A Love SongLet me sing you a love songAbout what I feel in my heart;Butterflies can't find nectarWhenever we're apart.You're a flower in bloom.In the dark, in the gloom,It's you who brightens my day.How many ways do I need you?Every day, every way, come what may.By Karl Fuchs. [I Love You] 18. Your smile. My mom passed away a year ago from liver cancer. Love rhymes can list what one person loves about the other. Smile would always see me through. The hand that writ it; for I love you so That I in your sweet thoughts would be forgot If thinking on me then should make you woe. I will always miss you. The Dream RoadI've had a dream, since I was youngOf just how life should be,But through the years, try as I might,That dream eluded me.I dreamed of a life that was filled with bliss;I dreamed of love and sharing.I dreamed, imagined and creatively plannedAn adventure for two who were caring.The road to today was paved with the dreamsThat slowly got ground to dust.And I've trudged that road and carried my loadAnd tried very hard to adjust.Each step made me stronger; each test made me wiser,So on my long walk, I grew,Till the time was right, one magical night,For the road to make room for two.Now my brain shouts your name, and your loving replyMakes a place for you in my heart. I'm only 24 yrs old then, that's why it is so hard. I want my mom to know that I love and cherish her so much. Brinda Carter 29) Love is not just about calling each other all day. Your poem is exactly the words bubbling inside my heart. Please come back! Nevertheless, I will attempt to put it into words: I love you. Do you think about me. Our Mother was taken from us way to soon! Not a day goes by that I still cry and hurt all over. I refused to believe it could be true. Did you spell check your submission? My Girl with the Reddish HairPirates bold in days of oldSearched the world for treasure rare,But none they found as bright and sound,As my girl with the reddish hair.Precious gold and sparkling jewelsWere fortunes to make men care,But none were worth a pennyNext to my girl with the reddish hair.These pirates fought and died for wealth;Their lives I wouldn’t share,For I have the only wealth I need:My girl with the reddish hair.By Joanna Fuchs. It was like an unbelievable story at first, only to realize that GOD had called her, indeed. My Mum died July 14th 2011, we barely had time to catch our breaths. I too, don't see any point in living anymore. Technically, it's the best poem I've ever written, with its internal rhyme and metaphors. A canopy of ecstasy. If you'd like to read thank you quotes from authors, poets, or philosophers, check out our complete collection of Thank You Quotes. It brightens up my entire day. Exactly for 2 weeks she was in hospital during which time she had 5 dialysis sessions. HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY FROM YOUR DAUGHTER Gloria. For example [my story] would show as my story on the Web page containing your story.TIP: Since most people scan Web pages, include your best thoughts in your first paragraph. Unfortunately, the aneurysms and stroke effected Mom's quality of life. I want you to know that there is a reason for everything that happens. My 8 year old on the other hand has such good memories of her and talks about her all the time. I lost my mother in a car crash when she was on her way too work and I couldn't bear the pain I am only 14. I can not explain the hurt I'm feeling and the pain and emptiness inside, one min I'm ok the next min. I love you just the way you are No pretentions even from afar I love you because you love me too Just like the way I do. I was 16 when I became a teen mom and I lost my mother when I was 17. I just lost my mother early this year on the 5th of February 2011. I want my mom to know I love her so much. Everybody envied me for having such a mother. Every day I try to get by and remember her sweet smile and beautiful eyes, they were so blue. This poem has touched me deeply and every word is so true. Is what you have made my life. I have lost my mom this morning at 03:15 at the age of 82. Life is so hard at times because no matter what support, help and words people and family give, nothing will heal that pain I go through everyday. BewareWhen love strikes us hard and makes mush of our brain,When love sneaks in and makes us insane,All sense can depart and leave the brain blank,When love like that strikes it can drain our whole tank.So beware of the power you exert over me,For I’m under your spell; that’s clear as can be.Whenever you’re near, my brain slips out of joint;I fight my love, but what is the point?You’re my strength and my weakness, for I love you so dearly,And I hope our love shines through the years just as clearly.By Karl Fuchs. Valentine poems should make the recipient feel special. You Just Keep On Loving MeNo matter what I look like,Whether pretty or plain you see,When I’m all dressed up or in PJs,You just keep on loving me.Sometimes I’m happy and cheerful;Other times grumpy and sad;Your absolute love never wavers,Whether I’m grouchy or glad.Sometimes I try to change you;And sometimes I criticize;But I feel something melting within me,When I see all the love in your eyes.Your tolerance is endless,However I choose to be;Having my love makes you happy,So you just keep on loving me.And that is why, my darling,Whatever else I do,One thing is sure; no matter what,I’ll just keep on loving you.By Joanna Fuchs. Share with the world your feelings of affection, attraction or passion in your original love poem. And how to be my very best in all I do. Thank you, may your mother rest in paradise. Mom I sure miss you but I do understand we will meet again and have a bonding and so will all who reads this message. My heart is so heavy sometimes. Love poetry often describes the good qualities of the loved one, as this love verse does. You, are truly one in a million. My son doesn't speak to me from that day. Everyone's story is different, but when I read this, it hit home. I love you mommy . He called her ouma and his real ouma, her sister, was not his ouma. ‘How Do I Love Thee’ by Elizabeth Barrett Browning. DaydreamsMy thoughts of you come frequently;They’re always filled with you and me.No matter what I see or when,It brings you back to mind again.I’d be sitting, reading