Minor back pain – Soreness can happen at the site where the needle was inserted into the back. This head pain commonly is referred to as a spinal headache because it also is a potential side effect of spinal anesthesia (rarely used in childbirth anymore) and a diagnostic procedure called a spinal tap. Most of them can be classified under the headings of: (a) seepage of cerebrospinal fluid after spinal puncture, 1 (b) irritative meningitis 2 and (c) contamination of the material injected, causing irritation of nerve tissue. Pain. Five headaches were classified as mild, and only one was moderate to severe. Causes of headaches after surgery. The more formal term for a spinal headache is postdural puncture headache. Headache – This can occur a few days after the procedure if some spinal fluid leaks out when regional anesthetic is delivered through the spine, as in an epidural or spinal block for childbirth. Lie flat if you have a headache. Authors Jan Muhammad Shaikh 1 , Amna Memon, Muhammad Ali Memon, Majida Khan. Self-care: Drink more liquid. Br J Anaesth 2010;105:255–263. Very often the culprit is spinal anesthesia. If you’re … Various explanations have been given for the postoperative headache which occasionally follows spinal anesthesia. Jul-Sep 2008;20(3):10-3. You have questions or concerns about spinal anesthesia. 3Recently considerable has been said … All headaches resolved quickly with conservative management and without blood patch. Although this side effect is not immediately life-threatening, it is a severe complication that can cause worsening headache pain and other symptoms, such as dizziness, confusion, and more. Transient neurologic symptoms (TNSs) were defined as pain or dysesthesia or both occurring in the legs or buttocks after recovery from spinal anesthesia, as previously defined by Hampl et al. About 30% of patients undergoing this type of anesthesia, suffer minor headaches, and 1% is very strong. Spinal anesthesia blocks small, unmyelinated sympathetic fibers first, after which it blocks myelinated (sensory and motor) fibers. Apfel CC, Saxena OS, Cakmakkaya OS, et al: Prevention of postdural puncture headache after accidental dural puncture: A quantitative systematic review. Try to lie still for at least 30 minutes when the headache begins. Spinal anesthesia has little effect on ventilation but high spinals can affect abdominal/intercostal muscles and the ability to cough. Post dural puncture headache after spinal anaesthesia for caesarean section: a comparison of 25 g Quincke, 27 g Quincke and 27 g Whitacre spinal needles J Ayub Med Coll Abbottabad. This is called a spinal headache and is due to leakage of spinal fluid into the surrounding tissues at the insertion site of the spinal or epidural needle. Pain is probably the most common complication after a spinal block because eventually the anesthesia is going to wear off, and you may experience minor to mild discomfort from the operation or at the injection site itself. Headaches Headaches after surgery in patients continuing from a few days to several months. Sometimes you may experience a headache after spinal or epidural anesthesia. In addition, pain was rated on a scale from 0 - 10 where 0 represented "no pain" and 10 was "the worst pain imaginable." If you’re experiencing headache pain after your spinal surgery, you may suffer from a post-surgical complication called low cerebrospinal fluid leak, also known as CSF. The authors conclude that the choice between a 27-gauge Quincke and a 24-gauge Sprotte needle does not influence the incidence of PDPH after spinal anesthesia for cesarean section. The headache is worse if you stand or sit but is mostly relieved when you lie down. Warwick WI, Neal JM: Beyond spinal headache: Prophylaxis and treatment of low-pressure headache syndromes. Ask when you can drive. Liquids help prevent a headache caused by dehydration. Reg Anesth Pain Med 2007;32:455–461. You have trouble urinating after the anesthesia wears off. This complication after anesthesia is the most common. Spine physicians may prescribe some mild pain relievers if pain occurs after an injection/operation. The sympathetic block can exceed motor/sensory by two dermatomes.