If you are a sportsman or do actives which puts your body in line then you should try to take cautions during this phase of the Saturn retrograde period. Specifically, for this article, you need to Judge the role of planet Saturn in the given horoscope and take special precautions while doing so. Same time you will be able to witness rise of your spouse's career and finances which will help you also. Since Saturn is the planet of trials and tribulations, it limits what one does by acting as a resistance against his best efforts. For the females, this period can lead to issues with the monthly cycle and hormones related trouble can bother them. Since Saturn is over your 9th house which rules over Father and let's talk about Father first. If you are married already then this period shows some good time in your relationship, you will be able to please your spouse and mutual respect and love will keep you happy. Last but not least, depending on where retrograde Saturn is placed in your horoscope. Saturn is stationing retrograde in Aquarius on May 11th 2020, it will begin it’s journey backwards and re-enter Capricorn in July. Saturn aspect over your 8th house from the 6th shows that your there will be health issues to you spouse and same time there will be problems in the workplace. The expense will rise and may cause stress due to that though earnings will be stable. Now it’s time to slow down and see that your initial plans are stable. Impact of Saturn over the 7th house will be quite strong this time and if you are in weak Sun dasha then things will be tough for him. A negative force will hold you back due to which performance will go down and will lead to issues in your career. There could be an unnecessary expense on account of spending on luxury items and even traveling can drain your money. Use of Saturn's gemstone i.e Yellow Sapphire will certainly help you to gain the maximum results out of this transition of Saturn retrograde. As such no worry is seen on the Health part. Those who are unmarried will find the right match during this period and your love can convert to marriage if the 5th house in your natal chart is unafflicted. A retrograde planet tends to go slow in comparison to its regular speed and since our speed is constant in-universe the retrograde planet appears to move backward. While love hasn’t been off the agenda it might have meant you got more serious about who stole your heart… Or you might have fallen for someone more mature! All this means that verbal fights and ego clashes are also seen during retrograde Saturn. Having fear of this retrograde period of Saturn is quite understandable but I advise you to take cautions and precautions and you will pass through it. For wealth also this period seems to be very good for sudden gains and inheritance. We all know that Saturn aspect on 3rd, 7th and 10th house from its transit position. SATURN IN THE 8TH HOUSE / 8TH HOUSE IN CAPRICORN Power: business skills, ambition, order. If you are in business and have a partner in it, then this Saturn retrograde 2020 will cause issues and misunderstandings with the partner. Wealth wise this Saturn retrograde can prove extremely good for those who are looking to get an inheritance through Father. Though you can make strategy for increase in your revenue, I am sure you will see the positive results from your hardwork once the retrograde period is over. You Father may step up to help you in case you feel stuck with money and his help will prove very significant for you. To surrender around ongoing plans or long-term strategies! You might have some hard knocks with peers or in conversation – from local neighbours – at home, school or in the office, the ‘siblings’ surrounding you or literally your brothers and sisters. Perhaps you’ve climbed the ladder a rung or two, or simply become more prominent (even famous) in your field – or perhaps this is what’s coming in the next couple of years, Aries…. It also makes you go through certain events which can good or bad but are necessary to understand the higher power. This interim period of spring-summer is all about looking at your finances and possessions to evaluate where you stand – realistically. If you have marital disharmony combinations in your Horoscope then Saturn retrograde 2020 then I advise you cautions to some extent. Those who are looking to gain control over the family business will find some positive development in this regard. ARIES (March 21 - April 19) Aries, Saturn is gonna test you. This is how they look like in Horoscope Calculations, check the image below. Saturn rules over the following in their Horoscope. Saturn naturally rules boundaries, limits, responsibilities, discipline, and authority. The native finds it difficult to settle down and find a middle ground. You’ll be embracing heavy duty responsibilities in years to come, so use the summer to consider what needs to go in a major life transformation. Saturn retrograde motion over your 3rd house seems to be very auspicious and there will be all-round growth in career and business. ☆ ABOUT ☆ PRESS & MEDIA ☆ CONTACT ☆ ADVERTISE ☆ DISCLAIMER ☆. With kids there will be some tight moments but I see great harmony as time goes ahead and your will be seeing good progress in their life. If you are into Business then you should hold on to the important decisions untill September 2020. It will be far easier to progress with your commitments in September, with Saturn moving ahead in this, the most intimate area of your chart. For Virgo ascendant natives Saturn is a very important planet due to lordship over the 5th and 6th house. Saturn retrograde has a major say in your wealth especially for those who are looking to gain an inheritance. Same time you will be able to gain people trust and faith, this transition of Saturn will make you realise your abilities and talents which you haven't discovered so far. Stress due to work