Yes, guinea pigs can eat celery. Celery is primarily comprised of fiber and water, so it is a safe food for your guinea pigs. They can also eat the celery leaves which are probably better than the stalks that we’re more familiar with. Still, it is important to follow our feeding instructions, as the calcium and oxalates in celery may cause guinea pigs bladder stones. That’s the part that Guinea pigs actually do love eating. Guinea pigs can eat celery. Celery has a fair amount of fiber, lots of water, and some good vitamins and minerals. In short, yes. Can Guinea Pigs Eat Celery? But it also contains oxalates that can encourage the formation of bladder and kidney stones. Can guinea pigs eat celery leaves? However, the answer is not that simple. There are many things that you may need to know. Some like it, some don’t. Yes, guinea pigs can eat celery. Never feed them a whole stalk all at once. In short, yes, they can, but not as frequently as you might think. Celery consists of a stalk and the leaves. Guinea Pig Diet Basics. So, there are many benefits to be found in celery. Did you know? The main part of celery is usually discarded in supermarkets and even while cooking. Too much Celery in your Guinea Pigs diet may cause diarrhea so monitor when giving your Guinea pig celery for the first time, checking that the stools are solid and how your Guinea Pig reacts a new food. Celery is a low-calorie vegetable with vitamins and a fibrous texture to support dental health. Before you run to the produce bin though, there are a few more things you need to know about celery for guinea pigs. Yes, they can eat the leaves, the stalks, and they can also eat the celeriac (root) which has a similar taste. It’s high in Vitamin C, fiber and low in calories but the high water content can cause bloating in guinea pigs. While celery can be great for your guinea pig, you’ll want to ensure you are feeding them a proper portion when they do eat it. Usually the supermarkets will sell celery stalks with most A Guinea pig can eat a small piece of celery daily, and many owners feed this vegetable as a snack to their Guinea pigs daily. If the stools are not affected stick to twice a week, the celery is low in fibre so can make their stools loose. Since you might have to look at other blogs to find more things your guinea pig can eat, there is some information on other common vegetables below to make things easier for you. Aside from the calcium and oxalate issue, too much food, in general, can lead to bloating. Can guinea pigs eat celery? First things first. Most guinea pig nutrition articles emphasize leafy greens. However, they should do so in moderation because celery is high in oxalates. Which is great as celery can be fed rather often due to its low-calorie content. Here is the good news: guinea pigs can eat celery leaves in moderation as an occasional snack. So celery can make a great addition to spice up your Guinea pigs meals. So, can guinea pigs eat celery? Most guinea pigs like the taste too, just be sure that you cut it into relatively small pieces so your pet can eat it without difficulty. And what nutrition does it offer your guinea pigs? Guinea pigs need 24/7 access to clean water. Guinea pigs can eat celery but can they eat the whole plant including the stringy parts and the leaves? When feeding celery daily, the amount is a key. Can guinea pigs eat celery? Most people have either a love or a hate relationship with celery. Guinea pigs can have celery stalks, but keep in mind that these (and other treats) should be enjoyed in moderation rather than as a large part of your pet guinea pig’s diet. Feed it only in tiny amounts, especially if combined with other high calcium fruits and vegetables. Guinea pigs and celery leaves seem like they should be a perfect match. Can Guinea Pigs Eat Celery? Before we jump into the list of vegetables guinea pigs can eat, we must first understand the basics of guinea pig diet. There are two ways of providing water bowl or bottle, but I recommend bottle. The guinea pigs tend to poop and run a lot.