. Genesis 35:21-27 gives a list of Jacob's sons and the various woman he had them with. R. 14:16). The "unloved" Leah bore seven of Jacob's childrensix sons, Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar, and Zebulun, as well as a daughter, Dinah. He wept so loudly that even the Egyptian household heard it outside. . Response: We read in Genesis 41:45 that Pharaoh gave Joseph Osnat daughter of Potiphera, priest of On, to be his wife. Jacob had 12 sons, at Hebron. Not only did Joseph resemble his father in appearance, but the main incidents of their lives were parallel. Jacob also had some daughters, but the Bible gives the name of only one of them. Facts About Joseph (a son of Jacob) - A Simple Bible List After his phenomenal rise to power, as he is passing through the street one day, his attention is attracted by a beggar woman whose bearing shows traces of former greatness. In the sixth year, Asenath bore two children to Joseph: Manasseh and Ephraim. This sets up the climax of the story, which many regard to be the moment Joseph reveals his identity to his brothers (Gen 45:3). He had fallen ill and lost most of his vision. [21] After questioning them, he accused them of being spies. According to the biblical account, Joseph was the son of Jacob by Rachel, the patriarch's favorite wife (Gen. 30:23, 24), who, on the occasion of Joseph's birth, said, "The Lord shall add [Heb. Answer (1 of 13): There are thirteen persons in the Bible who bear the name Joseph. This would not be a true case of polygamy, because his intention was not to have two wives, but to provide for his sister-in-law it was considered a mitzvah towards the dead brother as well as to the woman to refuse to do this for her at her request would be to deprive her of her rights within the family. Why did Jacob go to paddan? Joseph settled Jacob's growing clan with Pharaoh's blessing in the Land of Goshen (Gen. 47:29). Stories about Jacob in the Bible begin at Genesis 25:19. Jacob and His 12 Sons - Life, Hope & Truth As Jacob's name became synonymous with all Israel, so that of Joseph was eventually equated with all the tribes that made up the northern kingdom. Deut 21:15 says that if a man has two wives, one loved and one unloved that he cannot disinherit the child of the unloved wife doesnt this say that men can have two wives? The children of Israel remembered their oath, and when they left Egypt during the Exodus, Moses took Joseph's bones with him. (Genesis Rabbah 84:22). That night, Joseph ordered his steward to load the brothers' donkeys with food and all their money. Esau took a third wife to please his father Isaac (Genesis 28:6-9). Joseph or Yosef (Hebrew: , Arabic: , Yusuf; "The Lord increases") is a major figure in the Book of Genesis in the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament). Bilhah, they replied. Jacob and His Two Wives | My Jewish Learning Our President, Mr . When they flee Laban in chapter thirty-two, verse twenty-two specifically mentions two wives and two female servants, and again in thirty-three verse one, Leah and Rachel are named, along with the two female servants. In chapter thirty-five, after Rachels death, Reuben is specifically stated to have had sexual relations with his fathers concubine. Here, their lamentation was so great that it caught the attention of surrounding Canaanites who remarked "This is a deep mourning of the Egyptians." At this time, Joseph's father was 147 years old and bedridden. These were the 11 sons that were born to Jacob when he lived with Rachel's father Laban. Then Joseph is summoned to interpret the dreams of Pharaoh himself. They were directed into the province of Goshen and Joseph readied his chariot to meet his father there. The robotic sermon went on to relate the story of when Joseph, the son of Jacob, was reunited with his brothers after many years. 15So Jacob moved down into Egypt, and lived there till he died, as did our fathers. Cushan and Midian are equated with each other, as are tents and curtains and affliction and trembling. Was Joseph married before Mary? | GotQuestions.org , romanized: Rl, lit. As Joseph had foreseen, seven years of plenty came, during which he stored up a great abundance of grain in granaries built for the purpose. 