I don't want to give away my position, so I'm rerouting a few stragglers back to you. His throne's shielding is protecting him. (He strokes his beard in false pensiveness.). He steps over to the bomb, and touches the flashing red activation pad at its center. They back off. Any questions are cut off as the Heretic opens fire on the Arbiter with twin plasma rifles. Cortana appears on the holographic projector built into Mercy's throne. Beside Guilty Spark there appears an image of the Index. What have these Brutes done? Fade up, to see the broken remnants of the Alpha Halo; a Covenant assault carrier flies into view, and we track with it. Arbiter our savior! The undecipherable material has been denoted by question marks. (Once you get through the next room and approach the door). Sgt. Ignore the braggart! We've tracked the leader to this part of the station. Yes, Sir. The Arbiter teleports into a foreground, rubs his wrists, and picks up a nearby plasma rifle. We need to get out of here. The Armory - "Suit up, prepare for battle. The camera cuts to the Scarab control room, showing Johnson at the controls, the machine's view screen showing the Arbiter looking up at the Scarab. Improved Solution Setup; Credits - Rude Yoshi Write the first section of your page here. The parasite did not defeat the Forerunners, and it shall not defeat us. Human filth, you confound this sacred place? There are honor guards all over this place. Just like the rest of your race: cowardly and weak! You have to stop him! After you defeat the Honor Guards, the level ends. The two other Pelicans veer off, plasma turrets on the tank's bank tracking them. Tartarus has locked himself inside the control room. Apologies. (If you take too long to approach the door). You proceed to wipe out the Covenant on this part of the ring. Watch your back. I shall light this sacred ring, release it's cleansing flame, and burn a path into the divine beyond! Once activated, this ring will cause destruction on a galactic scale. Because of this . Warriors, return to the landing zone! I'm picking up 2 more transponders. He leads you up the heavily guarded stairs to a balcony overlooking the streets where you fought the Wraith tanks. The camera cuts to Tartarus, who is looking at the Monitor as if making a decision. Sergeant Major, the Colonial Cross is awarded for acts of singular daring and devotion, for a soldier of the United Earth Space Corps�. (The door closes, and the elevator rises). You may need to get creative. They would use the faith of our Forefathers to bring ruin to us all! . You don't like me, and I sure as hell don't like you. This thing is right. . He is also gesticulating as he speaks. I'll reverse this grav lift- drop down and try to cut him off. Its useless to attack an Enforcer from the front. If I were a megalomaniac (and I'm not) that's where I'd be. The Council demands it. Three Phantoms fly past the camera and swoop past the ruins of Halo, a large piece of it still intact and with landscape and clouds still visible. Come out, so we may kill you. Now the bottom one. The Arbiter ignites his blade and looks down at it, before the mission begins. The Great Journey (Halo 2) That, or he can hide behind me. All platforms are now ready for remote activation. Our lives for the truth, the truth and the Covenant! Hostiles have secured the port bulkheads. Very familiar ones. This station'll test your recharging energy shields. For a Covenant construct it's unusually formidable. It should take you up to the Scarab. If you take too long to head for the final emplacement: No sign of the heretic leader - or his banshee. I do not wish to keep the Hierarchs waiting. Someone get a satchel on the gate! Tartarus holds the Index and Commander Keyes, and one of his Brutes has 343 Guilty Spark. Keyes engaged in a firefight outside the gangway to Keyes' ship). There can be no greater heresy! They deposit a group of Grunts and an Elite, followed by a second one that drops two Elites and the Arbiter. Yes. His armor's working fine, Johnson. It finishes its "routines" (as though for her) and she plucks it from its casing. A golden Elite helmet falls to the floor. When the Prophets learn of this, they will take your head! So I hear. Date Added Views. You have the MAC gun, Cortana. Once the towers are clear, we'll drive them from the lower districts! The Master Chief picks up the needler it dropped. When he reaches the door to the central area a cinematic begins. He then hurls 343 Guilty Spark at the Sergeant, causing him to grunt in pain and fall back onto the floor. Prophet of Truth, this has gone on long enough. to the Council. Out… Regret is a name, Sergeant. It meets with the energy already building there, and the entire mass implodes