"You're talking about Denny, right?" RELATED: 15 Grey’s Anatomy Characters We Wish Were Still Around. [30], When Burke's and Cristina's mothers came to Seattle to help plan the wedding, Cristina told them she and Callie were friends. Cristina wanted Callie to put in a good word for her with Erica, but Callie says she and Erica don't talk about Cristina. Callie's parents left before the wedding because of her mother, who didn't approve of her getting married to a woman and having a baby out of wedlock. Derek asks if she will love him if he's not a surgeon and she says no because Izzie has cancer and he's one of only about twenty who can save her and she wouldn't be able to respect someone who could give up that kind of gift. After Mark broke up with Lexie, Callie was the one who told Mark to get back together with her. The couple promptly made up after that although Izzie's strong dislike for Callie sometimes made it difficult. She touches him and kisses him. Clearly interested in getting to know him better, she gave him her number. The attendings unanimously choose Cristina for the solo surgery, but she is on probation for not reporting that the interns were practicing on each other. Callie and Bailey talk about how it doesn't seem real when George's mother approaches Callie and tells her that it will be too hard for her to decide what happens to George's organs and because in God's eyes Callie is still George's wife then Callie should decide, Callie accepts. The two start a relationship and Torres moves into Meredith's house (Meredith and Izzie Stevens lived there as well). Alias In the scrub room, Erica asked if they were on for tonight, but Callie remember her that she had this other thing. Status When George walked into her with Izzie, Callie urged Izzie to do something and quickly left. Cristina is the only one who doesn't look at him like he's a ghost. "She's waiting in the lobby," Callie told George as she handed over the clothes. This clearly surprised Izzie. They got back together after the shooting at the hospital when Arizona said she wanted kids, but only with Callie. During an argument over a patient's surgery, George said that everything went to fast and that he wasn't ready for her to move in. The interns switched the labs the day Izzie had them check her out. 239 Meanwhile, the doctors also fight to save Izzie. Arizona asks Callie how she can "Snap out of this" when she cut off Arizona's leg. 35 days after George's death, Callie walks into Mark's apartment and into the shower she asks him to find out if the chief is going to take up work at Mercy West because that would be bad for her and he tells her he'll try and find out. "It's because I don't have a penis," Erica said, which made Callie feel awkward because she didn't realize just yet that Erica was talking about Burke. He then asked where the residents that she assigned to the ER were. When Meredith came to tell her that she would tell the truth to George about the panties, Callie told her not to because she liked the fact that he was jealous. The interns diagnose Patient X with brain cancer and give her a 5% survival rate. [53], They named the baby Sofia Robbin Sloan Torres and she and Callie were discharged from the hospital 12 weeks later.[54]. Louise, who didn't know that her son and Callie broke up, showed Callie the baby clothes she knitted, as George told her that he and Callie were trying to get pregnant. Unfortunately, her plan backfired when Callie said she loved Agamemnon. Later she asks him and he says that there were twenty in his unit that went to Iraq. She's young and perky and wears shoes with wheels on them. Callie met Arizona at the Emerald City Bar. Owen and Callie became closer after the plane crash, which caused both of their wives to change significantly. He wants Cristina's support, but she says she doesn't want him to die and can't support him. At the end of the day, Callie once again asked George how his father was doing, and George replied friendly, seeming to have let go of his anger towards Callie. [9], The day after the prom, Callie came over to Meredith's house with food, because she was worrying about Izzie. She voiced her concerns to Mark, who didn't want to hear about it. Callie was caught in the middle, as she wanted to be there for Meredith, but also couldn't turn off her feelings for Penny. Callie told her patient that she was fired from Chief Resident, and that it was a good, as she could now get back to the part that she liked: surgery. They now serve as the hospital board. Izzie tries to go through her treatments like they are no big deal. She was married to George O'Malley, but divorced after he cheated on her. Callie commented that that made her feel better. George was later asking how it was possible that her panties were up on the bulletin board, and he questioned if it really were hers, as he had never seen them before. After some questions about family, Callie said that to some men, family is the most important thing in their life. As her friends' hateful feelings towards Penny faded over time, Callie and Penny made up. They became much closer after Arizona cheated on Callie, as Callie temporarily lived in Meredith's house. 