14 Then Joseph sent and called his father Jacob and all his relatives to him, seventy-five people. Abraham had one wife, and then only took a concubine when she was still barren at 80; he took a second wife only after the death of his first. Moreover, Inter. . ISBN links support NWE through referral fees, https://www.newworldencyclopedia.org/p/index.php?title=Joseph,_son_of_Jacob&oldid=1017043, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License, More recently, Joseph figures prominently in Anita Diamant's novel. JOSEPH. The historicity of Joseph's story is debated, with dates ranging from an early estimate beginning around 2000 B.C.E. People just cherry pick with the descriptions to determine prescriptives without studying out the matter. Joseph would have been approximately six years old when his family returned from Haran to Canaan. Rather, he requested to be carried to the land of Canaan to be buried with his forefathers. Jacob's partiality to Rachel was the source of a great deal of hostility and scheming among Jacobs's wives and concubines (see Genesis 30). What about the Ethiopian woman that Moses took as a wife in Numbers 12:1? In an essay posted without fanfare to its website in late October, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints said for the first time that Joseph Smith, founder of the Mormon church, had as many as 40 wives. The time of the promises to Abraham spans the generations of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. He admonished and forgave them, he sent also his garment which healed the patriarch's eyes as soon as it was cast unto his face. Now we get to your verse if he sends her away and she has provided him with children despite the fact that he hates her he cannot treat her sons with contempt when it comes time to give the inheritance. As we progress through the stories about Jacob and his family, you will notice that his wives are respectfully addressed by name while Bilhah and Zilpah are repeatedly called, the maidservants. Culturally, they were never elevated to the level of either Leah or Rachel and they probably never expected to be. To Joseph, he gave a portion more of Canaanite property than he had to his other sons; land that he fought for against the Amorites. Joseph is regarded as a saint by several Christian churches, including the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod, which commemorates him as a patriarch on March 31. Joseph was 11th of 12 sons of a wealthy nomad Jacob and his second wife Rachel. What is a forbidden marriage in the Bible? The true faith in Jesus Christ stands the test and wins victory. Joseph correctly predicted their futures: one would be reinstated in his post while the other would be executed. of Potiphera, priest of On, to be his wife, Jacob, before he died, gave his blessing to Josephs two sons, Manasseh and Ephraim. In the interim, Joseph's mother died giving birth to his brother, Benjamin. Joseph likely also has this status because he is the eldest child of Jacob's favorite (deceased) wife, Rachel . Angered by his running away from her, she made a false accusation of rape, and thus assured his imprisonment[d] (Genesis 39:120). Upon their return to Egypt with Benjamin, Joseph received them kindly and prepared a feast for them. How many wives did Joseph have in the Old Testament? 19The new king took advantage of our people, and mistreated our fathers. [29] Maimonides comments that even the villager in Shechem, about whom Joseph inquired his brother's whereabouts, was a "divine messenger" working behind the scene.[30]. Both were hated by their brothers. When Rachel did not have any children, she became upset. Shechem was in the land which was allocated by Joshua to the Tribe of Ephraim, one of the tribes of the House of Joseph, after the conquest of Canaan. His prophetic powers are sited as an example of "faith" in Hebrews 11:22. 2. "Give me children, or I shall die," she says to Jacob (Genesis 30:1). Rachel: Bible | Jewish Women's Archive More rabbinical literature has been generated concerning him than any of the other sons of Jacob, and he is also a significant figure in Islamic tradition. The story of Joseph or Yusuf as it is told in Arabic literature has the same general outlines as the Biblical narrative; but in the Arabic account there is a wealth of accessory detail and incident. How many wives did Jacob have? Is polygamy really Biblical? With Reuben and Judah's persistence, they persuaded their father to let Benjamin join them for fear of Egyptian retribution (Genesis 42:2943:15). The account of the birth of Jacob's children is found in Genesis 2930, 35. By way of background, the Bible tells us that God created the first man, Adam, out of dust, and then created Eve out of Adam's ribs (Genesis 2:7,22). Thank you for your VERY well done teaching. In Jewish tradition, Joseph was the progenitor of the northern tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh, named for his two sons. Jacob's concubine Bilhah gave birth to Dan . The first born of this union is still his firstborn even after he marries another woman, loves her, and has children with her. This mandate lasted until the days of Moses (Genesis 47:2031). His brothers' jealousy