What can I do for a cat throwing up and bleeding fromt he rectum? We have a kitten who was sick and had to go to the vet. The back rubbing she does is extreme, like she can't get enough. Requirements for Therapy Pet Certification, Common Questions About Foster Care Kittens, Common Questions About Queening and Breeding Cats. Any ideas? Your previously house-trained cat has been found urinating in your bathtub or on your bed. The cats health seems fine otherwise. A growing, hard, red lump on her right belly. No foaming or bad breath, just whats above. cat has history of kidney problems (failure). Where I thought one female would have a high temperature, her internal temperature was totally normal for her size. ), and B) constantly meows (like, a month). Is a stuffed up nose part of cat allergy symptoms? We took him to the vet today and they couldn't find anything wrong with him. She is on Purina NF dry food. My indoor/outdoor cat went missing for a couple of days and showed up at my doorstep yesterday, barely able to walk on her left hind leg. Why? Hi. Any idea what I might be dealing with? again this is a stray adult female. He began by gulping (hard swallowing), then would occasionally cough (as if a hairball was present) -Can you please share your professional thoughts on uncertain diagnosis and persistent symptoms for my cat? Increased urine frequency (pollakiuria): If your cat is urinating small volumes frequently, he is not peeing too much; in fact, he may not be peeing enough. Kitten birth complication? She now shows additional signs of weakness and blood in her vomit, the blood is usually at the end of her vomit. Fortunately, he is still eating and drinking. please help!? At your cat's age I wouldn't stop at a few simple blood tests. What could this be and how can we help if we cannot catch her? My Cat Hurt His Leg, and Now He Won’t Eat — What Do I Do? Do not disregard veterinary advice/treatment. The cat food is kept in the laundry room beside of the litter boxes. Has Symptoms Has Symptoms Has Symptoms Has Symptoms Has Symptoms Iris woke up one morning to have an epic bowel movement and she then vomited afterwards. My Boston Terrier, who is 5, has chronic renal failure. My cat has loss of balance mostly in hind legs, he's hiding in a dark place, he is Is this normal for an older cat? We know that overindulging in food leads to weight gain, so it’s hard to understand how a cat could overeat but stay very lean. She has none of the other symptoms--chronic throwing up, lethargy, frequent urination. He walks fine....just not jumping well. cat is 2yrs.old.started to limp on right side.Blood run,came back normal.He's being tested for FIV&lukemia.He's young indoor cat. She is very unstable in the back endshe is alert, holds her head up, responds to us. Is it from her renal failure? Eats and drinks alot but is just skin and bones. He was a stray that we adopted, so I do not know if he has ever had vaccines or all of the recommended shots. She also will no eat her dry cat food, she will only eat wet food. My cat is not pooping, vomiting, not eating,drinking alot and peeing alot. He also had high ALT levels a few years ago and severely diminished appetite and vets said he likely wouldn't live long. However, it is believed that her kidneys were severely damaged and she's using only 1/4 of 1 kidney. Our six week old kitten is running a fever of 106 degrees. Causes A cat can become dehydrated by not drinking enough water or urinating more than she's ingesting, or, in extreme situations, because of … His muscles are giving out on him, and he can no longer stand or walk around on his own. My youngest cat (8 years old) has always been picky with food and never eaten much, but she's always eaten enough to stay healthy. He is also hot on the ribs. I need to know if my cat has Anal Sac Disease? What to do? He's had all his shots. Adverse Reaction 7. An unwell cat is unlikely Also, cat play is mostly mimicking the hunt prey cycle for your cat and some cats may love to chew on things and not have cat safe options to chew. My cat is vomitting, losing weight, and has a decreased appetite. I have a 7 year old female cat. We switched to a duck and pea limited ingredient food and a dustless litter, but it doesn't help. Having worked at a veterinary hospital, I have come across many cats that were though… They said it could be an acute abnomality. 19 year old cat has lost his hearing and sight. Both tests came back negative. He has showed no other symptoms and has a great appetite. what other illness other than FIP would cause an accumulation of a viscous sticky substance in the bellly? Not eating, drinking or peeing. My three year old cat is walking off balanced, 18 yr old male cat is wheezing circling and disoriented, My male cat is loosing weight and fur on his legs. this is happening to my cat too right now please can you tell me the best thing to do he is finding it difficult to poo and pee he strains in the litter tray but hardly anything come out he hasnt pooped in 4 days now we took him to the vet and they did a surgery because apparently he has a urinary infection but its been 2 days and it has not got