel Like Royalty, 30 Important Gender Inequality Facts To Raise Awareness, 15 Veterans Day Facts History Culture Politics More, 30 Essential Facts About The Color Red That You Never Knew About, 40 Fun JackOLantern Facts For Some Trick Or Treating, Occams Razor Facts Definition Examples Uses More, Mardi Gras Facts Origin Traditions Location More, 30 Types of Ghosts From All Around the World, 40 Day of the Dead Facts Secrets You Never Knew. However, Minos did not sacrifice the bull. In some versions, she has flowy red hair instead. In most stories, banshees are beautiful mythical creatures. The most popular story of the golem is from Prague. Some Dracaenae were even known to have had in place of two legs, one (or two) serpent tail. The common basilisk is lizard species from Central and South America. While they are scary, these stories portray them as people you can fall in love with. In some stories, the golem is the perfect servant. His sole purpose is to serve his creator. 3 for three-headed Cerberus. The Pontianak is one of the mythical creatures from Asia. This list will grow with time and hopefully end up as an informative and pleasant experience to browse through and observe a fantasy world of mythicalcreatures and beasts from all over our past and present world. Type of creature: Land and seaPlace of origin: EuropeOther names: King of Serpents, Ancient Serpent, Cockatrice. (Is an enormous sea monster in Norwegian sea folklore, which would sometimes attack ships and feed upon the sailors. ), M: Medusa Type of creature: LandPlace of origin: Eastern EuropeOther names: Dibbuk, dybbukim (plural). Living in a small area there are very few, in fact there may be only one. Type of creature: Land and airPlace of origin: European countriesOther names: Faeries, Fae, Fay, Fair Folk. Thus, there is a lot that people can learn about just by studying them. "No, I didn't mix up centaur and satyr; a centaur in Greek mythology is half-man, half-horse. In Korean culture, these mythical creatures are called Dokkaebi. This name translates to Korean goblins. Dokkaebi have different physical forms. The Behemoth is one of the many types of monsters from the bible, which appears in the Book of Jobs. They are also often depicted with pig-like faces. The term, cyclops, comes from the Greek word for Round Eye. As their name suggests, cyclopes are giant creatures with only one eye. Are you sure you want to delete your score and checked items on this list? Giantess. As this list of mythical creatures starts to grow the Greek monsters will probably shrink down relatively, but the truth is, Greek monsters are the heart and soul, and in many cases the origin of where our more modern monsters come from. In early modern and modern folklore, they were known to live underground in hills or rocks, or in wells and springs. This adjective comes from the imagery that the bible paints of the monster Behemoth. ), B: Bigfoot - A flying creature with a high-pitched scream and a horse-like head native to the New Jersey Pine Barrens. An example of this is the Korean film #Alive on Netflix. They are dwarfish creatures with hunched backs. However, they have magical powers that they often used to cause trouble. Up to now, no proven sightings have occurred. (Is an elfish creature who personifies crisp, cold weather. Mermaids are humans with a fishs tail. Below she had the body of a scaly dragon with a thousand vipers for feet and sprouting from her waist the heads of fifty fearsome beastslions, boars and other wild animals. Usually, onis wear brightly colored clothes and carry a kanabo club. A banshees scream is called caoine or keening. The legend says that a banshees keening is a bad omen. Very rarely one pegasus will befriend a human, or elf and become his/her companion. The Trojan Cetus was a sea monster that plagued Troy before being slain by Heracles. Scylla only happened once tho does it count? Or according to Eastern European folklore, a corpse, animated by an undeparted soul or demon, that periodically leaves the grave and disturbs the living, until it is exhumed and impaled or burned. Their appearance is scary, and thus people often perform rituals to chase them and other spirits away. Three-Bodied or Triple-Bodied Daemon, a winged monster with three human bodies ending in serpent-tails. ), Skin Walker Scythian