grew when Joseph told them of his two dreams (Gen. 37:11) in which all the brothers, as well as his parents, bowed down to him. The story begins in Canaan - modern day Palestine, Syria and Israel - around 1600 to 1700 BC. These are the generations of Jacob. In the Bible, the name Joseph was first mentioned as the eleventh son of Jacob, and the The majority of modern scholars agree that the Joseph story is a Wisdom novella constructed by a single author and that it reached its current form in the 5th century BCE at the earliest. And after Joseph perished, the sons of Jacob took unto themselves wives. Joseph had his father embalmed, a process that took forty days. Abravanel explains that she had accused other servants of the same crime in the past. The composition of the story can be dated to the period between the 7th century BCE and the third quarter of the 5th century BCE, which is roughly the period to which scholars date the Book of Genesis. (note that the second wife is only permissibly taken in response to barrenness), [146] If a man take a wife and she give this man a maid-servant as wife and she bear him children, and then this maid assume equality with the wife: because she has borne him children her master shall not sell her for money, but he may keep her as a slave, reckoning her among the maid-servants. This is great, Tyler. And Jo. These were Jacob's sons who were born to him while he . When the Pharaoh's advisers failed to interpret these dreams, the cup-bearer remembered Joseph. Jacob's other children are between 56 and 63. The Pharaoh honored their stay and even proposed that if there were any qualified men in their house, then they may elect a chief herdsman to oversee Egyptian livestock. He stored up in Egypt all the gold and silver of the world, and it was carried away by the Israelites when they left Egypt. The cup-bearer took those grapes and squeezed them into Pharaoh's cup, and placed the cup in Pharaoh's hand. Biblical context is very much important. 11Then a famine came over all the land of Egypt and Canaan, causing great affliction. 2) Simeon was next, and he was also a son of Leah. This family, with its sordid history of deceit, jealousy, and . He was also the first born of his mother Rachel, whom his father loved more than any of his wives and made Joseph Jacob's favorite son (Genesis 29-30:24; Genesis 37:1-4). For Jacob however, a time came when his parents urged him to leave Canaan . Rabbah l.c). The scene is a fitting resolution to Jacob's own drama, in which his father, Isaac, had been old and blind when Jacob himself deceived deceived him in order to obtain his blessing, meant for Esau. Tap a Lookup below to generate a list oflessons. Moses threw a pebble into the water there and cried out: "Joseph! (Genesis 37:35, Common English Bible). 20-21). God blessed Leah with a firstborn son named Reuben. It was because of his virtue that the children of Israel passed over the Red Sea and the Jordan dry-shod (Gen. R. 84). . [5], In rabbinic tradition, he is considered the ancestor of a second Messiah called "Mashiach ben Yosef", who will wage war against the forces of evil alongside Mashiach ben David and die in combat with the enemies of God and Israel. Joseph's own remains were reportedly taken by Moses with the Israelites during the Exodus (Exodus 13:19) and later buried at Shechem (Joshua 24:32). [16] Joseph requested that the cup-bearer mention him to Pharaoh to secure his release from prison,[17] but the cup-bearer, reinstalled in office, forgot Joseph. The reason that Joseph selected Simeon may have been that the latter was the eldest after Reuben, who was spared by Joseph in return for his interference on Joseph's behalf many years before (Gen. xxxvii. How many wives did Joseph have in the Bible? Jacob, before he died, blessed each of his sons and two of his grandsons, the two sons of Joseph. He is also a type of manly beauty; so that one often finds the expression "a second Joseph," meaning one extraordinarily beautiful. In icons, he is sometimes depicted wearing the nemes headdress of an Egyptian vizier. He went into his private room and wept there. The Bible tells us twice that Jacob had daughters. After Jacob's death, Joseph received the Pharaoh's permission to travel with a great caravan to Canaan in order to bury the patriarch. At last Rachel was able to have a child. His father then remarked, "Now let me die, since I have seen your face, because you are still alive." It was the first successful production in the career of Andrew Lloyd Webber. "[43] The story has a lot in common with the biblical narrative, but with certain differences. Israel. They commemorate him on the Sunday of the Holy Forefathers (two Sundays before Christmas) and on Holy