better at all I am so worried about my cat and he seems very weak and fragile and also feels very helpless when he gets into the litter tray. Could this be a side effect or could it be caused by being weak? My Cat keeps "twitching" on the back half of his body...he seems to startle, jump up and runs into a different room, like something is on him? My cat has sores on his neck and head what is it? Drinking she woke up this morning and sneezed like three times . You may have to play detective to find out why your cat isn't eating. Unfortunately, the infection itself is not remedied by this behavior. all of a sudden yesterday after noon my cat started walking off balanced and with his head tilted.It almost looks as though he has pulled a neck muscle, but not sure. My cat is 17 yrs.old she won’t eat,so I’ve tryed giving her chicken ,cut up in small pieces,not interested! he is 5 yrs old and i have only noticed this in the past 2 days. She loves it. Is this common of an ARF cat? We can pet his back gently but if we press he meows in discomfort. What is on my cat's vagina? I have roughly a 9yr.old cat that is always eating but losing weight and has uncontrollable diarrhea,but his demeanor is good. Some beef steak and she still not interested in eating anything! They have all been vaccinated but one has signs of feline leukemia. They have determined her lungs and heart are good and it's not antifreeze. Been vomiting for 24 hours about 5 times not eating has diarrhea mucus in stool. It's easy to do just leave a comment in the box below and click the like / share or +1 to let others know about my site. Last bloodwork for kidneys was normal! My cat has kidney disease and her vision isnt what it used to be and she keeps running into stuff that she is walking towards and she is looking right at it. What is your opinion? But this morning he was still in there. Cat shaking and breathing heavily after bath, My cat's tail is twitching no-stop and she's not acting like herself. My cat is not eating or drinking, vomiting a white frothy colored, and his stomach is as hard as a rock? She has had a unique problem for the last five years or so. when i changed he litter i noticed no stool but a ton of pee. I so vividly remember my first encounter with a ginger tabby who would become my Chershire in late summer 2011. He just now seems to be more stuffed up than usual... What do you think? My cat has ear mites and does not seem to be getting any better, losing weight, Dr. has done blood work and was almost positive she had thyroid problems but came back negative. My cat howls with discomfort when I touch her tail or try to pet her back near her tail. If he isn't retaining fluid in his abdomen or chest cavity then he may be urinating somewhere you don't know about. A cat not drinking water isn't always the cause for dehydration, but often it's a fairly common reason or symptom of dehydration. What is wrong with our six week old kitten? We had a few friends over on saturday night, some of them were smoking, not sure if this might have been the reason for her voice going away. This condition is called oliguria and refers to decreased urine formation by … Is it perhaps bruising? He seems to have lost weight, and is lethargic. Cats can be … The 16 year old developed a bladder infection earlier this year. My cat has some dry skin just before her tail, what might it be? An ultrasound showed the fluid and a sample of it was sticky and viscous. what's worng with my CAT!!!!! Also the very next day after I gave him the medication he was vomiting and had diarrhea. He's always been the slowest of all three kittens. Please help very sad over here :( Time is very important also just for the perfect lil kittens sake. Cat with weight loss, increased urination and increased drinking? since he got hurt i have been trying to keep him in as much as possible. On and off for 2 years my cat has reoccurring small bumps on her ears, as well as around her eyes. I rescued a very abused 4 month old kitten, he was starved and dehydrated, he had a labored breathing problem, so I took him to the vet, the first vet gave him amoxy, i decided to get a second opinion, and that vet said he had Rhino, so there fore I started doing research, The kitten has inflamed throat and is very congested, but he doesnt have runny nose, or watery eyes, he eats like a little pig, and plays like there is no tomorrow, do you think this could be something else? She has had severe weight loss and fur loss on her stomach and hind legs. It seems to be worse in cooler weather. Other ideas on things we should be watching for, or trying? She doesnt run "normally". The vet said for me to feed Hills KD since they are older. Can you advise what the problem may be? I was given an antibiotic to see if it clears up. What might be the problem? I brought in some water and he drank a lot of it but it sounds like he is hiccuping or something, Hi - my cat is 9 years old. Hi !! My 15 week old meine coon has a problem when running. Please do not use our site to attempt to diagnose or treat your pet. It's great that your cat doesn't have any evidence diabetes or renal disease on blood tests. i