Cecily also craves appearance and style. In Oscar Wilde’s "The Importance of Being Earnest," earnestness is correlated with diligence, seriousness, and sincerity.That being said, it is difficult to find many characters in the play who would possess such qualities. On the other hand, Cecily is introduced in a garden setting, the child of a more sheltered, natural, and less-sophisticated environment. Duty to one's family and name was a form of earnestness. We know that language is the most important fact of the play. (Wilde), Algernon Moncrieff the plays second hero is a proponent of aestheticism and a stand-in for Wilde himself, as are all Wilde's dandified characters, including Lord Goring in An Ideal Husband, Lord Darlington in Lady Windermere's Fan, Lord Illingworth in A Woman of No Importance, and Lord Henry Wootton in The Picture of Dorian Gray. Lady Bracknell is very proud, and she is very much fond of scandal. Like “I hate people who are not serious about meals. Full Glossary for The Importance of Being Earnest; Essay Questions; Practice Projects; Cite this Literature Note; Summary and Analysis Act II: Part 1 Summary. The aesthetic beauty of literature. Wilde constantly exaggerates the upper class’s shallowness and frivolity to show the corrupt morals which they provide as examples. The impact of anticlimax is felt when Jack says to Algernon that his purpose for coming to town is only Gwendolen, but Algernon retorts –, “I thought you had come up for pleasure? In The Importance of Being Earnest Wilde also uses Farce, known as ‘low’ comedy by using comic reversals, repetitions of dialogue and actions and absurdity. Specifically, developed behind the characters in this play that display many instances of irony and how important it was to fit into the “status quo” of this time period. … I call that business.”. The Importance of Being Ernest. ALGERNON. The wit and humor of the play The Importance of Being Earnest, Click here:  For all notes of Importance of Being Earnest. Her pronouncements on trivialities and her total contradictions of what she said two lines earlier make her the perfect instrument for Wilde to provide humor and to comment on inane Victorian attitudes. I ask merely for information. The pursuit of marriage is a driving force behind much of the play’s action. Jack wants to be seen as upright and moral, but he does not care what lies he has to tell his loved ones in order to be able to misbehave. For both women, appearances and style are important. EssaysForStudent.com. English 2322 Bardenhagen Research Paper The Importance of Being Earnest In the play, The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde, there is a lot of humor that can be found. Because she is now Lady Bracknell, she has opinions on society, marriage, religion, money, illness, death, and respectability. ... "The Importance of Being Earnest" is highly regarded as his most popular work. I have often observed that in married households the champagne is rarely of a first-rate brand. Some critics suggest that earnest (in this context) means a double life. Names play a pivotal role in Oscar Wilde’s drama “The Importance of Being Earnest.”. An earnest ambassador of the nineteenth century was ‘Art for Art’s Sake’ dictum, Oscar Wilde was fascinated by the aesthetic beauty of literature. Under an assumed name he drank, F ve just been informed by my butler, an entire pint botde of my Perrier-Jouet, Brut, '89; a wine I was specially reserving for myself. BY SABRYNA COPPOLA ’22 The Department of Theatre Arts presented “The Importance of Being Earnest” last weekend with … Almost all the characters are members of the elite class. Algernonand Jack discuss the nature of marriage when they dispute brieflyabout whether a marriage proposal is a matter of “business” or “pleas… It is in the heroine’s tongue: “It is a divine name. . The heroine of the play says: “If you are not too long, I will wait here for you all my life”. Her social commentary on class structure is Wilde's commentary about how the privileged class of England keeps its power. Gwendolen must have the perfect proposal performed in the correct manner and must marry a man named Ernest simply because of the name's connotations. Under an assumed name he drank, F ve just been informed by my butler, an entire pint botde of my Perrier-Jouet, Brut, '89; a wine I was specially reserving for myself. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Introduction: Oscar Wilde (1854 –1900) is a fabulously funny and witty writer. 5. Their name alludes to the pigeonhole for each of their characters. With so many witty comments, parodying and criticizing marriage, Oscar Wilde reveals his disapproval of tradition and convention. ACT in THE IMPORTANCE OF BEING EARNEST 81 London on an important question of romance, he obtained admission to my house by means of the false pretence of being my brother. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Wilde originally subtitled The Importance of Being Earnest “A Serious Comedy for Trivial People” but changed that to “A Trivial Comedy for Serious People.”