upon itself, then explodes outward, creating a fantastic light show, but causing no harm to the ring. Hold here until the Pelican arrives, Chief. The scene changes to show the outside of High Charity, the fleet surrounding it. Find out why he came to Earth, why he came here. Ready yourselves! Timeline Resources Bingo! Form a defensive perimeter around the cluster. Marines, time to kill us a Scarab! A lucky hit. (Once you pass through a second curved hallway). More like mass suicide. Should I leave it inverted, or put it back to normal. Re: Halo 2 Trainer Post by Cheater69 » Wed Jan 29, 2020 4:23 am I've seen it happen and it's both annoying and would probably scare some people away from this site. . Creatures of the Covenant, the path is clear, and we shall walk it side by side. The signals are originating somewhere below your position. But become the Arbiter . We're taking this fight to the surface. General_101. The Cairo is just one of three hundred geosync platforms. Please, don't make us go back . Don't make a girl a promise if you know you can't keep it. The hopes of all the Covenant rest on your shoulders, Chieftain. His legs flex, and he vaults off the bomb, aiming for the split in the carrier's armor. CUT TO the bay, where the Chief is resting one hand on the bomb. Chief, when you get to Earth... Good luck. Scene cuts to In Amber Clad's bridge. But it's odd that a Prophet would have such bad intel about his enemy's homeworld. JOHNSON (as the dropships approach the outskirts of Mombasa): Dear Humanity... we regret being alien bastards. . The heretic leader vanishes, and moments later, tiny ball-shaped creatures start to appear. This tunnel leads up to the bridge. The Arbiter hits a big glowey button. Where would someone go to activate the other rings? The Arbiter gives Johnson the "Glasgow Kiss" and incapacitates him. It is but one last hurdle before the Journey and salvation. Metropolis (Halo 2) 6. That's the largest Covenant fleet I've ever seen- the largest anyone's ever seen. I don't think it's stopping; get your heads down! I see that coward didn't join you. She jumps from platform to platform, finally arriving on the central pad. Look! The Heretic Leader releases the drones, which become copies of him. A swarm of Flood Infections pours over one edge of the platform. I'll do what I can to slow the launch sequence. Arbiter, did you know that the Elites have threatened to resign? Mar 10th, 2019. She takes the Index from the pillar of light, which immediately disappears. The Council demands it. . They've been using the Forerunner ship's engines as an energy source for the city. Pay attention, 'cause I'm only going over this once. Thou, in faith, will keep up safe whilst we find the path. In the Behind the Scenes show on the DVD that comes with the Limited Collector's Edition of Halo 2, Joseph Staten flips rapidly through an early cinematic script of Halo 2. How to start this process? Soon as that door opens�let �em have it! And you shall be set loose against this heresy, with our blessing. This reclaimer is delicate! You've released the shield's power source. The carrier's center is a huge, open chamber, a massive fusion core casting white light across its inner surface. After several hallways and platforms, he catches another Marine transmission. That creature beneath the Library, that "gravemind", used us. It then cuts back to Johnson and the Arbiter as Johnson speaks to the Elite. I saw it too. Few E3 presentations have been burned into the collective memory of gamers quite like the 2003 live demonstration of Halo 2. Great Journey? Gravemind (Halo 2) Edit. Order. The Great Journey is-. She unleashes on the Arbiter with her SMGs (a confident move, considering Johnson's position and that shooting even one SMG is akin to wrestling a greased pig). Spec Ops and his companions turn and walk out of the room. No enemy has ever withstood our might. The camera follows a small Flood Spore floating in the atmosphere of High Charity. They are taking Keyes, Johnson, and 343 Guilty Spark with them. They spot another gondola, already departed and moving ahead. The platform detaches and moves outside, as the shield recedes overhead. The Brutes lead the Elite Commander through a crowd of jeering Grunts, Jackals, and Hunters. This gondola won't get us all the way to the main temple, but it'll get us close. The Covenant just destroyed two of their own ships. Home. I will continue my campaign against the humans. So it is. Outskirts (Halo 2) 5. They will fight by our side. A double shot is simply a button combo of pulling the right trigger twice, and the x button once, all within 1 second. Here? Wait! Spec Ops pauses and sniffs the air. We have much to do. The enemy ship is stopped just above