About California Psychics As your Spirit Animal Guide, Possum’s arrival may be to caution you. What Do Possums Eat and Are They Dangerous?. In my dream, the baby possum was very injured and I saved her. When I lifted the shade I saw a possum looking at me, we locked eyes, and then it moved its head with its gaze at me…it slowly backed away into the shadow after I asked it “Whats up? Definition: Pretending to be dead. This will ensure that an animal trapped inside can clear the path to escape, but one outside will not disturb the blockage to get back in. Sometimes Possum arrives as a Spirit Animal to urge you to cultivate your inner child. Remember, an apparently ‘dead’ possum is not necessarily lifeless since it intelligently uses the trick of playing dead as a defense mechanism. Seek Possum (Opossum) as your Power Animal when you can’t seem to wrap your head around an excellent solution to perplexing problems. When the babies become older, they cling to their mother’s back and she carries them around. One evening it was up on the deck railing and I came up to it – about 2 feet away. If you suspect a mother opossum has already moved in, wait until she leaves her den (two hours after dark is generally a safe time). Privacy Policy However, when the possum is playing dead, they will stare at the predator without blinking for long periods of time. Origin of Playing Possum. This expression comes from a type of marsupial called … For entertainment purposes only. Opossums are nocturnal and like to live in dark places so they can sleep during the day. If you were born in January, you’re a determined, hands-on individualist with keen instincts. When in mortal danger, warriors take cues from Possum, playing dead until the opponent is close enough to strike. - get the lowdown on prices. ©2002-2021 Outlook Amusements, Inc. All Rights Reserved. You shouldn't be creeped out unless the guy is obviously a freak.   You might be annoyed, or you might be worried. They are also the totem animal of children and the young. A possum will work out a plan as to what it is going to do and how it will get to its end goal, and that is what you are going to have to figure out with your own life. Because of this, Possum or Opossum symbolizes Tricksterish behaviors, deception, illusions, protective measures, and problem-solving. The Possum’s habitat is typically a burrow, an opening in a tree, or under piles of leaves and brush. More than a prediction, we are your guide for life’s journey. When a girl stares at you and the moment both of your eyes meet, she looks the other way, then it suggests that she acknowledges the glance. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. I have never dreamed about a possum before and the dream was extremely vivid. 10 years ago. Learn more. Body language can be hard to understand sometimes, especially when that body language comes attached to four legs and a tail. Possums have few natural defenses against aggression. Currently you have JavaScript disabled. What Does it Mean When an Owl Stares at You. Like many other Trickster Spirits, some folk tales say Possum brings the Element of Fire to humankind. Possum People are great leaders, being both adaptable and flexible. A possum is a cat-sized nocturnal animal that's known for acting like it's dead when threatened. Momma Possums (Opossums) do all they can for their children. At birth, the joeys are blind. on WhatIsMySpiritAnimal.com! While this trait has inspired the pejorative description of a person who is trying to avoid negative circumstances as “playing possum,” this particular behavior has an important adaptive purpose. Can you remain true to your own gentle, passive nature in a harsh world or do you feel backed into a corner? Here, your Animal Ally comes to make you aware of your well-hidden fears or traumas. The first is that predators are often uninterested in attacking prey that is already dead. Every dog owner knows that saying Good dog. !” I believe it wanted me to meditate. And if you don’t like where you’re going, your life path psychic can steer you down a better path. Is it something that I should really be thinking about? What if u have giant holes in ur back of the house or a sandbox with tracks of long tail an looks like opossum rack if you can get with me i have more questions pls Thx. I cannot find a meaning to Saving a possum in a dream. This morning I offer Tobacco to the Four Winds and pourder some Sage. How to get rid of opossums - my main opossum removal info guide. If the opossum is your totem animal, you blend well in crowds and have the ability to get along with various people. Read on to discover more now! Do dogs understand what we say? … Licking you. If you are happy and content to watch an Eagle then this shows that you will be able to make good judgments in … wrapped in a towel in a ventilated box or carrier with a lid while you transport it to the nearest vet. But this term is extremely misleading. “Possum” or “Opossum,” no matter what way you spell it, most folks have heard the adage “playing Possum.” The term refers to the Possum’s behavior of faking death as a strategy to ward off would-be predators. People may ask this question because, unfortunately, the opossum has a bad reputation in some quarters, but this reputation is undeserved and is the result of misunderstandings. Invoke Possum when you need to make an assertive stand. a Possum had been snuggled in a crawl space for months, with nosie, etc I place moth balls under the house where he passed I also thought there a rat(s) too laid rat bait. We just had a possum encounter, he walked right towards my husband who is struggling with family betrayal and now I know we are protected and that the possum will help us to see through this. It should be noted that most possums are immune to rabies and generally do not attack humans, and can be household pets. You either need to put on your camouflage or get out of a situation or relationship quick. Possums (Opossums) are, sadly, short-lived creatures. Definition of possum in the Definitions.net dictionary. Are you misunderstood and underestimated? Blindness forces the young Animals to rely on instinct and hone their senses for survival. During times when the fear gets to be too much, Possum lapses into a catatonic state. Once the culprit reveals themselves, they slink away or face serious consequences. After you read the below information, you may want to click on one of these guides that I wrote: How much does opossum removal cost? However, if your backyard is located in Australia, then you have a possum… It is because the Possum figuratively “dies” and comes back to life, so they make such powerful, well, Power Animals. I just looked at my $2 coin and it’s possum magic!!! A group of Possums or a “passel” includes babies (“joeys”), adult females (“jills”), and males (“jacks”). We just looked at each other, lost in time, and I must say that it had some of the most beautiful eyes I have even seen. How to get rid of opossums - my main opossum removal info guide. Possums always look for the path of least resistance. ***Special Note*** Possum vs Opossum – the only difference between a Possum and Opossum is spelling. So sorry to hear about the possum – the message is still the same … maybe finding a more “clever” way to keep the critters away was his message to your husband. Call on Possum Energy and Medicine when you need to come back to life, especially after an overwhelming time in your life. The Eagle is said to be a true reflection of our spiritual energy. Some options would leave you overexposed and vulnerable, while others would take you away from cherished goals. Receive your personalized free daily horoscope newsletter and exclusive promotions. While these animals are often shy and don’t seek human conflict, they can be fairly ubiquitous in suburban and rural areas. Possum is an excellent Animal Ally for multitasking and adapting to various life roles while staying true to your sacred self. The second is that the animal playing dad has an opportunity to observe the predator and thus plan its escape. It would mean that for the day you have to be extra careful as your motor nerve is not fully connected to your brain.ie you lack concentration.One accident can lead to another accident small or big.Relax and pull yourself together.Things will be fine when you regain your consciousness and be more alert at doing things. 2. Affectionate name and term of endearment for a loved one in relation to the cute Australian marsupial that is soft and lives in trees. What could this mean especially if I am seeing the possum the next day after the dream. When a guy stares at you,it definitely means he likes you. Anyways when I was homeless and when I was walking the streets really upset I always saw a possum and it really made happy.