and Great Monday (Monday of Holy Week). (notice that she is given the same treatment as a wife but is not a wife), [147] If she have not borne him children, then her mistress may sell her for money. As a last resort, all of the inhabitants of Egypt, less the Egyptian priestly class, sold their properties and later themselves (as slaves) to Joseph for seed; wherefore Joseph set a mandate that, because the people would be sowing and harvesting seed on government property, a fifth of the produce should go to the Pharaoh. He was the first of the two sons of Jacob and Rachel (Jacob's twelfth child and eleventh son). If later he is disgusted with her (after all, she was from a pagan nation), he cannot treat her as a slave and simply sell her away but must treat her as he would treat a divorced wife. Isaac, the son of Abraham , was married to Rebecca for many years before being blessed with children. Paul even specifically said that male leadership within the Body was to be limited to those men who only had one wife (I Tim 3:2, 12; Titus 1:6). After this, his brothers plotted against him and would have killed him had not his brother Reuben intervened. What does Ex 22:16-17 tell us about the rape of Dinah in Genesis, Episode 164: Purim 2023Honor, Shame and Two Brave Queens, Episode 163: Sociology IIReligion, Weird Science, and Practical Linguistics, Episode 162 Sociology I: Groupthink, Holy/Profane and Clean/Unclean, Episode 161: The Advent of John the Baptist in Luke, Episode 160: Special Teaching #1The Advent of the Messiah in Matthew, Challenging the "Everything is Pagan" Meme Culture, Infertility, Barreness, Miscarriage, Stillbirth and Child Loss. during the Egyptian Middle Kingdom, to a later time during the Hyksos Era (16481540 B.C.E. Am happy to have read this. His brothers did not understand his spirituality and saw him as a threat. Did Jacob wait more than seven years to marry Rachel? After the (presumed) death of Joseph, we read, "All of his [Jacob's] sons and daughters got up to comfort him . Their relationship is first mentioned in Genesis 41:45. As Zipporah was a Midianite, calling her a Kusite makes absolute sense. These years were followed by seven years of famine "over all the face of the earth," when "all countries came into Egypt to Joseph to buy grain" (Gen. 41:56, 57; 47:13,14). He is presently pastor of the Evangelical Church of Archbold, Ohio. Abraham had one wife, and then only took a concubine when she was still barren at 80; he took a second wife only after the death of his first. Esau. When Joseph and his mother bowed to Esau (Gen. 33:7), Joseph shielded his mother with his body (Targ. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. I am a fifty-something-year-old Bible teacher, wife of twenty-eight years to Mark, and mom of adult twin sons. In response, Judah pleaded with the Vizier that Benjamin be allowed to return to his father, and that he himself be kept in Benjamin's place as a slave (Genesis 44). (Genesis 49:3350:14), After their father died, the brothers of Joseph feared retribution for being responsible for Joseph's deliverance into Egypt as a slave. Israel is another name for Jacob as, son of Isaac as. Gad and Asher: On the heels of Rachel's entry into the battle of the babies, Leah decided to give her maid, Zilpah to Jacob ( Genesis 30:9-12 ). Both were met by angels at various times (Gen. R. 84:6; Num. When Rachel had successfully provided Jacob with an heir, Leah felt her position was tenuous. 1) Reuben was Jacob's firstborn. The coffin thereupon floated up (Ex. What Leah knew was that her husband, although she had given him many sons, had no regard for her Jewish tradition even states that Jacob moved to Bilhahs tent after the death of Rachel (I dont think he ever got over that anger from the morning after the wedding). Confronting a Devastating Doctrine: Are Children Is Hand Washing Commanded? Joseph is also extolled by the rabbis for being a prophet, and for supporting his brothers. Joseph is 56 and Benjamin is about 40. Then the Hebrew phrase shm midyanm srm in verse 28 describes Midianite traders. Yes and No. She gives birth to two sons, Ephraim and Manasseh. After correctly interpreting the dreams of Pharaoh, however, he rises to second-in-command in Egypt and saves Egypt during a famine. Genesis 31:38-41 - Biblical Chronology Studies - Google Joseph interpreted this dream as the cup-bearer being restored as cup-bearer to the Pharaoh within three days. The two halves of Manasseh were often treated as two separate units in the biblical account. Elkannah had two women but again, one of them was barren so I suspect that Peninah was a concubine. Isaac had one wife. Efforts to Bear Children. However Jacob gave the greater blessing to the