the ring, ma'am. He then bangs the fist with the Icon on the control panel. You enter a large warehouse in pursuit of the Scarab. A Human cruiser drifts past a massive orbital Magnetic Accelerator Cannon platform. They have a bomb. Most Liked Most Viewed Studio Releases Advanced Filters. One of Lord Hood's officers whispers something in his ear. That bridge is the most direct route to the city center. (RRX) You need a battle rifle. As you can see, they recharge a lot faster! Arbiter. I'm going loud! CAIRO DEFENSE COORDINATOR (loudspeakers): Stand by�they're latched! They step through a door labelled �Bridge,� a pair of dress uniformed guards saluting them, and vanish into the light bloom. The camera cuts to show Tartarus from the front. (Launch bay with ODST pods lining the walls). Not against a ship that size. The Brutes fend them off, but one makes it past them and latches onto Mercy. Go ahead and look at the four lights, chief. Hold your fire! Presets. They're tough, but they ain't invincible! Odd, I know, but it does help explain why they came here with such a small fleet. He reaches up and takes the helmet of the Arbiter, and places it upon his head, then looks to the Hierarchs. That stench . Clear this LZ, the Pelicans are right behind us! Sir, additional contacts! A transmission from Tartarus is overheard. There. We're approaching the main temple now. (script [script type] math_and_more_math (+ 3 8) (- 8 2 1) (* 80 6) (/ 38 2) ) The arguments in the above examples are the numbers, plain and simple. (A Marine pulls up in a Warthog, honking the horn). The Brutes and Tartarus bow. Sgt. Two Elites cover the entrance with plasma rifles while Grunts file in. Tartarus places Miranda on the shoulder of the Brute dragging Johnson across the floor. new . Coming into view now. Hostile reinforcements, coming down the lift! What happened to the Forerunners? The Arbiter fights through the first portion of the station back toward the hangar. The Elite jumps up onto one of the crates. They're heading straight for the Cairo! We cannot maintain our position! The Arbiter stands in the Phantom's troop bay. Better we protect ourselves! good work. The Brutes drop the Elite to his knees and rise, leaving the room. At that moment, a Pelican flies in carrying a Scorpion Tank. After you enter the "throne room", the prophet talks to you. (The Chief grabs weapons and meets up with the defending Marines). Please! Move around a little, get a feel for it. A pair of Brutes move to take the Elite Commander's arms; he stands up straight and makes to push them away. The Council decided to have you hung by your entrails and your corpse paraded through the city. They're going to try to take our MAC guns offline, give their capital ships a straight shot at Earth. One more word, Oracle, and I'll rip your eye from its socket! Why was it not destroyed, with the rest of their fleet? A Pelican flies by and unleashes a barrage of missiles on the Scarab, to no avail. This tower cluster should connect to the structure further out in the lake. The machine rises until it looms over the Arbiter, and Johnson speaks through the radio. Seal the exits! Go ahead, cut that cable! Spark is snatched by an unseen force and pulled away. Optics, totally fried. You hear me Marines? Johnson readies his Battle Rifle, while Miranda gets out her two SMGs. Given what we know about this ring, it's even more important that we capture the Prophet of Regret. There are several Brutes standing guard. That structure in the center of the city- It's a Forerunner ship! There's an exit nearby, hurry. The Chief emerges from one of them. To the vehicles! Transcripts Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Gravemind brings in 2401 Penitent Tangent and the reanimated corpse of Regret. Yours does not. (After entering the room where the Arbiter was briefed on Sacred Icon). Make haste! The Chief crawls up the bomb, presses its activation panel, and spins around. Yes. Fine, I won't watch. A Warthog pulls up to you. Were it not for the Arbiters, the Covenant would have broken long ago! Scene opens with a huge white and purple explosion in space. You are the Arbiter, the will of the Prophets. But the Council was . The cinema begins with Commander Keyes on a platform revolving around the central structure of the room. Cut to Commander Keyes, sitting in her command chair on the Bridge of In Amber Clad. The Scarab demolishes the Scorpion tank that was dropped in earlier, then it starts walking toward the base. There are those who said this day would never come. The Arbiter and his new allies punch through Flood resistance and arrive at another camp, where another Elite and the Spec Ops Leader are fighting off the Flood. Afraid of my little hammer? And