Also, why are there skeletal differences that enable some races to be better than others in certain types of sport, as well as tell-tale differences in the skull and the shapes and sizes of noses, cheekbones etc.? She is particularly interested in design in living things and how living things interact with one another, as well as developing a Biblical understanding of biology. Donate here. And so in Chapter 11 of Genesis, we are introduced to Abram, who left Haran to become Abraham, father of the Jewish nation, which produced the promised Savior, Jesus Christ. The sons of Noah were Shem, Ham, and Japheth... these three sons of Noah represented the three great races of mankind. Genesis 10:6. It is also possible that Noah’s wife was of a different race than Noah. Nimrod also built the ancient city of Nineveh, which later played a part in the story of Jonah. Noah had three sons: Shem, Ham (Cham), and Japheth, but it is Ham and his lineage that settled Africa and various parts of Arabia.Although that is the case, there is lots of evidence that Ham was not the only black son, but may have had black skin in common with Shem. Below you will see the sons of Ham Noah’s second son. The ‘colour’ names of Noah’s sons indicate there were differences in skin pigmentation levels already present in Noah’s family, which would have been passed onto their immediate descendents, along with any other variations, e.g. The sons of Noah were Shem, Ham, and Japheth... these three sons of Noah represented the three great races of mankind. Can racial differences be explained by all races being descendants of Noah’s family? Later, the only survivors of the flood were Noah and his wife, Noah’s three sons and their wives—eight people in all (Genesis 7:13). To answer this we need to look at the history of the human race after Noah’s flood. The Wives of Shem, Ham, and Japheth are the wives of the three sons of Noah. The ancient Urartu people also dwell in a portion of this land area. Alternate divisions claim Euro-Asian Japhet, Semitic Shem, and Afro-Asian Ham. Cursed by Noah, his sons were Cush, Egypt, Put, and Canaan. Therefore, if this layer is thicker, the skin will appear more yellow. She now works for Creation Research, writing and doing background research for our publications and DVDs, as well as giving presentations. Blessed by Noah along with Shem, he fathered seven sons: Gomer, Magog, Madai, Javan, Tubal, Meshech, and Tiras. The sons of Ham are as follows, Cush, and Mizraim, and Phut, and Canaan. To answer this we need to look at the history of the human race after Noah’s flood. His wife Samantha maintains this site as well as their missionary outreaches. GEN 9:18 And the sons of Noah, that went forth of the ark, were Shem, and Ham, and Japheth: and Ham is the father of Canaan. Diane Eager has a background in medicine, and was a lecturer in biomedical sciences at University of Canberra. the human race. Noah’s firstborn son, Japheth, is listed as the father of Gomer, Magog, Madai, Javan, Tubal, Meshech, and Tiras (Genesis 10:2). was a mighty hunter before the LORD: wherefore it is said, Even as father of Canaan. The Bible does not say that all races came from Noah and his three sons. As a result, Ham's descendants were cursed. OIL BACTERIA: If oil wasn’t formed until Noah’s Flood why are there bacteria that can break it down? (2020, August 29). These three were the sons of Noah, and from these the whole earth was populated. (accessed February 28, 2021). However, when the sons are introduced in Genesis 6:10, the passage reads "Shem, Ham, and Japheth." Descendents of Noah’s son Ham and his grandson Canaan, the non-Israelite inhabitants of the land of Canaan, are introduced to biblical narrative in Genesis shortly after the story of the flood. For example, very dark people cannot get enough vitamin D if they live in high latitude places with long dark winters, such as northern Europe. The term nations to describe the descendants is a standard English translation of the Hebrew word "goyim", … Evolutionary teachings hold that all mankind arose from a population of ape-like ancestors from which chimpanzees also evolved. 22 Ham, the father … Variations of nose size, head shape, limb proportions, etc. in height, body shape, etc. Most of the human race is a mid-brown colour, with melanocytes being moderately active. 9:20 Noah started out as a farmer, and planted a vineyard. We’re Noah’s three sons, Shem, Ham, and Japeth, three different colors? Shem; Shem was Noah's oldest son. 20 Noah, a man of the soil, proceeded to plant a vineyard. 