If it is a negative dream it could mean that something is out of balance. For example, if you had a manicure yesterday or cut yourself shaving, your unconscious may simply be recalling that. Losing a body part is an omen that you need to take care of yourself and relationships in the future. In dreams the body is a symbol for your ego and your identity. That's why we always look for dream dictionary to find the meaning. (Ezekiel 47:3) Negative: Ankles in a dream could represent in a dream a lack of faith in … Body Parts . Body Parts Arm – strength; faith Bald Head – lacking wisdom Beard – maturity Fingers Thumb – apostolic Pointer – prophetic Middle – evangelistic Ring – pastor Pinky – teaching Hair – wisdom & anointing Hand – relationship; healing Immobilized Body Parts – spiritual hindrance; demonic attack Nakedness – Positive: being transparent; humility; innocence. The first is that in waking life, your body and / or body image has taken center stage. Dream about chopped up body parts is a symbol for close family values and tight connections. It can also be a metaphor for your inner life and your spiritual aspirations. Your vision about dreams about body parts being cut … To lose body parts in a dream can often signify that you have either a fear of losing something important in life or that you have recently lost something of great value. You are jealous of another person. If you dream of somebody else is having parts of their body removed represent that you are not being true to yourself. BODY PARTS . Body Parts Dream Meaning: Your dream may forewarn of health problems and concerns of that particular body part. If this is a positive dream you are having productive ideas and creativity is flowing. Prosperity as a result of good health and vitality is represented by an additional adverse dream if dreaming of affliction in this area of the body. Body parts in dreams and their conditions may carry rather obvious symbolic meanings either universal or Biblical, and thus can be excellent dream elements. Everbody had a dream. This dream is a premonition for vitality and well-directed energy which will lead to prosperity. Interpreting Dreams. In the first dream, I had lung cancer. The parts of the body can represent aspects of your identity. Dream: Lately I’ve had a couple of dreams about having cancer. Bodily illness and damage can represent your feelings of inner discord or can sometimes be a warning of actual ill health. The girl runs the risk of being deceived by a dishonest man. Meanwhile, for some others, dreams about body parts being cut off as a symbol that an event will come. Should I be worried? Body Parts Dream Interpretation and Meaning: Each body can be interpreted in two different ways based in its biological subtract or spiritual aspect.Dreaming about parts of the human body … Dream Theme: Body Parts Page: 1 of 4 | 78 Dreams found.. Abdomen . If you haven’t visited a doctor in a long time, maybe now is the time. If you dreamed of a stranger’s dismembered body, Miller’s dreambook warns you can pay a lot for unwise behavior. For most people, dreams about body parts being cut off is a general vision and so sometimes we don't pay attention. Interpreting what the dismembered body means in night plots, the dream book reminds that creepy images in a dream often serve as a good omen.. This dream is about the intellect or will power. There are a few common interpretations of dreams containing body parts: Dreaming about the head or brain. A-T. A. Ankle – When dreaming of an ankle the bible describes this as having faith and receiving strength.. Typically, dreams about the body, or parts of the body, occur for four reasons. There is something that you need to be aware of. More than one of these symbols can be employed simultaneously. As for a guy, due to circumstances he will … Your dream body represents your dream ego and your conscious identity. Positive: Dreaming of an ankle could represent having faith in a certain situation or showing faithfulness in the church or one’s personal life. Four days later I had a dream that I had cancer in my legs. DreamsMaster: My approach to dreams is to consider the literal meaning first, and then to move on to the symbolism. If, however, you dream that your abdomen is uncovered, the opposite is true and forewarns betrayal and disloyalty.