noticed that my cat had a scar on her nose and as couple of days passed it keeps growing its like a mole but bloody, what is it?!! Is something horribly wrong with my kitten sneezing? What can I do to bring down this My cat ate a small amount I believe of a flower arrangement with Babys breath, hydranga, floral ferns and daisys. How much of this leaf is deadly? I always fed him dry food. Are these signs of Feline Leukemia? Can the virus be brought in somehow by humans and transferred to the cats? If we cant afford to get her treated we will have to let her go. she stopped when my boyfriends son was away this summer except for 3 times, which he was home for 2. now he has been home the last 2 1/2 weeks and shes has been doing it again except for the 2 days he was gone. She is having some of these symptoms, & It kinda got worse. Are moving slowly, not drinking and stiffness cat illness symptoms? I have 3 cats and a dog, my 1 cat is only 6 yrs old with no medical problems other then the anxiety disorder. Renal failure symptom? This must cause her pain or its just a weird feeling and it makes her hiss and try to run away from the feeling. please help it looks like it hurts her, and she scratched it off one time and it grew back bigger! I have a cat, 15 to 20 years old. Our cat is having some slight difficulty walking, as he seems to lean slightly to the right. Feeling really bad as we have let this go on for a good few weeks only because we generally have not had the money to take her to the vets. We took her to the clinic and the vet gave an antibiotic prescription. She was treated with Amoxicillin. Cat is only 6 yrs old, can stress cause these symptoms. How long can cats be in heat, and are they connected? If he broke something wouldn't be go slower than his usual pace? The cats are fed however are too wild to catch. I bought some Fortiflora but it's not helping. He has recently started urinating in the house - something he has never done before. We took her to a vet and they found nothing it could be. I would like to know what the best medication is for this. I have a 16 year old female cat, a 12 year male cat, and a 1 year old female cat. Now tonight it looks like the bottom of his jaw is bleeding? My 10 month old kitten has suspected FIP. His weight is fine. Dental Problems 2. I hope he is all right. What could be causing this? I would check your house for areas of inappropriate urination. How do I treat it? Eating less.He's in good spirits, still playing, just no running around. A complete urinalysis with culture, blood count, biochemistry profile as well as radiographs are indicated. Since then he has been very lethargic, hardly eating or drinking, white foam in the urine and having accidents in the house. What might this be? Lately, it's been getting worse. I believe it was a small amount, however he has been vomiting since yesterday afternoon. Could this be from the shock? What could be the effects of an electrical shock in a cat? he had a hernia fixed when he was 6 months old but other than that he has always been fine, please help. What should I do? Seldom she makes it to the litter box. Our cat is acting a little ill and has left us a nice mostly clear, but quite thick (almost like egg whites) vomit with just a little bit of white in it. She does that only when she runs.She has no other problem. I have a cat that is about 13 years old and is having bad mating problems in his rectal area and having a hard time defacating. His nervous system seems to be in overload. Blocked bladder – A blocked bladder is a very serious and extremely painful condition that stops a cat peeing. Why Is My Cat Drinking And Peeing SO Much? He has had gingivitis for some months. However, she is experiencing chronic diarrhea. My older active cat is throwing up, bleeding from the rectum, and will not eat. Is this life threatening? Creatinine levels were 1200 and reduced to 300 after fluid therapy urea was 44 and reduced to 24 I took her home for the weekendreturning Monday. I need to find out whats wrong with my kitten. he is 5 yrs old and i have only noticed this in the past 2 days. My cat is sick: vomiting and losing weight. What could this be? She (the cat) has what appears to be a large hole or large amount of flesh missing and tissues look to be exposed. she has been pooping out of the litter box for bout 7-8 months now. My cat ,Baci, is a mackrel tabby. Early renal failure may show normal values on blood tests but if the urine is checked it will show lower than normal specific gravity. well his injury healed a long time ago (it was an abcess) and it has been getting harder to keep him inside. She won't complain when walking or when we touch her feet, but she whines when lifted. my cat is only 6 years old lately he has been losing weight and everywhere he sits he leaves a #2 stain. Unfortunately, the infection itself is not remedied by this behavior. The only symptoms she has are what the vet feels are thickened bowels and potential weight loss. What could be causing this? My cat has significant weight loss and his coat has thinned tremendously. Insulin is a hormone secreted by specialized cells within