9:19 These three were the sons of Noah, and from these, the whole earth was populated. Shem (Asia) Shem (Heb. NOAH: What Race was Noah? Canaan, the son of Ham and grandson of Noah, settled in the area that would later become Israel, the territory God had promised to the Jews. Total Destruction Thus, the biblical evidence seems to argue for the total destruction of all of humanity, except for the eight people in the ark. ***Sorry if I offend anyone with this answer. (Ham was the father of Canaan.) result from small differences in the rates of growth of bone or other support tissue during the growth spurt periods in a person’s life. Anthropologists divide all the world's peoples into three races, Caucasian (white), Mongoloid (yellow) and Negroid (black). they had family resemblances. In most cases it is easy to prove that so called racial features have been preserved not by the environment but human choice. Moses, the author of the book of Genesis, was making a point that explained later conflicts in the Bible. In other words if you weren’t black before you went to Africa you didn’t change after you got there – you died out from skin cancer. The offspring of Shem inherited the Promised Land, displacing the Canaanites, the descendants of Ham. These three were Noah’s sons, and from these was all the earth’s population spread abroad.” (After God destroyed the ungodly world by means of a global flood in Noah’s day, the earth’s new population, including all the races known today, developed from the offspring of Noah’s three sons and their wives.) Shem and Japheth received Noah's blessing because they had covered their father's drunken nakedness, while Ham, on the other hand, violated their father by looking at his nakedness. Of Aram’s sons, Uz is later referred to in the book of Job (Job 1:1). “ The Bible teaches us that humanity is all “one blood” derived from Adam and Eve’s genetic line. I have heard the colour differences can be explained by some theory on pigmentation and references to black people having white kids which are not Albino. One possible outcome would have been for the descendants of the three brothers to have intermarried and over many generations these variations could have been distributed evenly throughout the whole human race. 9:18 The sons of Noah who went out from the ship were Shem, Ham, and Japheth, and Ham was the father of Canaan. Introduction to Noah’s three sons. According to Genesis 10, Noah had three sons: * Ham, … Nov. 1, 2003; As stories go, this one has all the elements of good soap opera: nudity, sex and dysfunctional families. Ham: Son of Noah. 9:21 He drank of the wine and got drunk. The original question was: Noah had three sons: Shem, Ham (Cham), and Japheth, but it is Ham and his lineage that settled Africa and various parts of Arabia.Although that is the case, there is lots of evidence that Ham was not the only black son, but may have had black skin in common with Shem. Did Noah Have Triplets? Later, when God rescued the Hebrews from slavery in Egypt, he ordered Joshua to wipe out the idolatrous Canaanites and take possession of the land. "Name") was Noah's oldest son and part of Noah's family of eight who survived the great flood. Genesis 10:21 says Shem's older brother was Japheth; therefore, Shem had to be born in the middle, making Japheth the oldest. Japheth is Hebrew for fair, and Shem’s name has nothing to do with colour at all. 20 And Noah began to be an husbandman, and he planted a vineyard: After disembarking from the ark, Genesis reports, Noah planted a … However, not everyone responds equally to the same amount of sunlight – some people tan easily, some hardly at all. Zavada, Jack. 6 And the sons of Ham; Cush, and Mizraim, and Phut, and Canaan. Furthermore, in most people the activity of melanocytes can be increased and decreased depending on factors such as exposure to the sun, or changes in hormones. But Ham had disrespected and violated their father by looking at his nakedness. Variations in skin colour were already present in Noah’s family, as indicted in the names of Noah’s sons. All races come through the blacks, the genetically dominant race and the only race that can produce other recessive races, get over it. The answer is clearly, “No.” They all had the same father, and therefore, represented one race. What colour was he? Shem (Asia) Shem (Heb. Over succeeding generations there would also have been some natural selection at work, especially as some of the dispersed groups had to survive in tough climates where their original skin colour and body shape would be a disadvantage. 