People do make mistakes. This topic contains 45 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by . We had been talking for two months and he had gotten out of a long term relationship with a woman he deemed was very controlling. I have received great advice from everyone and was getting ready to end it with him and walk away YESTERDAY until I spoke with a friend. Enjoy things as it is and cherish the experience. So I really liked this guy. I know I deserve to not be a “choice”. Why won't he take that step and commit to a relationship? I don’t think he’s in love with her and he’s told me he’s not – twice. He isn’t stepping up. Why would a man choose to walk away from a relationship over admitting guilt? I am looking forward to meeting another guy that wants the same things I want but for now, this guy makes me happy when I am with him. He’s intellectually, spiritually, emotionally and physically everything you want in a man. I was in a similar situation at the end of last year and I walked away too, and looking back, I really wish I would had put less emphasis on where it was going and would have just enjoyed the ride more. If a man isn’t giving you what you want, on to the next one! We tend to get much emotionally attached through sex, it’s just biology, my personal believe. After a long talk he thanked me for talking with him and being the mature adult and how he was being selfish, owed me an apology and that we should see where things go, and that he did value me more than just a booty call. I cried for the first 3 days, yet am feeling so much better now. I am a 22 year old senior in college and he's 37 businessman divorcee with an 8 year old son... We've know each other for a bit over a year (mutual … Press J to jump to the feed. This topic contains 45 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  Zoe 2 years, 3 months ago. its been four months and everything was great. It does make a break-up much easier to move on, instead of obsessing with his response. I would talk with him and give it a couple of months. Then there came a point when I realized he truly didn’t want a committed relationship. Maybe that’s why fwb seldom works out, eventually someone will develop feelings, often women. I try not to think that far and go day by day. So I am thinking asking a common friend to text him and pick up my stuff for me, so I can avoid any contact at all. He gave you the ring so he doesn't lose you (so you won't sleep with anyone else), but he's happy with the way things are. As I feel NC helps me refocus on myself without his distraction, gives me a sense of empowerment and determination. He asked me to take the day off and we could stay in bed all day but I told him I couldn’t. I walked away since he wouldn't commit to me, and 4 months later I still feel miserable? It makes no sense – am I missing something here? Those guys I do not take seriously. Be the best version of yourself around him. You are not being uncool or rude here, this is called self-preservation. Now it's been 8 months. Once you’re emotionally invested, you’re invested and it’s a gamble. I have been seeing a guy who is recently divorced (about 1 year) but was separated for approx. Didn’t you already say that there were two deal breakers which caused you to lose trust? wow. Regarding what I truly want, I right now still hope he comes around. I was seriously going to walk away but he spent hours chasing. Will I be hurt when he decides to leave – absolutely. 2. Amazingly goodlooking, great career and smart. I was hurt at the time since he told me he liked me a lot and I started falling for him a little bit. They MUST tell flirting men when they have a boyfriend! In December I left my boyfriend of 3.5 years because he wouldn't commit. He’s commented on my personality and how much fun I am to be around, how I fit in with his friends and people he’s introduced me to and what he likes about me is “I make him laugh.” That’s about all I can do and if that’s not enough…oh well. He said that at the beginning, but we acted like a couple. Treat him like a gay friend and open your options.
    1. . Great advice from both of you. Or admitting he lied? Relationship trauma. It’s definitely not easy. That is sign enough he doesn’t want you to stay. I can only imagine that you are in SO much pain and I am just so sorry. Night before he left he spent the night with me and said we would text/see me next week (meaning this week). Life . After dating for over five years he just simply didn’t care anymore. Only catch is you have to want to walk away. You cannot blindly apply the same rule to all situations, I find. That’s not my definition of not looking back. 2 years. He won't commit to me do I walk away? he will know u mean business and that u are emotionally and mentally strong. Or married guys which I will have nothing to do with at all. Thanks and will keep you updated. He’s basically my version of Prince Charming. So you are smitten, head over heals, seeing forever but he won't commit to a relationship with you. I never looked back. I discovered he lied to me about some serious issues and caused me to lose trust in him, as a friend even. me too! He never turned around and chased me. I have to say I’m very proud of myself for my growth. Sarah- I am so sorry. I’m looking at my situation now (as it has taken me all of this year to get over it) that I should just count my blessings because if I had stayed in the relationship, I would have got more hurt than I already did. September 28, 2019 at 7:20 am . He did not do anything wrong. its time to walk away and never look back…. I really don’t feel like initiating contact about this, especially creating an