. Wilde turns these connotations upside down, making Ernest a name used for deception. Allan Aynesworth, who played Algernon Moncrieff, recalled to Hesketh Pearsonthat "In my fifty-three years of acting, I never remember a greater triumph th… For instance, he exposes common human follies as he remarks –. The play was first produced at the St James's Theatre on Valentine's Day 1895. Read this Miscellaneous Research Paper and over 89,000 other research documents. (Foster), Both Gwendolen Fairfax and Cecily Cardew provide Wilde with opportunities to discuss ideas and tout the New Woman near the turn of the century. More than any other character in the play, Jack Worthing represents conventional Victorian values: he wants others to think he adheres to such notions as duty, honor, and respectability, but he hypocritically flaunts those very notions. The Importance of Being Earnest written by play writer, novelist, art critic and flamboyant socialite Oscar Wilde is a romantic, drama, comedy set in the, Dramatic Textual Analysis of Oscar Wilds-The Importance of Being Earnest Act 3, Get Access to 89,000+ Essays and Term Papers. The original text plus a … Modern life would be very tedious if it were either, and … The naming of the characters is deliberate and well thought-out. 12 2009. That is their tragedy. ACT in THE IMPORTANCE OF BEING EARNEST 81 London on an important question of romance, he obtained admission to my house by means of the false pretence of being my brother. Analysis: Jack says this after he learns his Christian name is Earnest. His humor in the play “The Importance of Being Earnest” relies on creating absurd situations, reversals, and characters whose lack of insight causes them to respond to these situations inappropriately. Wilde frequents comic aphorisms to amuse his audience. His epigrams are succinct, typically witty, and paradoxical sayings. 6 . "The Importance of Being Earnest: Wilde’s Wit in Use" EssaysForStudent.com. When Lady Bracknell interrogates Jack, we learn that she interestedly investigates his money, trendiness, and family name. Indeed, what Wilde was actually satirizing through Jack was the general tolerance for hypocrisy in conventional Victorian morality. Gwendolen provides Wilde with the opportunity to discuss marriage, courtship and the absurdities of life. Again, Wilde satirizes the worthless educational system of his time by remarking that the educational system of England is starkly fruitless. Read this Miscellaneous Research Paper and over 89,000 other research documents. ... memes and sound bytes, short but profound quotes from books have become more relevant and important. High farce, razor wit and a cutting self-awareness of Victorian life make The Importance of Being Earnest Wilde’s most popular play. That’s his”. Marriage is of paramount importance in The Importanceof Being Earnest, both as a primary force motivating theplot and as a subject for philosophical speculation and debate.The question of the nature of marriage appears for the first timein the opening dialogue between Algernon and his butler, Lane, andfrom this point on the subject never disappears for very long. Specifically, developed behind the characters in this play that display many instances of irony and how important it was to fit into the “status quo” of this time period. His humor in the play “The Importance of Being Earnest” relies on creating absurd situations, reversals, and characters whose lack of insight causes them to respond to these situations inappropriately. Gwendolen, on one hand, is confident, worldly, and at home in the big city of London. It stood for sincerity, seriousness, and hard work. 6. LANE. Question: Discuss the wit and humor of the play “The Importance of Being Earnest”. The Importance of Being Earnest: Wilde’s Wit in Use. Like the rest of his plays, sheer wit, and sparkling dialogues are the very pride of “The Importance of Being Earnest”. Unlike these other characters, however, Algernon is completely amoral. The playwright satirizes the whimsical women in the Victorian high society by mentioning the way they choose their life partners. Both Gwendolen and Cecily are obsessively fascinated by the name ‘Ernest’. It’s a timeless piece of theatre history full of thrills and laughs that remains relatable to all ages, even today. They are curiously similar in many ways, but as the writer's tools, they have their differences. It has a music of its own. Both women are smart, persistent and in pursuit of goals in which they take the initiative. Both women are perfectly capable of outwitting their jailers. Other critics believe that earnest is understood in some circles to mean homosexual. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); She is powerful, arrogant, ruthless to the extreme, conservative, and proper. Wilde’s ability to craft these sayings is what made him famous, and his true source of inspiration for the play. Is there a difference between being “witty” and being “funny”? (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Sorry, you have Javascript Disabled! "The truth is rarely pure and never simple. “I never travel without my diary. The questions I encountered ranged from the incestual tendencies of Lady Bracknell in relation to the gothic genre to Wilde's use of food as a weapon and a means of demonstrating one's power. Lady Bracknell is primarily a symbol of Victorian earnestness and the unhappiness it brings as a result. Jack uses his alter-ego Ernest to keep his honorable image intact. By: Vika  •  Research Paper  •  2,150 Words  •  December 7, 2009  •  2,372 Views. The importance of being Earnest, Acte 2, page 56-57, Harrap’s ed. Algernon, an aristocratic young Londoner, pretends to have a friend named Bunbury. Bunbury loves in the country and is frequently in ill health: Whenever Algernon wants to avoid an unwelcome social obligation, he makes an ostensible visit to his “sick friend”. Detailed explanations, analysis, and citation info for every important quote on LitCharts. In researching the ideas and themes behind Oscar Wilde's The Importance of Being Earnest, I stumbled upon numerous questions and underlying themes which I plan to dissect thoroughly in the following body of this paper treating each question individually and in an abstract manner. Ernest provides a convenient excuse and disguise for Jack, and Jack feels no qualms about invoking Ernest whenever necessary. For the play to end as a comedy, her objections and obstacles must be dealt with and overcome. Wilde exposes this divide in scenes such as when Gwendolen and Cecily behave themselves in front of the servants or when Lady Bracknell warms to Cecily upon discovering she is rich. The funeral garb for his fake brother's death and the story about the French maid both show that while Jack longs for respectability, he still has the wit and rebelliousness to recognize the ridiculous nature of trivial Victorian concerns. Accessed 12, 2009. https://www.essaysforstudent.com/essays/The-Importance-of-Being-Earnest-Wildes-Wit-in/21217.html. AUSTIN — Riverland Community College Theatre will perform its spring production, “The Importance of Being Earnest” by Oscar Wilde, from Wednesdaythrough March 1. Oscar Wilde’s charming and witty comedy “The Importance of Being Earnest” gets a delightful staging by Actors Ensemble of Berkeley through Feb. 11. Though Ernest has always been Jack's unsavory alter ego, as the play progresses Jack must aspire to become Ernest, in name if not behavior. Wit of Wilde: Riverland presents ‘The Importance of Being Earnest’ ... “The Importance of Being Earnest” remains one of theater’s most popular comedies. The Importance of Being Earnest has proven to be Oscar Wilde’s most enduring—and endearing—play. To see this page as it is meant to appear, please enable your Javascript! “The Importance of Being Earnest” has proven to be Oscar Wilde’s most enduring — and endearing — play, according to a press release. Instant downloads of all 1413 LitChart PDFs (including The Importance of Being Earnest). June 26, 2019 by Essay Writer. The two male protagonists certainly do not display much earnestness despite the fact that at one time of this comedic play or another, they each take on the name "Ernest." tags: algernon, algy, calm, calmness, heartless, heartlessness, muffins, oscar-wilde. EssaysForStudent.com, 12 2009. Similarly, a scene like the one in which Algernon eats all the muffins while Jack scolds him for it can be seen as ridiculing the character f… According to the critics, Oscar Wilde creates a verbal universe in this play in which language is used to translate life itself into an aesthetic phenomenon. Discuss the wit and humor of the play “The Importance of Being Earnest”. “Divorces are made in heaven”, “Girls never marry the man they flirt with” and “The best way to behave with a woman is to make love to her if she is pretty, another if she is plain”. High farce, razor wit and a cutting self-awareness of Victorian life make The Importance of Being Earnest Wilde’s most popular play. A name is a typecast and in Victorian times, when this play was written, a name would have determined whether you were to become a prince or a … The Gist of The Importance of Being Earnest. EssaysForStudent.com. The two male protagonists certainly do not display much earnestness despite the fact that at one time of this comedic play or another, they each take on the name "Ernest." The rapid-fire wit and eccentric characters of The Importance of Being Earnest have made it a mainstay of the high school curriculum for decades. 543 likes. 12 2009 . Frequently in Victorian society, its participants comported themselves in overly sincere, polite ways while they harbored conversely manipulative, cruel attitudes. Both women, despite their differences, are products of a world in which how one does something is more important than why. ― Oscar Wilde, The Importance of Being Earnest. The play’s protagonist. Where Lord Illingworth and Lord Henry are downright evil, and Lord Goring and Lord Darlington are deeply good, Algernon has no moral convictions at all, recognizing no duty other than the responsibility to live beautifully. 