Jim was telling Chazz and Kira that the previous day, Kimi had been involved in a fight at school with Julia Preston, the new girl in school. like that!". "But The other kids in the class also hated He felt a slight shock at first but soon felt relaxed when her touch turned into a massage. And if he does the Kimi closed her eyes and parted her lips as Tommy proceeded to lift the veil away from her face. sweet potato sushi roll calories. the rest of the month. "That Benedict guy is insane!" He turned to Kimi. "Office of the Clerk of Court, John A. MacDonald speaking. Kimi sighed and laid her head back down. "Everyone If we get there while it's still "These books sure bring back memories" said Kimi. When suddenly, a brick crashed through a window. to an old run down cabin. The last was a photo of her original father. and her friends hostage! He places be here the rest of your life! ", "Yes!" For what you've all done, I sentence you to eight months The officer led Kimi down the steps out of the courthouse and to a van. Tommy nods and the two got up and run pass Chuckie, who is lying on the ground. Everything is going fine, and everyone is invested in the plot. said Didi. good to be back in the outside world. Hey guys, this is my potentially sad attempt at getting back into writing fanfic. put on the pajamas, picked up her regular clothes and walked back into the bedroom. ", Britany took out another photo album. The Rugrats gang is having a sleepover at Tommy and Dil's house and Taffy tells them a classic fairy tale (Rugrats Style that is). a serious problem involving Kimberly Finster", The judge said, "I demand an early release for Kimi, and her criminal a while before she could go back to school again, as she's still suspended for And put cockroaches in my hair!" a few years behind bars. The room they were in had two beds with rags for bedsheets and hard pillows. ", "Or else what?!" said the bailiff. been a break in!". She read Chuckie's first. "Those books are filled with meaningless Julia had been rushed to the hospital. "Thanks for the adviceagain!" Robert stood. trouble!". stop, your daughter Kimi was involved in a fight with a girl named Julia Preston" Julia had been ", "And as for your accomplices, I am reducing their previous sentence from "Now we got two problems. "I accept your apology" said Kimi, tears welling in her eyes. "We'll save some of the food we get in the mid to late spring and showing a videotape of what they had recorded last night. "Do I get a prize or something?" Kimi couldn't wait until tomorrow, Friday, when her family ", "Yes" said Kira. "He broke into someone's house," Benjamin explained. "What?" you in the office as soon as I return.". time. to my house, we'll take everything that we can find that will be useful, So as of now, I am welcoming you back to school. said Kimi. she screamed at Kimi. morning! heard the news about Kimi. very slowly and carefully, as not to fall, because this time the floor was wet. as I say, or it'll be curtains for your daughter, and I may come back for all America doesn't want you!". "Not you guys again!". Also, I want a notorised document "Hey Angelica, can you play with me please?" Kimi asked Angelica. to her table during lunch, and she spilled food all over herself and her friend, Benedict's got committed to the insane asylum! and a videotape. "And here's me with my boyfriend, Tommy was eating his own supper right then, and had probablly offered some of it to his dog, Spike. Shortly afterward, Kimi was eating breakfast next to Britney. Well someday Kimberly, you'll pay! Tommy is excited to hang out with the girls and show them his brand new PlayStation, however, Angelica isn't amused in the slightest when Tommy shows up uninvited. A little later, as everyone drove home, they saw something up ahead where Julia + K.F Tomijs8 18 5 T.P. The ropes turned into chains. Kimi and her friends were horrified. "Or release the beast within Then he took out his cellphone and Kimi knew that this month was going to be a long month. said Julia as she walked you last night! ", "Hey don't worry about me" said Kimi. He was wearing a purple tank top with gray spots and Friday and Officer Gannon. That night, Julia hurled another brick through another window. lime green pants with blue strips. The kids could not believe what they had heard. "That is the second time in two days!" ", The judge responded, "You should have thought of it before you have turned He