and relationship will take a toll on your body. Your mother may face some difficulty in her life and your relationship with her may also go sour. If you are planning to go abroad then this is the time you should file the papers because there is an indication that you will get the approval of Visa by August end. Here we have Saturn retrograde over your 10th house and Saturn have aspect on the 7th house of Marriage. Your Saturn Conjunct Saturn Transit. Otherwise I see a happy equation and old issues will be resolved due to Saturn's auspicious position in your 9th house. Saturn as being the Lord of Justice punishes and Rewards according to the person’s Karma. During any Saturn retrograde transit, we may revisit or review those topics associated with Saturn or feel as if we are given a momentary reprieve from the typical effects of Saturn transits, which may include pressure and a sensation of burden, fear, or frustration. Though I have written in great detail about retrograde planets for the purpose of this article, I will give major and important details here. Saturn is the strict disciplinarian of the planets and makes his way through a sign for about 3 years, and in the process he works it. Saturn retrograde 2020 can fulfill your dream of own house but make sure you calculate every aspect of it thoroughly. Don't lend anyone your money because any lending made during Saturn retrograde 2020 is not going to do well for you. Let's see in detail how you will affected by it in reality. With Saturn now making an about turn these themes could get a wee bit skewed. Let's see how various areas of their life will be affected during the retrograde Saturn period. We all know Saturn is a major planet in astrology and its position in your horoscope is more important than Jupiter itself. Overall  Saturn retrograde 2020 period will prove good for money especially for those who are looking for inheritance and gains from Government scheme. Saturn moving back through this area slows you down even more, so dating might seem harder to schedule and make time for. 1st house is the pillar of a Horoscope and is the most important house in astrology. There could be physical injury to you due to that and you may indulge in bad habits like smoking or drinking due to malefic influence over your 1st house. With a retrograde Saturn, the native comes into the current life, with a tendency to carry forward the same goals that he … Your secret power lies in bringing order to chaos. Cash flow will be slow and same time your increment in salary will be affected badly. Saturn have a huge say on your marriage and the retrograde motion of Saturn always affect the marriage directly or indirectly. Best is to keep things clear and try not to disrespect her. As far as the relationship with the spouse is concerned, some stress is bound to happen due to bad events with the spouse's family like with brother, father or mother. Conversely, it could be other persons taking more responsibility for you, acting ‘the parent’. Aries (March 21 – April 19) Now is the time to figure out when and how to say no to things at work, Aries. Since December 2017 money might have seemed scarce, or simply you may have been aware of a feeling that comes with the “not enough to go round” – hardship vibes. Retrograde Saturn through your 2nd house is not looking auspicious for relationship and marriage. You’ve likely been exploring your heritage and roots, and family patterns over Christmas and into 2019, with resulting changes to your personal life and where you reside. The best way to avoid the bad effects is the use of Mars gemstones in your gemtherapy, this will make your ascendant string and you will be able to handle situations effectively. If you are in need of funds for expansion of business then this will be the right time to approach people. Serious Saturn has been passing through your health and wellness zone, Leo, focussing on routine matters and day-to-day tasks! Further, while analysing any chart for astrological interpretation, Retrograde planets are divided into two categories, 1. I am tired of grandeur; all my feelings have dried up. Though be careful while doing heavy exercise and don't push your limits. Saturn goes into retrogression three times in each sign and this will be the first time Saturn will be going retrograde since it entered the sign of Capricorn. The best remedy is to wear a Blue Sapphire of good quality on the middle finger of your right hand. 8th house is a very important house and rules over obstacles, death, hidden agendas and suddenness of human life. I am stating this because Saturn retrograde 2020 looks very auspicious for you and I don't want to see disappointed if that not happen to you. I teach Astrology to my selected clients also and for more information about me, you can check the Author page where I have given a lot of information about myself. Virgo Retrograde Saturn in your Rashi may make you … It’s an excellent time to quit unwanted habits for you Aquarius! Saturn rules over following important significations in the birth chart of Aquarius ascendant native. Which means now your 7th house will be getting a intense aspect of Saturn!! The next time Saturn is predicted to enter Pisces is on March 7, 2023. Health of your spouse can suffer and there will be expenses on this regard. Here obviously you should know the basics of how to read a transit and then add additional details of retrograde motion also. Fashion, beauty and adornment with celebrity zodiac signs. This will make your ascendant lord strong and you will be able to counter the bad effects of this period. If you are trying to convince then this period is quite auspicious and I think chances of having a kids is very high. This (the 12th house) is very much an unconscious, inward place for this planet to be transiting, you have three years to heal and work on important transitions and closure.