I'm hearing reports of small arms fire throughout their fleet. (as the Arbiter approaches the doors where the rest of the team is waiting to enter), The storm has masked our approach, and has their local battlenet in disarray. Add Script. Whosoever is gripped by fear, take heed: I am the Prophet of Truth, and I am not afraid. The far side of Alpha Halo explodes as the Pillar of Autumn's fusion drives go critical. The Brutes have betrayed us! (The elevator door behind Gunns opens, to reveal Sergeant Johnson in crisp, white dress uniform). Sergeant, load up two flights of pelicans, and follow them in. A bomb. The Arbiter descends through the facility, eventually entering a room featuring a window looking out onto a landing pad with three Banshees. Arbiter? Text reads, "Covenant Holy City, High Charity Ninth Age of Reclamation" Inside High Charity, … Come to the middle level, Chief. The heretics have weapons emplacements all over the facility, Arbiter. who was it? Oh, sorry, were you trying to kill something? Not a very original plan, but we know it'll work. Within the Phantom, Tartarus steps up beside the Brute pilot. The display flickers, showing approach trajectories for a group of Covenant starships. BRUTE 1 (referring to the execution of the human prisoners): A day's ration says I do this in one cut. On the far end of the beach, there's a passage into the cliffs. They know nothing of the Great Journey! Johnson) I need a weapon. The Monitor pipes up from under the arm of the Brute carrying him. The Chief moves to take Cortana out of the network, but Cortana stops him. I've got a fix on Truth's position just outside this tower, Chief. Step on in, I'll show ya. Knock-knock! CP's this way! The Prophets' personal guards shield them with their polearms. I'll secure the index, chief. (The Chief hoists a rocket launcher on his shoulder). CHAPTER 04: "Dead Or Alive . Do not let the Arbiter enter the chamber! We'll leave it for the others. Try and take it easy till you get used to the upgrades. But, ultimately, the terms of your execution are up to me. We have it trapped. He is lifted and brought before a huge creature. Stinking Floodbait boxed himself in tight. Three Brutes walk towards the Arbiter. Truth is broadcasting on the move; it'll make him much easier to track. It's moved on. Johnson and the Chief step from the tram into the crowd of Marines. Sgt. They're in standard formation, little bastards up front, big ones in back. A lone Marine stationed on the bridge joins you and the other 2 Marines. Given what we have learned, I fear they are lost. Killing Regret should shake up the Covenant Leadership. Copy that. He steps over a Marine sitting on the ground, out of breath from what must have been a recent firefight. And fear not pain nor death! Several Elites roar in both pure anticipation and (what is no doubt) formal response. I doubt the cable can withstand its bite. They encounter the Heretic Leader fleeing. He's on that carrier, and he's calling for help. Miranda takes aim at the Arbiter with her SMGs. (After defeating the enemies and approaching the chamber that held the Arbiter's armor). It turns to give chase. If they came to hear me beg, they will be disappointed. Corporal Perez, A Company! That Scarab's main gun can break the control room doors. Halo 2 Vista Double Shot Macro - posted in Gaming Questions: Hi, Ive just learned about AutoHotkey about an hour ago. The Brutes and their cargo move out onto a platform overlooking the Mausoleum of the Arbiter. We shall cut into the heart of this infestation, retrieve the Icon, and burn any Flood that stand in our way. A multitude of Covenant Ghosts patrol the bridge, as well as a Covenant Wraith tank. That Prophet is going to tell us why. By the time I learned the Demon's intent, there was nothing I could do. Cortana snaps, and the Prophet stops talking. But frankly, it sounds like you might be doing Truth a favor. Forget about the Flood- you've got to get aboard! Gravemind removes 2401 Penitent Tangent and Regret. Every Arbiter, from first to last. A Pelican swoops in overhead and crashes onto the platform. If we're going to catch Truth, we'll need to take a shortcut straight through the mausoleum. I'll keep an eye on 'em. There's a door at the other end of the chamber. The camera focuses on a broken door. The energy is then launched skyward in a blue comet. Registering all hostile vessels inside the kill zone. At this, a familiar blue glowing ball of annoyance descends, humming to itself. We'll come to you. After several blasts from the Scarab's main gun, the door explodes, revealing a path to the control room through the rubble from the door. Sorry for the quick jump, Sergeant. We're drifting. If you hit the activation switch, it