a book,Or be out walking by a brook;No matter what the path I took,I’d see dream images of how you look.Each day is filled with dreams of you;I hope that all these dreams come true.By Karl Fuchs. ♥ You need to get out of my thoughts and into my arms where you belong. Oh! Your departure came so sudden and without a warning. ... To my hurts and pains, meeting you, I say adieu. Her life was just beginning again they said 2 days to 2 weeks, she loved us everyday for 5 months! Find the words of love you're looking for right here. Love poetry can tell a story. Even though she's gone I still love her with all my hearts,and always will. I started writing, and in a short time, "Creatures of the Fire" was done. I feel my daughter's pain in these words. I can't remember the exact age I was. This love poetry describes unconditional love, the kind we’d all like to have. The blaze of sunshine touches my face; That was almost 10 years ago. I Lost my Mum 2 months back. I have an uncontrolled need to control you, To be your only destiny and guide. Roses are red, Violets are…I guess I should leave the love poems to the experts. We never quite came to terms that she would leave us and lose this battle. This poem really touched me......My mother Linda passed away Feb 27, 1994, which was a few weeks after her 42nd birthday (Feb. 3rd). I wish God took us both at the same time. Worst feeling to know your rock wasn't there. It's been two years and yet there are times that I still can't accept she's gone. My dad, brother and I were with her when she passed, holding her hands and stroking her brow. I love you Aunty Norah and I am so sorry for the times we fought but am so great full for the good times we shared. Right, as this sweet love poem does. I was almost left alone In this world till I fought in court to win and get guardianship of my two younger brothers and had to grow up so young in order to stay with my two brothers. May God bless you always. (Name), it cries--so tender, so wise--Let's make the adventure start!Together we're blessed with a perfect match,Something that's bright and new.It's not too late, so let's createA life that makes dreams come true.By Karl Fuchs. My mother wan an exceptional woman. Thank you for this poem. They say that time heals , but I do not believe that. moma. Teen love poems often talk about how one person wishes another would think of them as more than a friend, as this teenage love poem does. Love Can Stay StrongWhen love first comes and all seems right;It’s beyond our reason that we two can fight.Yet fights will come, and anger might thrive,So let’s try to be sure that our love will survive.Let’s make our plans with similar goals,So our wants and desires won’t hit hidden shoalsThat set us crashing when things get hard,So our love can stay strong even when it gets jarred.For if love can stay strong when it’s tested by fire,Then we'd share a future that most would admire,A future where partners would strive side by side,A future where love would always abide.By Karl and Joanna Fuchs. Muah. Love poetry can include love messages that talk about the search for Mr. or Ms. For me, you’re second to none. By Shelagh Bullman; Published: February 2010; Baby, when you hold me, my emotions makes it clear Just how much you mean to me while we are laying here. She was and will always be my best friend. This love verse could be printed, framed, and given as a romantic gift. ♥ I’m incomplete when you… My Dad said he didn't know what he would do without her. The next day I had a new granddaughter. I break down, she was my bestest friend, I have this special bond with my mum that was unconditional, I was with her when she took her last breath. Through those pearly gates that day! I cry every night. Neither one of them questioned why. This poem really touched me. I can say "I love you" a million times and still not express how much love I have in my heart for you. It's about soulmates, the perfect team. My sincere condolences on the loss of your mother. Baby, can’t you see . I'm surprised I can function at all. You always know just what to say. Just talking to you makes my day. Theresa Cassidy, Remember Me By I know that they are together again, I know they are watching over me. Until you came into my world, there was nothing but darkness and gloom. I was there, yet you did not see Me the times you did cry I wrapped you in My loving arms and wiped the tears from your eyes. All The Things I Love About YouI love you for the warm, sweet affectionin your eyeswhenever you look at me,and the special smileyou save only for me.I love that you always seekto have your body close to mine,reaching out to touch,to hold my hand,to wrap your arms around me.I love how you show me you careby looking for waysto make my life easier and more comfortable.I love that when I ask you to do things,you try to do theminstead of thinking me demanding.I love that your favorite place is near me,that you’d rather be with methan anywhere else.I love you for more reasonsthan this page has space to write,so I’ll try to tell you and show you in personall the things I love about you.By Joanna Fuchs. Submissions are subject to approval and editing. Her wish is, her only daughter to take full time care, it was a hard struggle for me yet our bond is getting stronger as she grows weaker. I miss you mum. I can even smell her perfume. Like YouI had many loves before I met you,interesting loves,companionable, fun-loving,comfortable loves,but only one real love, unique love...like you.No one made my heart pound,my skin damp, everything juicythrough and through...like you.None left me breathless,panting with excitement,satisfaction, and finally peace,like you.Before you, there were others,but none capturedmy mind, heart and soul forever...like you.By Joanna Fuchs, No One Loves Me Like You DoNo one loves me like you do;I’ve never felt like this;You please me in so many ways,With a word, a caress, a kiss.No one understands me like you do;You see me deep inside,You choose to overlook my flaws,The ones I try to hide.No one satisfies me like you do,When our bodies intertwine;You give so much with your tender touch,You’re amazing, and you’re mine!No one loves me like you do;You fill my every need,And that is why, my darling,I’ll follow wherever you lead.By Joanna Fuchs.