14. "Izzie's gonna come back and her and jo are gonna fight that’s what this gif means," one commenter wrote. However, Callie eventually confessed to George that their hotel bill was much more expensive than she'd led him to believe, and she did not receive a discount through family friends, as she had told him. Penny won the Preminger Grant and Callie decided to move to New York after Penny asked her to, taking Sofia along. Callie finally got the courage up and kissed Hahn,[79] and the day afterward, they ignored each other. Later that evening, Callie had to tell George that his father was in the hospital. When Callie's father appears in Seattle to visit his daughter, he is angered by the news that George divorced Callie, initially throwing George against a wall, and then throwing Mark against a wall; and was angered even further by the fact that his daughter is now dating a girl. [91] Some time after the move, Callie and Penny broke up.[92]. Her patient, who was asking Mark about his love life, suggested Mark start a relationship with Callie, but she said she was happily married. 2 of 18 Pick the correct answer! she said. Sydney Heron came over to congratulate Bailey as well, while she said she felt sorry for Callie, who assured her she was fine with it. While arguing, Callie told Arizona she was trying to do everything to make her, Mark, and the baby happy and would do anything for Arizona to make her happy. she asked. They then urged her to ask Callie to be her bridesmaid. She said George had to stand up for her, and George apologized. While performing a major surgery, Callie noticed that both George and Meredith left after having been paged, and she realized something was wrong with George's dad. They get back together and spontaneously get married in Vegas. I’m not sure what the writers were thinking when they introduced the world to Gizzie, but the only person who benefited from that debacle was Callie. However, when Mark proposed to cheer her up again, she declined, and later went to apologize to George for being rude to him. "She's a supermodel, and I'm George," he said. [47], Trying to forget Addison's comments, Callie constantly wanted to have sex with Mark in the on-call rooms. After Izzie is told, Callie and Izzie go through the forms and decide George would want to give everything. Addison confessed to her that she felt like she ended up alone. When Meredith goes to leave, Webber won't let her get on the elevator. Callie attended her high school prom by herself because she didn't want to wait for "a stupid boy" to ask her out. Callie is dealing with the loss of her trust fund, which her father took away when he found out about her relationship with Arizona. Addison then told her her ring was beautiful, which made Callie happy. She then took him apart to tell him not to undermine her authority, especially not in front of the interns. He is surprised because she'd just met Meredith, but she says she can tell. However, the couple struggled to get past previous issues. After a series of unfortunate relationships, Callie got married to Arizona in a beautiful outdoor ceremony where Dr. Miranda Bailey officiated. After being encouraged by Arizona, she intended ask Richard for her job back, but decided otherwise when she noticed that Richard was feeling down. During a surgery, Izzie made reference to Callie being rich. She says she knows about the ring and he pulls it out and hits it with the bat. Harold told his son that he didn't recognize him, as he was constantly picking fights and asked him why he was so mad at Dr. Torres. George said that he was only scared of her because of the staring. Not knowing what else to do, Callie confronted Izzie in an elevator, begging her to return George to her. She left without having washed her hands in the bathroom, leading to Izzie and Meredith making mean comments about her. Izzie will return - in spirit - as a patient that reminds both Alex and Meredith of former best friend. They laughed together about their marriage problems. Derek performs a successful surgery on Izzie. She decides to stay with Arizona. Erica saw how she left the bar with Mark a little later to have sex with him. Callie requested another intern besides George, as he still smelled even after showering twice. [23], At the hospital, Callie told Bailey that it was weird being married to someone she was the boss