Dracanae, upper body of a woman, lower body composed of two snake tails. Its exact description varies; it is described alternately as resembling a crocodile, beaver or dwarf-like creature, and is sometimes said to be a demon. Birds of Ares or Ornithes Areioi were a flock of birds that guarded the Amazons' shrine of the god on a coastal island in the Black Sea. Drakons ("" in Greek, "dracones" in Latin) were giant serpents, sometimes possessing multiple heads or able to breathe fire (or even both), but most just spit deadly poison. The top 4 are: dragon , mythology , beast and unicorn . Strictly Necessary Cookie should be enabled at all times so that we can save your preferences for cookie settings. ), Harpy In legends, the lion is the king of the animal kingdom. The Books of Job, Isaiah, Amos, and Enoch all mention the Leviathan. Cerberus? What is the giant moving mountain creature ,That has it own ecosystem on it body, you forgot afew myithacal creature like a necromancer, shamans and half demons, Yea you are forgetting alot. WINED AND DIED IN NEW ORLEANS (VINTAGE COOKBOOK MYSTERY, #2) BY ELLEN BYRON: BOOK REVIEW, IRISH COFFEE MURDER BY LESLIE MEIER, LEE HOLLIS, BARBARA ROSS: BOOK REVIEW. You can view movies and shows in one place and filter by streaming provider, genre, release year, runtime, and rating (Rotten Tomatoes, Imdb, and/or Metacritic). Spartae, a malevolent spirit born from violence. Sometimes, the recorded history on these mythicalbeings changes the image we had envisioned of a particular being and it's purpose. In some legends, the basilisk is only a small snake. Thus, people believe they have green clothes and hair. ), E: Elf It has a crayfish-like tail, numerous legs along its body which it uses like oars to move, and extremely long hairs that protrude from its nostrils. Greek and Roman Mythology starting with 'E'Discover interesting information and facts about Roman and Greek mythology and legend in the Greek and Roman Mythology starting with 'E'. Thus, the phoenix was an important symbol of life and death. Aside from Canadian and American folklore, Bigfoot is also a recurring figure in pop culture. The god Poseidon gave Minos a bull to sacrifice. ), Z: Zombies Leviathan is a monster that lives in the seas. The term, fauns, comes from the name Faunus. Faunus is the Ancient Roman god of the forest. Mngwa - Oversized and out of control, deadly tabby cat. The word behemoth can also refer to anything big, in appearance or power. Read also: 50 St Nicholas Day Facts That You Never Knew About, Type of creature: LandPlace of origin: European countriesOther names: Lycanthrope. WebMythological creatures. We are currently publishing a new version of this site with added features that we hope our fans enjoy. The Indian Dragon was a breed of the giant serpent which could fight and strangle the elephants of India. It was said to be capable of dragging down the largest ships and when submerging could suck down a vessel by the whirlpool it created. Among Chinese mythical creatures, dragons are the most popular. In Buddhism, Tengus were demons. Zombies are popular motifs in horror, science fiction, and fantasy literature. (Are able to transform to human form by shedding their seal skins and can revert to seal form by putting their selkie skin back on. Usually, the Bogeyman is a large male figure in a hooded cloak. If you read a lot of fantasy books, youll have likely encountered these mythical characters. The Romans had fauns, very similar creatures, but with goat-like features. It can run at speeds of up to 300 MPH. (Genuine question, not tryin to beef). The 50 Most Beloved TV Couples of All Time According to Best Life Online, Nostalgic (Early 2000s) Children's TV Shows, Seen It is a new app from the creators of List Challenges. The Loch Ness Monster is also a popular figure in film and literature. ), Erinyes Chupacabras are mythical beasts that come from Puerto Rico. A lot of people claim to have seen the Loch Ness Monster. According to European folklore, you can only turn into a werewolf after being cursed or bitten. It is a creature that God created to showcase his power. According to Irish mythology, a banshee is a beautiful woman in a white dress, with long white hair. (A giant, with one single eye in the middle of his forehead.
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