12 2009. What kind of person is she and what seems to be her function in the play? "The Importance of Being Earnest: Wilde’s Wit in Use." The funeral garb for his fake brother's death and the story about the French maid both show that while Jack longs for respectability, he still has the wit and rebelliousness to recognize the ridiculous nature of trivial Victorian concerns. Jack Worthing and Algernon Moncrieff create alter egos named […] Cecily and Gwendolen differ in some aspects of their personalities and backgrounds. Dale Leonheart ’19 and Martha Kent ’21 performed in Oscar Wilde’s classic play “The Importance of Being Earnest” last weekend. In many ways, she represents Wilde's opinion of Victorian upper-class negativity, conservative and repressive values, and power. "The Importance of Being Earnest: Wilde’s Wit in Use." Act II is set at Jack Worthing's country estate where Miss Prism is seated in the garden giving her student, Cecily Cardew, a lesson in German grammar. However, the play truly pivots around the word \"earnest.\" Both women want to … Jack Worthing is a seemingly responsible … (Foster). Out of all the different characters in the play, Gwendolen stands out as one of the people who embraces irony fully. As a former member of the lower class, she represents the righteousness of the formerly excluded. In The Importance of Being Earnest, it could be said that there is a wide range in the moral characters of the people in the, The Importance of Being Earnest is a play by Oscar Wilde, a comedy of manners on the seriousness of society in either three or four. I attribute it to the superior quality of the wine, sir. If you're looking for the definitive example of dry British wit, look no further than The Importance of Being Earnest. Retrieved 12, 2009, from https://www.essaysforstudent.com/essays/The-Importance-of-Being-Earnest-Wildes-Wit-in/21217.html. LitCharts Teacher Editions. It produces vibrations.”, The exaggeration suggests how most of the Victorian ladies were obsessed with superficial things like appearance and decorum. The Importance of Being Earnest is therefore aptly judged as “the only pure verbal opera in English”. Satires are literary works in which human vices and follies are ridiculed. Introduction. Love is the thing that people of any social class aspire to, and marriage can be the logical consequence of it.In the play, marriage is discussed in the context of plot progression and as a subject for theoretical assumption and discussion. In researching the ideas and themes behind Oscar Wilde‘s The Importance of Being Earnest, I stumbled upon numerous questions and underlying themes which I plan to dissect thoroughly in the following body of this paper treating each question individually and in an abstract manner. In Oscar Wilde’s "The Importance of Being Earnest," earnestness is correlated with diligence, seriousness, and sincerity.That being said, it is difficult to find many characters in the play who would possess such qualities. Wilde’s humor is further enlivened by antithesis and paradox. The drama is sarcastic because it gives fun to its characters. Ernest enables Jack to escape the boundaries of his real life and act as he wouldn't dare to under his real identity. It’s a timeless piece of theatre history, full of thrills and laughs that remains relatable to all ages, even today. Conclusion: Thus, the humor in the play depends almost entirely on its witty dialogue, though we cannot overlook the absurd situations associated with Jack’s identity. Funny characters. Wilde is the master of the epigram. The Importance of Being Earnest: Wilde’s Wit in Use. Tags : Discuss the wit and humor of the play “The Importance of Being Earnest”.Oscar WildeThe wit and humor of the play The Importance of Being Earnest, You may use these HTML tags and attributes:
, Copyright @ 2020 | All Rights Reserve PRC Foundation. For example: “All women become like their mothers. Discuss the character of Miss Prism. The concept of marriage has been given preeminence in Oscar Wilde’s The Importance of Being Earnest. Jack pursues Gwendolen’s hand, while Algernon pursues Cecily. As a comedy of manners, The Importance of Being Earnestsatirizes the upper class by showing them to be shallow, judgmental, and having the wrong priorities. Web. Oscar Wilde: Epigrams in The Importance of Being Earnest ‘Oscar Wilde is profoundly known for his satirical wit and unapologetic nature. Teach your students to analyze literature like LitCharts does. It was freezing cold but Wilde arrived dressed in "florid sobriety", wearing a green carnation. Question: Discuss the wit and humor of the play “The Importance of Being Earnest”. 