should drive itself. . What have they to say now? Automatic Halo 2 Lightmap Generation (Blender Script) blender project halo h2 bake cartographer halo2 lightmap h2codez Updated Jan 25, 2021; Python; Improve this page Add a description, image, and links to the halo2 topic page so that developers can more easily learn about it. So, Johnson, when you gonna tell me how you made it back home in one piece? . Add Category. On your right there is a Scarab docked on a Forerunner structure. The parasite is not to be trifled with. He sees Flood battling more heretics, and a Phantom swoops in to provide reinforcements and covering fire. Alert! Inside High Charity, Banshees swoop and join formation, and a huge crowd of Covenant soldiers gathers. Big . Starting final countdown... And may I say, reclaimers, it has been a pleasure to serve you both. Leader, the storm is about to hit! The Arbiter cuts the final cable, and the entire station groans with the stress. That cruiser is controlled by Brutes. We are engaging the enemy. I thought Halo was some sort of super weapon. Both humans look up at the Arbiter. Every member of the Covenant shall the walk the path. The steel rings surrounding the Chief lift up into the roof. .. For now. They ride a grav lift down to the walkway leading up to it and pass dozens of Elite Honor Guards standing at attention, staves ready. COMMANDER KEYES continues talking). Lower the shield, Arbiter! (Once you kill 2 more waves, a squad of Brutes will rise from the shaft the Prophets fled down). Grid kilo 23 is hot. They'll need your help. Reach burns under Covenant plasma bombardment; the Pillar of Autumn lifts from orbit and rockets away, attempting to escape the massive Covenant fleet. The camera cuts back to Johnson inside the Scarab. Iris File Transcripts. Recommend mission abort. Where the Councilors were meant to watch the consecration of the Icon - the start of the Great Journey. Not much further now. They stand in front of Lord Hood, snap to attention, and salute. Iris Video Transcripts. A Prophet. There are 2 groups of marines in this detention block. All that can be transcribed is here. Here rests the vanguard of the Great Journey. The order is carried out. When I shipped out for Basic, the orbital defense grid was all theory and politics. Spec Ops walks off, and the Arbiter looks at the ancient Forerunner door, one of the first of many leading to the Sacred Icon... Chapter 01: Objects In The Mirror May Be Larger Then They Appear. I apologize, but we're going to have to make this quick. A pair of Elites and a large group of Grunts attack, while a pair of Jackal snipers fire on you from a distance with their Beam Rifles. Now, find a way to remove it from its cradle. Cortana turns from looking at the Prophet to looking at the chief. That's one! Cairo Station (Halo 2) 4. On the other side, a Wraith or two awaits you. Apparently, Regret jumped the gun when he attacked Earth. The Tank slows and stops, and reveals the Spec Ops Leader. Don't worry, you can pick me up later. He sees that he's being held aloft by a tentacle, and he is brought towards the head of a massive creature: the Gravemind. Run away! But from what I understand, the prophet will need an object, the index, to activate the ring. The planet and Halo are much closer now, and the IAC speeds toward them). Indeed, I designed and oversaw the construction of this facility's various outbreak management systems. There are an uncountable number of slipspace ruptures, and hundreds of Covenant ships come out of slipspace, including High Charity. Cut to video screen with Sgt. I know a way to break those doors. And you know nothing about containment. The music starts to crescendo. He hops onto a Banshee and runs off. A Council member stands up from his seat. He holds the Index in his right hand, and Commander Keyes in his left. Pull yourself together, 'cause you're goin with him! Ninth Age of Reclamation" The installation is ready to fire. Blew through the Malta's debris field and headed straight for Earth! How tiresome. Meet you at the bottom, OK? When we joined the Covenant, we took an oath! All right, let's see where this elevator goes. The carriers are breaking through, Sir! (The machine spins up, and zaps your shields). Several Elite orbital drop pods hit the ground around him and Spec-Ops Elites emerge. (Watching through the window as the lift descends, you can see a massive Covenant assault carrier accelerate right past the Cairo). That is the Prophets' age-old promise. The Arbiter (Halo 2) 7. (When you clear out the LZ, for the first time). . A bloody fate awaits you and the rest of your incompetent race... and I, Tartarus!, Chieftain of the Brutes, will send you to it. .50 cal, rockets, didn't do a thing. . They