It’s good to be thinking about creating guidelines before your adolescent leaves the nest for the first time. This includes respect during communication, sharing space, the noise level in the home, treating each other with dignity, respect for others’ property and privacy. Top 10 Rules to Include in Your House Rules for Adult Children. And he better be planning when he is going to eventually fly the coop. I set a curfew of 3:30am on the weekends, and 12:00 on week nights for my 20 year old son who is attending community college but living with us. Respect. A 19 year old that moved out a year ago, just after her 18th birthday because she chose not to follow the rules. I can't imagine having a child that old at home. I have a 21 year old that moved out a year and a half ago on her own choice. My parents didn’t set down specific rules for living at home but they had expectations that I … It has worked beautifully. A 13-Year-Old’s Curfew If my mom honestly gave me a curfew at 21 years old, I would be packing my stuff almost immediately. I really don't think you can give a 21-year-old woman a curfew. Any kid who is over 21 and living in my house better be paying rent of at least $300 month, which is cheaper than any apartment, going to work five days a week, helping with all chores, and being easy to live with. He has very good grades and works part time. I'm 21 and live at home with my mom, and I haven't had a curfew since I was 18 because I was an adult and should be making my own decisions. He thinks this is unfair. On this date the contract will The curfew for a 14-year-old will likely be different from that of a 17-year-old … 1. There's actually an important difference between 19 and 22. My sister inlaw is 46 and has lived with her Mum who is now 75 for the last 12 years. Whatever you decide, good luck and God bless. I lived at home when I was a student and it worked well. Curfew rules can be adjusted as your teen grows older and shows an increased ability to handle more responsibility. My parents dropped the rules and curfew when I turned 18 but with that went the allowance! I am a strong believer in setting different curfews for 12- or 13-year-old kids versus older teens. This contract runs from this date till September 1st, 2014 or prior when the adult child leaves for residence at university or to another living situation. At 21, she's legally an independent adult by any standards. I am intere sted in hear your thoughts about 40 year olds living at home with parents. We don't have any major problems with him like drugs, gambling, drinking, or being in a gang. A 20 year old that moved a year ago, again of his own choice. Additionally, a curfew for 13-year-olds like your daughter should vary depending on whether or not you are considering a school night curfew or a weekend curfew. My mother inlaw has now decided she want to move to a smaller place and we have started the process of preparing the house for sale. The relationship changes; she's not your baby but rather an adult living in the home of another adult. 1. Over a 40-year period, you'll have $1.8 million if you assume about a 6% rate of return," she says. You are setting her up to rebel, even at 21 years old. Here are the 10 guidelines for the millennials living at home. All in the household must respect all members of the household. and conditions [“house rules”] for _____ (enter child’s name) while living in this household. p.s.