of. [39], In Burke's apartment, Callie slept on the couch. They hook her up to a machine and wait for her to have another hallucination. Izzie has to work on the man who'd she'd stolen Denny's heart from. He said he only told Meredith and that he was disappointed that she didn't even give him the benefit of the doubt to believe him. So she paged Meredith to a room to show her scans of a human with bone cancer, and explained some more to her about the disease. That night, George came over to talk. He says that he's working with a therapist because he loves her and he knows that he is no good for her so he is trying to do the right thing by keeping his distance. Mark Sloan offered to dance with Callie since her father wasn't present. Callie and Addison were good friends while they worked together in Seattle. She has Alex burn the sweater she'd made for him, but she can still see him. After George's dad came out of surgery, Callie went to his room to ask how he was doing. Callie storms into an elevator with Bailey and suddenly breaks down crying. Callie doesn't seem to have a problem with people seeing her in her underwear, evidenced by the time she peed in front of Izzie and Meredith and later changed into her scrubs in a crowded ER. While Callie was wiping tears in the bathroom, Arizona came in and told Callie that the hospital talked about her. Callie stayed with Arizona and helped her whenever she could. Izzie then asked her what her plans were. She goes to leave but Lexie asks her first how gay she really is on a scale 1 through Gay because she and Mark live next door and Mark is very hot and she just walked on him while he was taking a shower but Callie relaxes her by saying that ever since Mark met Lexie, Callie's breasts were not the first things he looked at when he saw her. Meredith goes to the execution because the man asked her to and Derek picks her up there. They smile at each other. [21], After the death of his father, Callie had sex with George constantly, which was getting a little too much for her. Later that day, Callie looked at Mark, who then realized that Addison told her about the abortion. Mrs. Shepherd gives Derek a wedding ring and says that his father wanted him to have it for the right girl. They write their marriage vows on Post-It Notes while wearing their surgical scrubs. The other opens and Derek is inside with brain scans posted all over the elevator walls. In surgery, Bailey came in to ask her to solve scheduling problems. [76], Eventually, Arizona realized that Sofia needed both her parents and she decided to move back to New York with Sofia. At night, when George came back to the hotel room, she told him just to say it as she clearly knew what he wanted to tell her. The same night, Callie went to Joe's, where she met Dr. Mark Sloan and invited him back to her room. Cristina finds out that she thought he was still in Iraq and that his mother still thinks he's in Iraq. [7], Later, in Joe's bar, it was clear Cristina, Meredith, and especially Izzie still didn't like Callie. George took the man inside, while Bailey asked Callie one more time if she was all right. At work, Callie asked if Izzie if it wasn't too weird she was a bridesmaid too, but Izzie said it was fine. Portrayed by Arizona's father danced with her for the dance while Callie tried to hide her disappointment that her father wasn't there for the dance. [48], Some time later, Callie and Mark were having lunch. She went to a conference room where Bailey was explaining to the O'Malleys that she had to do a complicated procedure on Harold. While Callie was cooking, Meredith told her that she had no idea what to say to Izzie, who was lying on the bathroom floor. After the first surgery, Derek performed neurological tests on Callie to check her neurological functions, but she didn't respond. She didn't let him in, saying that she broke up with him, even though he hadn't noticed that she did. She leaves him with Izzie's scans. Regarding Alex and Izzie - I feel a love triangle (or square) coming together, yes I do. She then told George to find Izzie and prepare their patient for surgery. Upset that Callie did not discuss this issue of uprooting Sofia from Seattle, Arizona decided to file a lawsuit against Callie for custody of Sofia. She asked the Chief about this, who just said she had to make sure her residents take care of the trauma. Callie didn't want to hear him talk about Erica in that way and walked away. She then told him to get out of the hotel room. Addison overheard what she said, and when Callie sat down, Addison asked her if she and Erica were a couple, because it seemed like they were. She was shaken from her fight with Charles and her impaired judgment caused her to order a "Zero K bath" that sucked the potassium out of the patient.