2 The Importance of Being Earnest In the publication “The Importance of Being Earnest” by Oscar Wilde, the author uses irony on several occasions to bring out the flaws in the Victorian society and criticize the existing values. The most memorable character and one who has a tremendous impact on the audience is Lady Augusta Bracknell. Irony and anticlimax, Irony and anticlimax are also not rare that means available in “The Importance of Being Earnest”. 2009. No man does. "Everything matters in art except the subject," said Oscar Wilde, quoted by literary critic Harold Bloom; and the short, witty sayings -- known as epigrams -- that Wilde popularized in his play, "The Importance of Being Earnest," demonstrate that the art of wit in 'nonsense literature' was one area where he excelled. Lady Bracknell firmly believes the middle and lower classes should never be taught to think or question. The rapid-fire wit and eccentric characters of The Importance of Being Earnest have made it a mainstay of the high school cur Oscar Wilde’s madcap farce about mistaken identities, secret engagements, and lovers entanglements still delights readers more than a century after its … So, Lady Bracknell is the paragon of cunningness and humor. Why is it that at a bachelor’s establishment the servants invariably drink the champagne? He flouted morality and avoided serious issues to establish the autonomy of literary art. Cecily provides Wilde with an opportunity to discuss dull and boring education, Victorian values, money and security, and the repression of passion. The Alabama Shakespeare Festival celebrates the wit and sharp social satire of Oscar Wilde. In progress Cecily and Algernon are talking about…Australia ! Consequently, his chosen mode of expression was the epigram — a form which allowed him to flaunt his style … In a letter to an actor-producer friend, Wilde frankly admits that the real charm of the play is certainly the dialogues. She is another of Wilde's inventions to present his satire on these subjects. The men's dishonesty, the women's fickle nature in constantly changing their minds, and Lady Bracknell's snobbishness are all examples of such vices. Why or how is The Importance of Being Earnest funny? Yes, I was in a hand-bag from Lycée Vauban on Vimeo. John (Jack/Ernest) Worthing, J.P. Analyze some aspects of Wildean wit. English 2322 Bardenhagen Research Paper The Importance of Being Earnest In the play, The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde, there is a lot of humor that can be found. Similar to many Victorian novels of the period, the play reads as a marriage plot, documenting the errors in social etiquette and romantic upheavals that come about as Jack and Algernon stumble towards the altar. The Importance of Being Earnest: Wilde’s Wit in Use. Believing in the aesthetic freedom of art, Oscar Wilde insists that anything is possible in a comic play. Wilde humorously makes her the tool of the conflict, and much of the satire. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); The pun is a joke using the different possible meanings of the word. When she arrives late at Algernon’s place, she explains that she was visiting Lady Harbury who looks quite twenty years younger after her poor husband’s death. Introduction: Oscar Wilde (1854 –1900) is a fabulously funny and witty writer. Dramatic Textual Analysis The Importance of being Earnest Act 3 Cecily and Gwendolen have just found out that Jack and Algernon had lied to them. We are equally entertained when Algernon criticizes family relatives-, “Relations are simply a tedious pack of people, who haven’t got the remotest knowledge of how to live, nor the smallest instinct about when to die.”. Cecily would prefer to water the flowers, but Miss Prism reminds Cecily that Jack encourages Cecily to improve herself in every way. The major target of Wilde's scathing social criticism is the hypocrisy that society creates. Summary. In the garden of The Manor House, Jack’s country estate in Hertfordshire, Miss Prism is trying to interest Cecily in her German lesson. Filled with witty Victorian aphorisms and Wilde’s own brand of wisdom, The Importance of Being Earnest tells the story of Jack Worthing and Algernon Moncrieff who use clever deception and truth-bending to accommodate their social pursuits. Before diving into the questions in mind it is crucial to the betterment of one's understanding of the play to understand what each character in the play represents. They are often general reflections on life and can be lifted straight out of the text and used on your friends. (2009, 12). The audience, according to one report, "included many members of the great and good, former cabinet ministers and privy councillors, as well as actors, writers, academics, and enthusiasts". He calls this practice ‘Bunburying’. By using the name Ernest throughout the play, and … 12, 2009. EssaysForStudent.com. View The Importance of Being Earnest prewriting from AA 1 Laced with wit, humor, and criticisms, Oscar Wilde’s The Importance of Being Earnest makes statements about Victorian society and its One should always have something sensational to read in the train.” …