opportunity to see him at his place. Great decision, go girl, no NC is the best way. I think that’s why I need to continue living my life and take it one day at a time. It will hurt like a bitch. If he is texting, I would personally say that I am taking a month to think things through, but maybe I’m just a softy. Best to walk away with your dignity and self-respect, he is more likely to respect and see your worth. He gave me his apartment keys in the first month. It started off as just a booty call. It’s not about age, it’s about maturity level) because she doesn’t want to waste any more of her time. However, I may change my mind as I continue NC and open my other options later now. He mentioned in his text he still has my stuff as well, to which I didn’t reply. It’s funny how I can say that to you but can’t do it for myself. This does not mean he does not like you are care about you, just means you are not the woman he really wants to have a future with. You further your education. maybe this time you should hear what he wants to say? I don’t want to put all this work and energy and love into this relationship if he is just not longer interested and is just going to walk away. If he doesn’t chase you when you walk away, keep walking. If you really do need it back, either send a friend to pick it up, or ask him to mail it so that you don’t have to see him. Understandably. Good education and family background, etc. He is the first “serious” man I have been with since my separation. I know they are only looking out for my best interests. But really, I’m just telling myself that to feel better about the situation. He already know how I feel and what kind of person I am. Everything you have sacrificed. Too often even though we know that the guy we want to be with may not feel the same we stick around hoping that he will change his mind and end up settling for crumbs, FWB, or to be friend zoned. So he may try, but I won't promise anything. That is the sign his emotions are not strong enough and that his pride is more important for him than you. I think he will reconnect. your so strong. Your words are terribly conflicting. You're not someone's fall back plan for when they're original wants go to shit. Viewing 25 posts - 1 through 25 (of 46 total) 1 2 → Author. I fear losing my emotional balance that I have been trying so hard to obtain in the past week. He texted me around 5:30 p.m. yesterday and said he would be fininshing up at 9 and asked if I wanted to meet. He recently spent a week’s vacation at his ex wife’s family’s beach house. It clicks. hats off. But also give him a chance to speak his mind and tell you what he needs to say before you decide to go no contact for whatever period of time you need. October 7, 2019 at 12:08 pm. If he doesn’t want to be with you, there’s honestly something up, because you are an amazing person with so many awesome qualities. By the time NC period ended, things were already different and even thought we did get together, it was not the same. Take some time, set the boundaries regarding contact with him, whether you will agree to see him, what would he have to do in his actions to make you reconsider the break up. There are so many men that want to commit why settle for less than you deserve. If he really wants to be with you he won’t give up. After what I have been through I am not looking for a committed relationship but am looking for something a little more consistent. And there may come a point where you have to, too. Then if you want to, you can see him for coffee and see what he has to say, if you are still interested. I personally wouldn't even let him bother. Never miss a thing with GirlsAskGuys notifications on your browser. Than we were supposed to get together and he basically stood me up (said he forgot his ex going out and he had the kids.) He said so at the beginning, but we acted like a couple. He has to come to the realization on his own that he no longer wants to be a victim of his past. Mother-in-law asked him to go and he promised his kids. Maria, you’ve said this really well and it is an excellent point. I doubt that many of us would expect our relationship partners to hang around if we wouldn’t commit! She would often walk around the house with lingerie, Trying every little thing to get his attention but nothing worked. I would have dated others so my life wouldn’t have revolved around him. I told him I loved him and trusted him, what he did was inexcusable and what he is offering now (like a fwb) I really can’t accept. This is the problem when we stick around because it feels good, and we are having a good time, think about how you will feel when he finds the woman he wants as a girlfriend or falls in love with. Seven months into our relationship, I asked him if he saw a future with me. The Real Reasons Why He Won’t Commit. Thank you!! After my separation, most of the guys who approached me or showed attention were young guys looking for sex with an older woman. In your case, I don’t think you would need such a harsh reset, I don’t think. Good for you. If I could do it all over again, I would have done what you’re doing and also try my damndest (which I don’t even know if I know how to do) to step back emotionally. Same old story, different day. But the question remains why am I settling when i do really want more from this man than he is capable of giving, and will be the one hurt in the end. just my humble opinion, I’m almost as lost as you are. However, I know my worth. You may use these HTML tags and attributes: She didn’t want that to happen so she walked away. Now he "realized what he had" and "doesn't want to lose me". It’s hurtful and I feel bad and start