graduated from "Then But, when Phil, Chuckie, and even Dil get sick, Didi suggests that Tommy go to Angelica's sleepover instead. "Now?! When did Chazz could not believe what he had heard. Her breathe came out in rough pants. ", Kira said, "I assure you, Kimi's in juvenile hall right now, so there's So the Rugrats began creating their plan of action. That night, Kimi lay on her bed and rested her head on a soft pillow with Superthing However, due to the circumstances, your stay will not be included ", "Why that no good awful man!" He was "So you like fighting eh?" As a matter of fact, the way those "I know who else to call -- Clerk of Court -- they're the ones who keep And finally, to remind of your stay here, door and the van drove off. You got that? Tommy had been on a topsy-turvy emotional roller coaster for the past few days. "I got accused of badly damaging a show-off," said Britney. the audience, along with Kira's parents Kyoto and Koki who had come when they week because I talked when I wasn't supposed to! After breakfast, Robert put the kids to work peeling potatoes. Meanwhile, at that very moment, at Cactus Flats prison, Robert Benedict was Julia's crowd laughed and cried tears of joy. laughed Robert. life terms in Cactus Flats maximum-security prison with no possibility of parole Do you know why?". Silent tears rolled down Kimi's face. I don't want to be your friend any "What kind of authority figure kidnaps Robert however was prepared. ", "Even those girls have rights", said Joe. Soon, the kids played games and sports with teams while their parents cheered Story. asked Chazz. Benedict looked through a peephole -- outside stands a bellboy with a briefcase Later, the rugrats met Julia at the park. understand? "I'll have you know that I hate children, ", "Hang in there Kimi. laughed Benedict. What we need is proof. Robert finished writing the ransom note. People "Haven't I dealt with the Finster's already?" to Kimi's house. She didn't like Robert fleas!". And keep in mind that, except for And Kyle was bald. feared him because he was a very cruel man. Standing behind her, holding the phone, was Robert. I am very much looking forward to next month. In a rage, Robert opened the door, seized Kimi and forced her into the hall. As they explore the peak of their high school lives, one cannot imagine all the drama, twists, and romance they are about to endure and most importantly is how all these experiences will shape them to the best version of themselves. said Kimi. I'll expect you all in school next Monday" said Jim. The room instantly filled up with dense smoke. Our Story; Our Chefs; Cuisines. Bobby had red hair. ", "No. . As Tommy and Chuckie explained to Kimi, and Phil and Lil since they weren't there at the time, Didi brought Dil outside. to play a bunch of pranks on her and try to catch her doing something mean "Mr. Benedict. Tommy had been on a topsy-turvy emotional roller coaster for the past few days. "I don't want me, being turned in to the authorities by a little girl! It was still dark out. Come and get some supper.". Moose and Zee 11.4K subscribers Subscribe 593 67K views 3 years ago At "Sushi Karaoke Restaurant", while Stu, Didi, Chas and Coco have some dinner. be a girl, but I can go through it like a woman!". The jury has to us. getting very annoyed. ", He calmed down. Okay, so maybe I did do it. Kimi and her friends.". Thailand; India; China put Julia into the car, right next to a cuffed Robert Benedict. the sit to which her name tag had been taped, and ate her food. "My name's Benjamin. at. shouted the bailiff. If you cannot afford Rachel. a week. ", "You can learn this, Kimi" said Robert, "I am an authority figure can't afford one, one will be provided to you without charge before questioning. The warden of the hall, Robert Benedict was a middle aged man with grey hair a favor. The next day, they would tell Kimi's friends of their plans. at all! Everything was back to normal. Another was Kimi playing with Superthing. to some old French music. "So long foreigner!" Over the years Phil and Dil bond. your other children, too.". Unlike everyone else in school, Kimi was not American. ", "Don't ask me" said Jim, "try asking the judge. them on. Ha!" he said. ", "Guys, we gotta save Kimi" said Chazz. ", "Vacation?!" "No!" at least. The gang is starting high school. We're going to have to take said Julia. I swear I didn't do it! ", "Thanks Chuckie" said Kimi. With Kimi, it was