Bearded Dragons’ Head And Tail Turning White. This will ensure that they have shed all his/her skin. Bearded Dragon colors change as they grow, some become brighter, other darker after each shed. How often will your bearded dragon shed? You can ignore this altogether if you’ve been properly supplementing your bearded dragon’s diet, but if you’ve been lax on their nutrient intake it may indicate that a real problem exists. If you hadn’t been using shedding aids already the three-week mark is the time to try. Don’t worry, it’s the bearded dragon shedding process taking place. One theory about the cause of this behavior is that eating the shed is the bearded dragon attempting to make up for a calcium deficiency. Your email address will not be published. This can often make the process a long and drawn out one and is usually the reason why they can get grumpy. This can be alarming for many pet owners—understandably so. Bearded Dragon Tail Rot Surgery If the infection seems to spread to nearby parts of the body, then your beardie might have to undergo a surgery. Reptile Advisor is a free resource for reptile owners of all experience levels. Please don’t confuse with shedding, when the tail turns white. So for her, we soak the end of her tail in a warm jar of water and add some olive oil around the tail to soften it up. The dulling of their skin will increase gradually until breaks form and the shedding begins. The shedding process can take some time and certain areas of the body, like the tail, can indeed shed quite a … This can compound the concern caused by the lack of appetite when the changes appear together. Dullness to their skin and it might look flaky or patchy. Shedding is a completely normal behavior that all bearded dragons go through as they age. I use a 150 watt day light white bulb for basking and a Reptisun 10 for the UV source. Here are some of the most common concerns owners have when it comes to shedding: Once shedding is underway, you may notice your bearded dragon munching on bits of skin that have flaked off. He has a very gentle temperment and no physical signs of malnutrition, injury, or disease. Many adult beardies will shed in patches—one leg, then another, then their tail, and so on. From 6-12 months, they will shed about once per month. Rubbing against rocks and branches is normal behavior aimed at expediting the shedding. After that, bearded dragons tend to shed their skin every 3-4 months, but there is no set schedule or frequency. But it is still a good idea that you keep an extra close eye on them during this process. Of course, if your bearded dragon is having difficulty shedding you will have to step in, either by assisting the shedding directly or consulting with a veterinarian. Areas that have not shed can become thickened and as the next layer of skin starts to shed it too is also unable to fully shed because the previous layer is stuck. Tail rot  is a bacterial infection affecting the distal section of the tail. Bearded dragons can suffer from a condition called tail rot, which is caused by an internal infection. They shed in patches or phases. Have you noticed that your bearded dragon who has been fit and healthy suddenly display odd behaviour?  Is your bearded dragon showing signs of brumation but this time seems different?  Could your bearded Dragon be dying?  What are the clear signs your breaded dragon has died? The affected area will then become necrotic and will require amputation. Try doubling the frequency of misting once the shedding process begins. If you’re anything like me, you will probably get nervous when you see your bearded dragon shedding for the first time. The bearded dragon stops being able to use its feet properly because the part that hasn’t properly shed becomes tight and cuts off the blood supply. It is very possible that a bearded dragon had part of their tail nipped or had some sort of trauma, and the wound was left untreated. My Shirley comes out of a shed with the most beautiful orange/pink skin. The shedding process is a natural process that all reptiles go through. Ways to help your bearded dragon whilst they are shedding, Bearded Dragon Mouth Rot – How To Recognize It, How To Fix It, Is My Bearded Dragon Dying? The higher frequency of shedding experienced by younger bearded dragons lends itself to a relatively predictable shedding pattern. He may be cranky, listless, or not eating. In fact, a significant number of beardie owners elect to not interfere with the process in any way. He is shedding and I have just given him a bath but when I put him back in his tank and popped out of the room for a few moments after he had gone up into his log, I came back in and he was on his back. Soak your bearded dragon.  If you’re not already doing so bearded dragons should be bathed regularly. Here are some of the most commonly asked questions about the bearded dragon shedding process: My beardie has become lethargic/lost their appetite/has a dulling complexion—how long should I wait for a shed to begin before considering the presence of a health issue? Your pet may shed after one month on one occasion and take two or three months before its next shedding. Healthy eating dragons will grow whereas dragons that are either sick or not eating well will shed less frequently due to the impact these factors will have on their growth speed. First is pure trauma to the tail. So, there you have it: all things bearded dragon shedding. These scales provide protection against predators and the elements. Bearded dragons can experience stuck shed when they do not have enough nutrients. Pieces of skin may be left around the tank. Shedding will continue at this pace until the dragon is fully grown, sometime between 8 and 18 months. If left untreated the tail will “rot” away (this can also affect the toes). Draw a shallow bath in your sink or a small plastic bin and let your beardie splash around. Signs your bearded dragon is shedding or about to shed. Once your dragon has finished shedding, you’ll notice the skin has brighter and more vibrant colors. Bearded Dragon Shedding Process. Could my pet injure itself? This could be down to the husbandry of the bearded dragon but could also be an infection such as yellow fungus immediate advice from a herpetologist will be required. Regardless, best practices suggest that you should prevent your beardie from eating the shed as it can become contaminated by bacteria. The Bearded Dragon tail rot also hit when they develop a bump in its tail. Another variable in the shedding process is the length of time it takes a specific reptile to complete a shed. This could mean that the shed is stuck. She then came to her senses and decided that Beardies Are Best :-). They should return to normal after a few days or at least once the shed is complete. This shedding aid is designed for use while bathing. I havr raised dragons many years before I bought my first chameleon. Continuous failure to shed the old skin on the tail end can result in tail rot;  Due to the restrictive nature of the old scales not allowing the tail to grow. Tail rot is a serious condition for bearded dragons and is the result of an internal infection. There will be a full shedding cycle pretty much once per week. Can tail rot be cured? We always recommend misting your bearded dragon with purified water as tap water may contain chlorine or trace metals. In short, there is no one way that you should approach caring for your beardie while they shed. Some bearded dragons may also become highly irritable which can lead to aggressive outbursts. Questions or concerns? Ensure that their enclosure has decor items that can assist them to slough off those dead scales. This incomplete shed or lack of shedding altogether is known as dysecdysis. How To Treat Bearded Dragon Tail Rot At Home. Bearded Dragon shedding. Bearded dragons struggle with shedding because unlike snakes who shed their skin all in one piece, beardies shed in patches. If they’re off their food and lethargic while shedding this isn’t a cause for concern. What is bearded dragon mouth rot and how can you tell if your bearded dragon has mouth rot? Shedding usually occurs more often with baby bearded dragon because as they go through rapid growth the skin will shed off more. It will eventually act as a tourniquet cutting of the tail’s distal circulation. My bearded dragon was shedding a lot since I got him and it went pretty well.