enter the Mausoleum, where the Prophets of Truth and Mercy await. It was Tartarus and his Brutes who took the Icon from the Flood. By the rings. As soon as they come in range, open up. The Brutes escort the Elite Commander from the Council Chamber. Same as the Malta. Two Brutes are shown bickering over another one of the helmets, while another appraises his staff as if were a new toy. The Councillors! A Jackal and grunt are standing around near an old Forerunner ruin built into the side of a cliff. In Amber Clad flies overhead and out of sight. I see a good LZ on the other side of these buildings. "(tutorial) 3. Schematics, topography, whatever. . Excellent. A young woman steps up, turns, snaps to attention. He pauses before it, and looks to the pods containing the corpses of the Arbiters who fell before him. Cut back to a darkened control room, the Commander studying a hologram in its center. The Arbiter? (After working through several more rooms). The Brutes strap the Elite Commander's arms into a pair of floating restraints. You end up on a series of walkways above a large water-filled canal, and the Scarab is walking below you, while Covenant troops fire at you from the deck. It's going to jump, inside the city! By the Prophets! I guess they never expected a hostile intelligence to penetrate their network from the inside. I had no choice, Holy Oracle. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. After killing the Brutes, you enter the hallway that leads to the control room itself. On the blood of our fathers, on the blood of our sons, we swore to uphold the Covenant! I will continue my campaign against the humans. Thanks for the tank. More guards, get ready. His edification was most enjoyable. 6 posts • Page 1 of 1. It's In Amber Clad! If you want to keep your brain inside your head, I'd tell those boys to chill. Get to the conduit! Their Arbiter can do nothing for them now. Cortana appears on a pedestal near the bomb. Stopping Truth- that's all that matters! We are, all of us, gravely concerned. Come, we are leaving this system. I'll deal with their location, you neutralize the guards- quietly. What about us? Call when you're ready for evac. How's our exit? The camera returns to a view of the Brutes from behind, showing the Arbiter enter the control room and approach the Brutes. The Arbiter runs out a door, and sees a Wraith tank approaching. Unless you'd prefer to swim. Three Prophet hierarchs. How unfortunate. LORD HOOD ??? Another Elite surrenders his helmet. Your new suit's a Mark VI, just came up from Songnim this morning. The cable. Off all things, it moves. You are one of our most cherished instruments. The Phantom swoops toward the Sentinel Wall, behind which is the Library, protected by a shield. Another MAC platform floats nearby, and we can see the Anatolian Peninsula beneath it). What's the matter, Arbiter? Crash site's on the other side of this hotel, Chief. Arrogant creature! Past this point, the team enters an elevator and descends into a hangar. I've located a library similar to the one you found on the first halo. (When you exit the gondola a cinematic begins. (Covenant drop pods slam down on the beach all around you, and armed Elites spring from them). He reaches the ground far below, and steps out into open air. Immediate. "Leader, there is no doubt: the storm will strike the facility! Negative, Admiral. Looking for a little payback? A huge Covenant fleet has arrived at the wreckage of Halo, and with them a massive, incredibly complex hemisphere structure. Cut to an image of Delta Halo. The name of one of the Covenant's religious leaders. All non-combat personnel report to evacuation stations! CHAPTER 02: "This Town Ain't Big Enough For Both Of Us". The Hierarchs do not take kindly to failure... As the gondola approaches a large ledge where a grouping of Flood wait. There is still time to stop the key from turning, but first it must be found. Even as trophies these weapons are worthless! . I can no longer command ships, lead troops into battle-. Let's get on board. It's obviously a weapon. There is a hole in the center of all three, and from somewhere below the camera's view from the top tier of the platform, a white beam of light surrounded by blue-purple tendrils of energy begins to flow skyward. Something's not right. The first carrier completely ignored us, Sir! . (Emerging from this room and killing all the enemies). Tartarus kneels before Truth and receives the Index. According to our station! Proceed to the objective! The lead Pelican flips inverted, hits a building, and slides through a low brick wall, before blacking out the frame. The Arbiter is going to continue up through this station, cut the cable, and scare the Heretic from his hole!