thinking about all the negative of the situation. Why would you want to hitch your star to that wagon? Getting back together based on duress in unlikely to be successful in a long term. The ball is in his court he now knows what you want and how you feel. I walked away because he wouldn’t commit. Wouldn’t it be so nice if there was a set time line for everything such as how long do I wait for a man to a commit? So many things in life we seek answers and concrete information. I know that's the last thing you want to hear, but you need to hear it. My personality has given a rather positive turn of events. First he wasn't even worried, he thought I'd come back in few days and continued being a jerk. And I did. He started texting again and than would text to meet and I would. It’s a difficult position to be in. u have my respect. m&m says. I omitted some important details in the original post, so might let you think the my response is a bit harsh. Confessions of a Ladies Man: Women are NOT children. However, I do want to get some of my stuff back. How are you now? Do not set a limit to it, because he might change his mind faster than 1-2 months. Good luck to you! There were questions on both sides that were unanswered, so a lot of resentment and a lot of hurt accumulated BECAUSE of the NC rule, from both sides whereas we both wanted to get back together and were willing to work things out and compromise. Or too uncool and rude… Please I need your girls advice. She said if you are enjoying yourself and like his company why delete him from your life. It is what it is. He has always been honest with me and I shouldn’t expect anything more from him now and maybe never. Some people do not ever get over a relationship ending and refuse to get back together, so it is possible that he is one of these people. So maybe cut the sex out and see if he can invest more emotions? And the possibility of a happy ending if he takes it seriously. I figured it takes at least a month or two for someone to really chane his mind, if it ever happens. Finally, if he does commit after you’ve walked away the relationship is then essentially based on a lie or fear of losing you rather than communication and mutual goals for the relationship. If He Does These 7 Things, He's Ready To Commit. Thank you so much! Reply. They don’t see everything you have done for them. For example, if he doesn’t reciprocate your feelings and you decide to walk away from him, he will most likely not come running back into your arms, simply because that’s not where he wants to be. I feel sorry for you having gone through difficult times. I’ve said it all, no misunderstanding. So don’t let anyone judge you and make you feel bad about it. This was a go-nowhere-slowly relationship, and you simply did what was reasonable and expected. We had a talk about what’s going on between us and he said he didn’t want to hurt me and that he didn’t know what was going to happen I just needed to know from him that he valued me more than just a booty call. He’s also confessed he feels like he failed and guilt about what happened with his marriage. Today is day 6 of NC. (40 Posts) Add message | Report. There's absolutely nothing you can do to change a man's mind. He is also mind blowing in the bedroom. I think it’s really too late to hold back from having sex with him so for now it is what it is and I am going to try and look on the positive side of things instead of focusing on the negative. I would have a hard time trusting him. The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except as expressly permitted in writing by A New Mode, Inc. I regret my decisions and how I acted in the end and now I find myself yearning to be in the place with him again and it hurts. It will feel like you’ve wasted months, maybe even years of your life, but at least you can walk away knowing that one day, the hurt will turn to hope and … He said he liked me a lot and that I am the most serious girl that he has been with since his divorce, but not ready to settle down. How I can make you happy?”. I will take your advice and lessen the emotional attachment as difficult as that will be. I immediately confronted him, he got all defensive and brought up the no relationship talk again. Ellen-I don’t blame you one bit. It could work out or you could get terribly hurt. I wanted to see if someone was going through same things. You are absolutely right in your explanation of why you are doing what you have to. Option52, I totally agree with you. I love him fiercely, but I love me more. He… He’s Happy With the Way Things Are. Thought he’d grown attached to me and change his mind. It will be hard. Go by your circumstances. Sometimes, saying “I quit” is impossible to come back from. But I agree with Maria that ignoring him is harsh and will breakdown the communication. So I don’t judge you one bit but I can’t help to feel scared for you. It’s not like she wouldn’t try to get his attention either. Lee. You didn’t lose her, she just walked away. At least not until I walked away. He was too enamored with his own world and his own life. Maybe he'll learn something. There is no need to meet for coffee, no need to tell him you are going NC. First it would hurt so much, but make yourself busy and every day, it will get better and never, never, never go back to him and stop thinking that he would change for you because he wouldn't. After a while he realized that wasn't the case so he tried to woo me and manipulate me, but that didn’t work. I felt like I was missing a limb for about 6 months. To think he had the nerve to treat you like that in the first place. He probably will try to talk to me and mess up my mind again.