the pancreatic gland. Why? She has been very lethargic and sleeping for almost the past two days. my cat had difficulty breathing and walking what could be the cause of this? It could be but not necessarily as there a number of illnesses that could lead to these symptoms. I say "potential weight loss" because she seems to cycle through weights. my cat had difficulty breathing and walking what could be the cause of this? Nothing but clear and foamy came up. What can I do? About two years ago, she had acute renal failure and she recovered. No idea what it can be and unfortunately do not have money to go to the vet. Recently I have been finding a small amount of blood spatter in the sink in the mornings. I thought it might be a yeast infection, but read the symptoms and that doesn't seem to be right. She has constantly been A) rubbing/itching her back on our Berber carpet, rolling, pushing, rolling, as if she has a constant "itch" on her back(? Could it possibly be an ear infection or is there something more serious going on with her? If I feed them nothing but Scence Diet c/d from now on - will their creatine level return to normal? occassionally he manages to sneak out. I have 2 young children and I am pregnant. and what do I do? She doesn't run straight but diagonally (like bishop in chess). We will be taking her to the vets at the end of the month when my husband is paid. It is most common in males and often fatal if not treated quickly. But my female cat doesn't have any so I have ruled out flees. My mother in law thinks he's developed diabetes. She is on anti-biotics now. Lately he's been drinking excessive amounts of water, but doesn't seem to be urinating more than normal. He has been in good health until recently. They have 2 boxes, cleaned 2x daily, fed California Natural kitten and Artemis Sr. for the other 2. Any ideas? Up to date on shots, we use frontline plus...what could this be? she doesn't seemed bothered by it unless it leaks a lot, and then she licks the area. I have a cat that is less than a year old. She might have gotten the virus form him. Any suggestions as to what might be causing this? He is drinking very little. positive, and taking Phenobarb for seizures (taking it for the past 14 months). I had him at the vet, they took blood samples and everything was fine. What does that mean and what should we do? We took her to our local and they checked her for worms, and she tested negative for worms, but gave me deworming medicine just in case and also an antibiotic because she possibly has inflamed intestinal tract. I had blood work done to check for renal disease and diabetes. My cat tested positive for feline lukemia and her fever is 105, Why is my cats jaw twitching and drooling, My cat has Kidney Disease and her vision is not great, My cat has a hot back legs and tachycardia but otherwise normal. We administer IV and he is now wheezing and then swallowing frequently, circling disoriented, running into furniture, stepping in his food bowl. Thank You! sore spots, some bleeding, loosing weight and fur especially legs and spreading to belly. Why does my cat have diarrhea issues and what can I do? Symptoms returned within a week of ending meds. She also sneezes forcefully with a whitish mucus. Bile maybe? He drinks alot of water. Any ideas? If it follows you immediately, then you only need to give time to your cat. He wouldn't eat that so … If you require any veterinary related advice, contact your veterinarian promptly. Please help! Cat went missing, came back with a fever and will not eat, My cat is breathing hard and lost her voice. I never had him tested because he has never shown symtoms of being sick, no fever, no excessive sleeping etc.. What is it? Bought her canned cat food sea food blend,wont eat! My cat 5 months old came into living room crying and holding paw up was in pain. Species: Cat Breed: Grey tabby Age: 8-11 years I aquired this 10yr old fixed,declawed male cat a couple of months ago. My female Maine Coon Cat, who is 12 years, 8 months old, and has been generally healthy, may have either IBD or intestinal lymphoma or none of the above. He is a big cat and has always been slightly overweight. She is pretty much skin and bones now. My cat is drinking excessive amounts of water, not urinating I have a 15 y/o neutered male cat. I have a 4/5 yr old male sphynx.In the last few months he has lost severe weight- he weighs 3.11kg right now. He has been losing weight and is now almost skeletal. My parents and I spotted him down the. Senior Cat Food Issues: My Cat Won’t Eat, Is She Suffering? Recently, it has been happening without a hairball following, only white foamy saliva. I have a 3 1/2 year old tabby cat. Cat has been losing weight since his sibling died in April. By the time we got to the pet ER, she was slightly meowing and moving her tail a tiny bit but was still very lethargic with her tongue hanging out of her mouth and her mouth open. Why is My Cat Not Eating or Drinking? Thanks!~Melanie. She was perfectly fine and happy, jumping and playing yesterday after her first vet visit, now this morning she wont eat, wont drink and meows in pain when we pick her up.