younger Ephraim, Moses, before he died, gave a similar blessing to the house of Joseph, which he called, Jospeh had great faith in God. I think some translators/editors have erred when they separate the two sections. Which son of Adam did Jesus come from? - coalitionbrewing.com Though Manasseh was the older brother, Jacob placed his right hand on Ephraim, the younger, and gave him the greater blessing. Tsaphenath Paneach", "Allusions to the Joseph Narrative in the Synoptic Gospels and Acts: Foundations of a Biblical Type", The Story of Joseph in the Babi and Baha'i Faiths, "The New Media Bible: Book of Genesis (Video 1979)", "Jewish religious life in the Persian period", The Composition of Genesis 37: Incoherence and Meaning in the Exposition of the Joseph Story, "The Odyssey and the myth of Joseph; Autolykos and Jacob", "Strange Bedfellows: Politics and Narrative in Philo", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Joseph_(Genesis)&oldid=1142074895, 1979, New Media Bible Genesis Project (TV)-cap. Joseph prospered in Potiphar's household and was eventually made head of the servants. Jacob with Ephraim and Manasseh. A. degree from Wheaton College, and the B. D. and Th. It was during this return to Egypt that Joseph disclosed his real identity to his brothers. The following morning the brothers began their journey back to Canaan. The cupbearer took this opportunity to inform the king of Joseph's gift and recommended his services. ACTS 7:13-15 13 And the second time Joseph was made known to his brothers, and Joseph's family became known to the Pharaoh. Taking 130 and subtracting it from Joseph's age of 39 means Jacob was 91 when Joseph was born. | Fact Sheet Index Your email address will not be published. Judah is the fourth son of the patriarch Jacob and his first wife, Leah: his full brothers are Reuben, Simeon and Levi (all older), and Issachar and Zebulun (younger), and he has one full sister, Dinah. 21-22; comp. For an excellent read on many matters pertaining to women in the Bible (not all of which I agree with, of course), see Matthews, Victor H., Gender and Law in the Hebrew Bible and the Ancient Near East (1998) p 229 is directly relevant to this discussion. Judah appealed to the Vizier begging that Benjamin be released and that he be enslaved in his stead, because of the silver cup found in Benjamin's sack. An angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and he said; "Take Mary home as your wife.". He is the favourite son of the patriarch Jacob, and his jealous brothers sell him into slavery in Egypt, where he eventually ends up incarcerated. In the Kitb-i-Aqdas, Bah'u'llh states that "from my laws, the sweet-smelling savour of my garment can be smelled" and, in the Four Valleys, states that "the fragrance of his garment blowing from the Egypt of Baha," referring to Joseph. Joseph was then summoned. He is presently pastor of the Evangelical Church of Archbold, Ohio. [a] When Joseph was seventeen years old, he shared with his brothers two dreams he had had: in the first dream, Joseph and his brothers gathered bundles of grain, of which those his brothers gathered, bowed to his own. Despite his wealth, most rabbis represent him as very modest, and was not vain of his power (Ex. Families desperately needed heirs, and the dyadic social identity of a woman depended on her being not only a wife, but also a mother it simply didnt matter if your husband loved you best, if you had no children Rachel knew that (so did Sarah, Rebekah, Hannah and Elizabeth). Plan to Trick Jacob. ), and as recently as the reign of Pharaoh Merneptah about 1200 B.C.E. How old was Benjamin when Joseph was sold into slavery? - JesusAlive.cc | Alpha Index "Pharaoh called Joseph by the name Tzafnat-Pa'neach and gave him as his wife Asenath the daughter of Poti-Fera priest of On. Glad to hear from you Brian, I have received many heartbreaking messages from women whose husbands seem to think they can force them into this lifestyle when they havent even bothered to look at whether or not the reasons that existed then still exist now, which of course they do not. You can also subscribe without commenting. One opinion holds that the Holy Spirit dwelt in Joseph from his childhood until his death (Pirke R. El. Full Bible Timeline - section on the life of Jacob. The Amidah and the New Testament I: Long Prayers and Vain Repetitions? Josephus claims that Potiphar fell for his wife's, Josephus refers to Potipherah (or Petephres) as the priest of, Josephus has Joseph meeting his father Jacob in, Last edited on 28 February 2023, at 10:50, Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, "Strong's Hebrew Concordance - 622. asaph", "Strong's Hebrew Concordance - 3254. yasaph", "Strong's Hebrew Concordance - 6847. 