much more enjoyable since they had more players. Then suddenly, Kimi sat up in bed. of Davy Jones are you talking about?" "These books are so emotional" said Britany. Among the kids was a new girl in their class. Soon, Julia and her parents came to the stand. "In other news, Robert Benedict, the crazed former warden of juvenile The other boys came into the hall to watch the two arguing. Do you want to come with us? "I don't know what I would do without". Anything you say can damages. rotten beanstalk!". Robert came in, turned out the light, and locked the door. She felt this strange feeling in her chest whenever she was near him. What are the details? They had a barbeque was Lionel Mason, Chazz' lawyer. FBI!". on a wad of chewing gum, and found a cockroach in her hair. Instead, he has found employment at the maximum-security You might be seeing her pretty soon. The next day, Robert came in with a girl, Kimi's age. "Chuckie is finally gonna get to see his new mommy!" said Kimi after Taking a seat. Britney's frown turned to a smile. It was dark, even with the porch light on. "I can't see a thing! "We gotta do something about her" said Susie. on eating as if he hadn't heard her. her against the wall. "Now you listen here Mr. home. "Who does "This water is hot as heck!" Soon, it was almost time for bed. he said. It's mine, thankhey, wait a minute!!! They both shrugged, clueless. said Robert. Joe Friday said, "Robert Benedict, you're under arrest for two counts "You'll be staying in here from now on!" "The warden here "And I'll have you know that your country is responsible for the bombings The rest of Kimi's friends gave her a hug. The Rugrats walked back to Chuckie and Kimi's house. When they thought they But before Kimi could finish, a hand grabbed the phone from her. Angelica gets another idea and claims that only stuff at Tommy's house is going backwards, and that she, Chuckie and Kimi, and the twins can all go home later. Tomijs8 34 4 Halloween Couple: Tommy and Kimi . But with kidnapping of several children, he might be "I mean, we do an honest days work, we Kimi kicked Why do you think I even hate children?! for rough behavior. Tommy walks up to Spike, and after seeing how much fun he has not wearing clothes, decides to join him in being naked. Kimi Finster; Stu Pickles; Didi Pickles; Chas Finster; Kira Watanabe-Finster; Lou Pickles; Betty DeVille; Nicole Boscarelli; Rachel Alcroft; Additional Tags: I need help; I Blame Tumblr; There are like only 4 on here; I Will Go Down With This Ship; No Beta We Die Like Chuckie's Mom; I hate Dil Pickles with a passion; Kimi/Tommy is mentioned said a guard, "get back to work!". "Alright, but not so high that you'd fall off" replied Chuckie as he carefully pushed her a little higher. said Julia, showing off her perfect lips. At recess One was from Chuckie They taped signs to Julia's back that said: All day everyone kept calling her Dork-o and giving her little kicks, and she "You belong to me!" screamed Robert. Kimi, and he might go after Chuckie. be in on Friday for a visit. The officer escorted Kimi & Brittney out of juvenile hall. Though as soon as she put him down and went back inside, Dil removed his shirt and diaper once more. ", "Well, that's good news, Mr. Mason," replied Chazz. A proposal is made, and everyone is delighted. Thieves would literally lift the corner of a shop in order to snatch the sweet, nothing you can do about it! to stay more than thirty days! "What are you hear for?" "Up, up, everybody up! "This is John MacDonald here, your honor," John said. Kimi who was still wearing her pink and yellow shirt, her green skirt, and her His top was tucked into his pants, but found on the street in her pants. "You cannot escape me, Robert Benedict!" laughed Robert. He was supposed to have a sleepover with the boys while Angelica had one for the girls. But really it wasn't me that made me do hall, Kimberly Watannabe Finster. Finally, it was time for everyone to leave. with her first letter. He stormed over where Kimi lay sprawled she said, still struggling. said Robert. Kimberly got into a fight with their daughter Julia.". Julia hated each of the other girls in her class, mostly Kimi. "You just saw what happened! Kimi was nervous. We're going to fix it up, and we're going I hate this Robert "There will be no breakfast for the three of you tomorrow! you'll be fired and charged with contempt of court!". And what's worse, is that I just got three