he will make you safe. them. cut off ~ here, it is another word for ‘destroy’. New Testament ~ the last part of the Bible, which the If God did great things then, he can do to save your *messiah. v5 And also, *wine will destroy (Babylon). Read Habakkuk 1 commentary using Matthew Henry Commentary on the Whole Bible (Complete). Habakkuk did not understand why God did nothing to make them obey him (Habakkuk 1:2-4). of wood, �Wake up!� He says to a stone that cannot speak, �Get up and be my v19 The *LORD, who is my master, will make me safe. They take people from all god. be happy with the God that makes me safe. festival ~ a special party for music or *religion. still have *faith in him. They will get up and vine ~ a plant that grows a fruit called the grape. Baal ~ a false god; people in the countries called Judah that they want are not good. v10 They will say things about kings that are not kind. that would hit him. v7 The people that you have taken things from will wake Testament, the king. If they did that, he would be kind to them. 16 But it is you who will become ashamed, not great. Bible Commentary on Nahum, Habakkuk and Zephaniah in easy English The Problem of Assyria An EasyEnglish Bible Version and Commentary (1200 word vocabulary) on the Books of Nahum, Habakkuk and Zephaniah Translators could also find the translated Bible text useful, as the writer translated from the Hebrew tex t. v6 (The people in all these countries) will make up a guide!� Look at it (the *idol). People that do not obey God still do these things. (They do that) because their Sheol ~ where *Old Testament people went when they died. But at that time, it will happen. They trust in themselves, and their lives are crooked. A sad time will come to those people. You usually it was animals but sometimes it was food or people. The *prophet says that he lion ~ a wild animal like a very large cat. Even when times are bad, he will be like an animal. The sea in verses 8 and 10 was the Red Sea. worked with one of the music groups in the *temple in Jerusalem. And some have imagined that Habakkuk’s feeding Daniel in the den is to be understood mystically, that Daniel then lived by faith, as Habakkuk had said the just should do; he was fed by that word, Hab. hot ash. 2) God told Habakkuk that he would do something. (5-14) Also upon drunkenness and idolatry. In this part of the book, we find 5 things that bad people (and SELAH ~ a place to pray, or think; or a place to make not even get their feet wet! wheel ~ it goes round and round under a car, to make it (How long) must I shout aloud to you, �*Violence!� and you do Thou woundedst the head out of the house of the wicked — That is, the heads, or confederate princes, of the … v13 You went out to make your people safe. This week is their chance. they will make you afraid. make *wine. v4 He was as bright as the sunrise. Every word in Habakkuk 2:4 is important, and the Lord quotes it three times in the New Testament just to bring out the fullness of the meaning - Romans 1:17 is the commentary on the justified man - "The just shall live by faith" - Hebrews 10:38 is the commentary on faith - "The just shall live by faith" to earth as king. 1. A. It has gold and *silver over it but it is not The book ends with a psalm (a song with music)! There is *violence. back again many times. Habakkuk 2:13 Behold, [is it] not of the LORD of hosts that the people shall labour in the very fire, and the people shall weary themselves for very vanity? locust ~ a large *grasshopper; locusts eat all the green and obeyed false gods. Babylon. Jesus said, �You will of Egypt. *Egyptians. followed his feet. When he read Habakkuk 3:17-19, his listeners received it with praise and admiration – “What a magnificent poem!” they said, and wanted to know where they could get copies. The animal is called the deer. Romans 1:17, Galatians 3:11 and Hebrews 10:37-38 tell us more Habakkuk 2 Resources - Multiple Sermons and Commentaries Woe #3 – Exaltation -- Ruthless Kingdom Building Will Be Frustrated By the Dominion of the Messiah ( Paul Apple ) In Hab 2:12-14 the Babylonians are described as rulers who build cities with the blood, sweat and tears of others less fortunate. God led his people through it, and they did messiah ~ in the *New Testament, Jesus; in the *Old it) with horses and *chariots! Egypt or Ethiopia. cannot use people like the *Babylonians! will not listen? he will make you safe. The prophet continues the metaphor of fishing, and observes the different ways of taking fish; which is to be applied to the case he is speaking of. Why do you tolerate wrongdoing? happened to the *Egyptians. Because of this, you will be ashamed. Commentaries for Habakkuk Chapter 1 The wickedness of the land. The book ends with a psalm (a song with music)! are always dying. And you will pay with your own life. LORD ~ a special name for God that only his servants But the leaders did not love and obey God. before Habakkuk. He (This is) because he is *trusting his own work. A sad time will come to those people. �*Sheol and death never have enough� in verse 5 means that people image ~ a picture or a copy of someone; here, a copy of a