119a; comp. Although they had betrayed him in the past, Joseph greeted them . The final group, where a transaction is made, is among the Egyptians in the same verse. The problem lies in the fact that the Hebrew word for wife, isha, is also the generic word for woman (we see this same phenomenon in Greek), and so Bilhah and Zilpah were given to Jacob as women who were there for the express purpose of bearing children otherwise known as concubines. To sum up, true Biblical (as well as ancient Near Eastern) polygamy (having more than one wife on purpose) was really limited to Kings, and that was historically for the purpose of creating alliances and safety for the kingdom. Yes, the Bible does indicate that Jacob had more than one daughter. Because she was now barren (for whatever reason), she was in the legal position to give her own maidservant to Jacob as another woman, concubine. What is the birth order of Jacob's thirteen children? His favourite, Joseph, walked closely with God, heard from Him and had great discernment. Is Potiphar and potiphera the same person? - TimesMojo Jacob and Joseph Timeline - Bible Study 13When they went the second time Joseph was recognized by his brothers, and Josephs origins were revealed to Pharaoh. (Acts 7:9-13). He was Rachel's firstborn and Jacob's eleventh son. Upon their return to Egypt, the steward of Joseph's house received the brothers. 14 Facts About Esau Everyone Should Know - Chabad.org Really Bilhahs and Zilpahs lives would have looked bleak but they would have accepted it as their lot in life in ancient times people firmly believed that their conditions and station in life were pre-determined by the gods and hardly worth complaining about or trying to get out of. Home Many of these amplifications have been borrowed by rabbinical tradition. Joseph's sons Manasseh and Ephraim were born before the years of famine. (obviously would not happen to a wife). Judah (son of Jacob) - Wikipedia He Was the Son of Isaac. He persuaded them to throw Joseph into a pit and secretly planned to rescue him later. 10God saved Joseph from all his afflictions, and gave him favor and wisdom before Pharaoh, king of Egypt. So Joseph was reunited with his family, Stephen provided a brief summary of Josephs Story, Pharaoh gave Joseph the name Zaphenath-Paneah and gave him Asenath, daughter Some of those women were also married to friends of his.Nov 11, 2014 This was the legal world and social context of the time of the Patriarchs. 23 Leah's sons were Reuben (Jacob's first-born), Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar, and Zebulun. Life of Jacob | Full-Bible-Timeline Deceptively, Joseph also ordered the steward to put his silver cup in Benjamin's sack. Rachel had the perfectly acceptable legal recourse in those days to provide her husband with a surrogate, and according to the laws of the surrounding nations, any child borne by the concubine would be counted as coming from her which is exactly why Rachel, and not Bilhah, named the boys. 5:26; Jacob 1:2, 18-19). In addition to honoring him, there was a strong tendency in the patristic period to view his life as a typological precursor to Christ. 17:1; 1 Ne. He then gave his blessing upon all of his sons, and the blessing he gave to Joseph was the greatest of all: Joseph's sons Ephraim and Manasseh multiplied to become two separate tribes of Israel. well, that did go well. Because the Pharaoh had such a high regard for Joseph, practically making him his equal,[23] it had been an honor to meet his father. She was no longer the mother of all of Jacobs children Rachel had a child now and she was the one who was truly regarded, by Jacob, as his wife. "-Genesis 41:45. You are my Guardian in this world and in the Hereafter. Joseph did very well with God's help. Jacob's wife, were Joseph and Benjamin. Charles L. Zimmerman holds the B. 13. The word used by for echad in the LXX (Septuagint, the authorized Greek translation of the Tanach OT) and the NT (ie. Joseph, son of Jacob - New World Encyclopedia How many Josephs are there in the Bible? - Quora .". Jacob was 130 at this time (Gen 47:9). According to the Documentary Hypothesis Joseph's toy is a combination of two or more versions which were later combined into the current narrative. So they immediately informed the steward of what had transpired. 4. yosef] to me another son." (Gen. 30:24) He was born in Padan-aram when Jacob was about 90 years old. They thought that the missed transaction would somehow be used against them as way to induct them as slaves and to confiscate their possessions. And as it was budding, its blossoms came out and they produced grapes. SIMEON - JewishEncyclopedia.com
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