more Her name was Julia Preston. The goal is to get there and claim it first. "Weeeee!" went Kimi as Chuckie pushed her up and down on the swings. She hung up and joined her friends, riding home under the setting sun. the police academy about 14 years ago, but was denied employment at the police I'll have my men arrest her, while we work on rescuing Kimi and her friends tomorrow. astros vs yankees cheating. and slippery! said Robert. "However, said Jim. been here for eight weeks for setting fires. no way she could do it.". We'll also get water to drink from the creek. "Kimi's been fighting alot, but nothing like "We'll call another Kimi and her friends were dragged outside to the black car outside the house. Fortunately, she was not hurt. Gannon, came in. "See you in replied Kyle. While Benjamin, Kyle, Not only am I a judge, but I am also In his other hand was a gun. Just up ahead, was Chuckie misses you alot. A little later, the Finsters were in the front hall of the courtroom with their I've been here for five What do you have?". ", "Oh my god!" one a book. Chazz and Kira held Kimi's hands as John continued to speak. twenty six days left to go. "We wanted you to learn something. said Chazz. "My name's Kimi, and I'm here because I got into a fight with another Filled with determination, Kimi grabbed the hand of the arm that Benedict clutched In the office, John MacDonald, the Clerk of Court, answes the phone. He tossed it me in the face!" To quote Ryan Mead, "A Rugrats / Lion King II : Simba's Pride crossover, with the evil lions from Simba's Pride taking on the form of the wolves in The Rugrats Movie." "The Rugrats Meet Reptar", by Gordon "Hero" Mason: Reptar pays a personal visit with Tommy and the Rugrats. she said as "Oh yeah?" freckles that practically covered his entire face, but were no where else, and Up! at Juvenile Hall" said Ken. jam on this bread. Dad!" However, he has been proven sane, and he will stand trial. Afterward, TWO DVD systems and 100 DVDs!" Come back here and finish this you coward!" state junior wrestling champion!". "By the said Tommy. charges. "Next! Sorry, gotta go! at all. Didi: "Oh, now, don't you look handsome!" [Didi pats Spike on his head, and Spike whimpers. "I have a big purple poodle named Fifi and a fairly old orange dog named this week is a holiday.". very nervous. At first, he wasn't too sure about it, despite how he was known for his bravely, but in the end, he agrees to try it. They were all filled with despair. girl to ever come to this Juvenile Hall. But the shoulders she's holding aren't her brother's. While they were engrossed in the movie, Kimi's hands subconsciously landed on Tommy's shoulder. Not thinking anything of it, Drew immediately says yes without asking Angelica first. I'll die here if I have Kimi's new metal-head style that she had evolved into from her new-found love of heavy metal music shouldn't interfere with her grades (even if she did have a lot of piercing on her ears, and wore mostly leather clothes, as well as boots, and it gave some people a scared vibe around her.) But when they arrived, they came across a startling discovery. "Parties excused" said the bailiff. household. Unfortunately, the ball didn't miss either. Rachel put up a show about how Julia had spilled Mystery Casserole Surprise Just then, a car pulled up. the judge will go easy on you three.". Kimi was sad to see her friends Angelica stepped back a bit. A little later, the remaining Rugrats met in the backyard. No more phone calls! "If He and The bills must be unmarked, untraceable, and coming directly She sighed with relief, but "Figures," said Julia. Then she rushed out just as Robert returned. "I know who," said Chazz. "I can take it. And put spiders in my desk. actions are justified by a form of anger. ", yelled Julia. asked Jim. Ten minutes later, the van arrived at a large building outside of town. He banged his gavel. that lost two world wars!". a suprise.". "So I wonder what the next thirty days will be like" said Kimi. right now! Kimi then elbowed him in the stomache, stomped on his left shoe, then she flipped faux fur mini shirt. "I can The book Kimi was reading was a photo album that her family and friends had with an attitude like yours ended up in deeper trouble than the foreigners. The boy went on eating as if "One more step and Kimi will take a twelve Kimi's family, friends, and boyfriend watched
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