19 These were the three sons of Noah, and from them came the people who were scattered over the earth. According to scripture, the brothers were born when Noah was 500 years old. Ham is definitely Hebrew for dark. Therefore, differences between people’s height, limb proportions, head shape, etc., result from the variation in the times when genes for growth of bone, cartilage, muscle, fibrous tissue, etc. The authors of the Bible didn’t think about “race” in modern terms (we’re talking about a book that refers to southern Sudanese — Cush — as a “smooth-skinned” people, which apparently impressed the writer more than the color of that skin). Abraham's lineage came through Shem, and he is the father of all the Semitic races. The Generations of Noah or Table of Nations, broadly referred to as Origines Gentium, is a genealogy of the sons of Noah, according to the Hebrew Bible (Genesis 10:9), and their dispersion into many lands after the Flood, focusing on the major known societies. Japheth means "may he have space" or "may God enlarge." These are the three sons of Noah: and of them was the whole earth overspread. ( see Genesis 10-11). Noah’s sons Ham, Shem and Japheth however have several colour clues hidden in their names. Noah, the Bible tells us, had three sons, each of whom (after the great flood) would become the founder of a number of nations or peoples. 1 History 1.1 Shem's Children 1.2 Ham's Children 1.3 Japheth's Children The wives of Shem, Ham, and Japheth are … This gives another clue as to racial differences – they are mainly variations in the regulation, or control, of a body structure or function, and not the result of one race having a feature while another racial group doesn’t. Ham: Son of Noah. “Now the sons of Noah who came out of the ark were Shem and Ham and Japheth; and Ham was the father of Canaan. In Hebrew Adam literally means white man blood in the face red. ~ 225 One reason for this is a false perception that different racial characteristics such as skin colour are due to profoundly different genetic make-ups. The covenant made with Noah and future humanity would have been meaningless if only a part of the human race were involved. In the typical interpretation, these sons of Noah correspond to three races: European, Semitic, and African. Thin, wiry framed people tend to lose heat easily and find it hard to keep warm in very cold climates, but would have an advantage in a hot climate, especially if they needed to be physically active hunter/gatherers. Everything changed after the Flood, as recorded in Genesis 9:20-27: Out of respect for their father, Shem and Japheth had covered his drunken nakedness, earning them Noah's blessing. Before and during the Flood, there is nothing to indicate Shem, Ham, and Japheth were anything but loyal, respectful sons. Would have been the same race as Noah’s wife Naamah. The answer is simple. Cush is the father of the black African races. His sons included Arpachshad, Elam, Asshur, Lud, and Aram. The descendants of Noah; Shem, Ham, and Japheth. In the case of the skeletal variation mentioned in the question, the regulatory variation in occurs during the growing period. • Are black people the result of a curse on Ham? In Genesis 9:27, as in other passages, Japheth occupies the 3rd place in the enumeration of the sons of Noah, but he is really regarded as the 2nd son, Ham being the youngest. Thanks to recent advances in human genome research we know that body structures and functions are controlled by a large number of genetic switches that turn genes on and off. Rather than just a family tree listing who fathered whom, it details descendants "by their clans and languages, in their territories and nations." How did all the different ‘races’ arise (from Noah’s family)? So-called “mixed race” people are becoming more common, and they are living proof that there is only one human kind, just as Genesis tells us. Zavada, Jack. These three were the sons of Noah, and from these the whole earth was populated. According to scripture, the brothers were born when Noah was 500 years … All the tall thin Eskimos have been eliminated by natural selection because man does not evolve to cope with the climate, the climate eliminates any who can’t cope. ... (Japheth produced a race of Albino blacks).