It could also be a place name, a venue. Although one option is that you or he "dreamwalked." the shadow thing sounded so excited. It even acted naive at times like I do. I had a dream that I was hanging out with some friends (one of whom is my best friend) and later on in the dream another version of my best friend came by to hang out with us, but it was awkward because the two versions didn’t know each other. This is a very easy method, suitable for scenes where different versions of the actor are well separated. I just woke up from a dream, where I saw multiple versions of my self. Does It Mean […] I was so scared and frightened because it was scary to see myself out of myself. Scientists have conducted tests to demonstrate a … Do little girls dream of being astronauts? It may imply the quality you feel in regard to someone else with the same name or associations. You may feel as though your friend is not as cheerful or vivacious as he used to be. It helps you pay attention. Well as I kept going by the path I kept seeing lots of people I know and the ones that were at the beginning of the path were breathing heavily and smiling. We have issues that has not been resolved yet, clearly. For example, if you dream about the same colleague, you might not have an issue with that particular individual but a more general work situation to work through. Maybe you're happy to see this person. as I was walking a shadow-like-thing was dragging me saying "come on come on lets go!" But seeing two of the same person is showing you not that person but a refection of yourself in someone who is close to you. It is possible for two people to have the same dream on the same night and for two people to appear in each others dream. Then his younger version was like "sh*t, what can I do?" Constantly having dreams about the same person indicates that this person is either consciously or subconsciously on the dreamer's mind a lot. So I walked forward and talked to him and he responded short and down. For her to … An area of your life that you have totally lost control of or that's completely powerless. ps the wind was hitting HARD. It means... that you saw two versions of the same person in your dream! One is Mr.Health and other Mr.Wealth.the first one is health and it will be o k in next twelve months.The lean /tired person is wealth means your financial position may not be comfortable in next 12 minths. And was mistreated. Sometimes people we dream about are people we hurt or people we were romantically involved in. But I tend to think the more likely explanation is that you both psychically sensed the same person in need of help. What does seeing 2 of the same person mean in your dreams. I don't necessarily need to have both versions of the packages loaded at the same time (just installed somewhere at the same time). You're not really dreaming about that person. from personal experience it depends on who the person was and how close you are to that person. and he's like "yeah I know but THAT'S the thing we're supposed to be fused I'm supposed to be THERE plus once that happens everything will be normal again but PLEASE I beg you, you GOTTA help me..." I agreed to help but it was hard... and also here's the thing I could see his younger version but HE couldn't so he saw me talking "by my self" a lot and thought I was crazy and almost called the mental home and I told him it wasn't necessary and we argued a bit (I kept insisting I could see the younger him but he didn't believe me at all but I stopped insisting knowing it was worthless and we both shut up) then I saw his younger version ALMOST got in but something stopped it. It had experienced betrayal. If you see yourself in a dream, it could mean you have concerns about how you're behaving. The interval between these dreams could be as short as a single day. Perhaps the most perplexing of all dream models are recurring dreams - in particular if they always feature the same person, over and over again. ? Right now, we're okay. I could get the package sources, edit the descriptions to give different names and build, in effect, two different packages. The bolded part is undeniably true. The younger version of him kept smiling and nodding as if I should talk to his real version. The same sense of humor. Comparing Two Film Versions of A Midsummer Night's Dream by William Shakespeare Introduction The two films we have been asked to compare are both different versions of 'A Midsummer Night's Dream'.