What do they find so attractive? The Spirit of God himself, realizing the sacramental presence of Christ in the church, speaks to us in tradition. 7 Hollywood stars who adopted Orthodox Christianity As I realized what the big difference is, I grew more insistent, Im afraid. Through the centuries, theological, geopolitical, cultural, and linguistic factors have combined to differentiate the Orthodox ethos from Western patterns of Christianity. Required fields are marked *. The Search for Authority and the Fear of Difference, Nostalgia Without Memory: A Case Study of American Converts to Eastern Orthodoxy in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, The Eastern Church in the Spiritual Marketplace: American Conversions to Orthodox Christianity, New York Times Article on Calvinist Revival., If Not Sola Scriptura, Then What? Then B. Over coffee one day I asked an Orthodox priest whether I, as a Protestant theologian, might be considered a true Christian. While this exclusivism is not unique to Orthodoxy, with this self-understanding it is easy to see why the Orthodox Church in countries such as Russia is extremely unhappy about Western, Protestant missionary incursions. Two points that have been hallmarks of evangelical identity deserve special scrutiny: the relationship between Scripture and tradition, and the relationship between Scripture and the church. Why would a protestant convert to Eastern Orthodoxy? People often assume that most Jews by choice convert because they have a partner or spouse who is Jewish. already I have lost many people I thought were friends but so be it! Steps to "becoming" an Orthodox Christian - Questions & Answers Eastern Christians would hear nothing of it. After being dunked in this sea of hymnography for a few years I began to recognize an underlying unity among all the elements of Orthodoxythe worship, the fasting, the exhortations to humility, the companionship of the saints, all of it. The reason Orthodoxy is stable is because she is grounded in the truth. In many of these lands, Orthodoxy exhibits an unveiled distrust and even xenophobia toward the massive influx of Western missionaries into their backyards. Has Orthodoxy in these lands obscured the gospel, becoming merely a "cultural" religion thoroughly assimilated to ethnic identity? You can also subscribe without commenting. It depends on where you put the emphasis. The priest censes them and elevates them in processions. I felt like Marco Polo. If our only reason for converting is more somber, reverent, and beautiful worship, the newness of this experience soon wanes. My Conversion from Islam to Orthodoxy - ORTHODOX CHEYENNE For example, on the Feast of the Fathers of the First Ecumenical Council, the chanter launches into this: Of the Father before the morning star Thou wast begotten from the womb without mother before all ages, even though Arius did believe Thee to be created, not God, classing Thee in ignorance and impudence with creatures. In 1993 I was chrismated and joined the Eastern Orthodox Church, but only lately has it dawned on me that I must have strained friendships over the years, due to my vocal enthusiasm for my adopted church. It was electrifying. Join our newsletter to get the most interesting articles on spiritual issues and learn about the recent news from St. Elisabeth Convent. (Some within Orthodoxy say there are 15, but this is a minor, internal debate.) But about this pursuit we can make several observations. Orthodoxy knows where she stands, and she is in no need to re-define herself. There is not going to be a restored "Celtic" Orthodoxy or "Anglo-Saxon" Orthodoxy. "More than a . The true details behind her The other forms of tradition include the first seven ecumenical councils, which are acknowledged as normative and, by some, even infallible; patristic writings, especially those of the first four centuries; later councils; the Liturgy; canon law; and icons. Orthodox Christianity offers a third solution, that is faith with an emphasis on symbolism, inner experience, and Church communion. Liturgically, the Orthodox ethos of a formal worship setting will attract some Christians, but to many other vibrant movements within evangelicalism it will have little if any appeal. The Puritan John Foxe, for example, insisted that "God conducted the Reformation by printing, writing, and reading." The so-called Photian Schism brought this matter to a head. That there are too many people joining the Church with a silly belief that they rebelling against the modern world, and hoping to instate absolute monarchy. 1:4). For good and ill, it is a classic "cultural religion," and comprehending Orthodoxy is an indispensable key to understanding those countries, cultures, and people. Who Converted Russian Religion To Orthodox Christianity? Your email address will not be published. It takes awhile to get it, because its gotten by a process of immersion, by soaking in a context of worship. . Site Map | For example, their local parish was too ethnic; the priest wasnt nice or outgoing; their spouse wasnt interested; they found logical inconsistencies in the writings of the fathers; and so on. I can remember, after Id been Orthodox a few years, developing an increasing sense of tension or frustration. Not that every churchgoer is following that path, not that the church administration is perfect, but that the path still existed thats what amazed me. Icons. In the end, they concocted a list of reasons for not converting. Upon joining the Orthodox Church, converts vow to "accept and understand Holy Scripture in accordance with the interpretation which was and is held by the Holy Orthodox Catholic Church of the East, our Mother." "It's typically an immigrant faith, so I was really interested in that experience and why it spoke to. Those who were clergy in a former denomination have no guarantees they will become clergy in the Orthodox Church. Their new group who were so "excited" to have them isn't interested/has no role for them as clergy. How do you convert to Greek Orthodox Christianity? - Short-Fact But whether a non-Orthodox person can even be saved is an open question in Orthodox ecclesiology. Persons wishing to become Orthodox of their own free volition, without any direct or indirect pressure from anyone, should firstly meet with a Priest of the Church. Well, was it so? Take Russia as an example: First, the majority of Russians are non-Christian and unevangelized. Conversion is not only a matter of the intellect, but also of the heart. For example, if a person goes through a great deal of hardship, sacrifice, and turmoil in order to join the Churchas in the case of former clergy in a different communion, or when ones family does not approvethey might feel that the Church owes them for converting. * Nicola Yanney, Holy Man of Nebraska, Out of Appalachia: Orthodox Christianity and the Old Regular Baptists, What Do You Believe In? Q&A: A closer look at Orthodox Christians | Pew Research Center The Orthodox Church does not fit into the paradigms of modernity; it is not a wholly rational faith. I have read many things on the internet, as well as a number of books about the Churchs faith, worship and history. It is not a surprise that many Catholics adhering to traditional values are converting to conservative Orthodoxy. The Orthodox Church has existed since the day of Pentecost and when we truly believe and become truly attached, not merely by baptism or chrismation, not merely by our presence but by our actions and our inner convictions, then and only then do we truly become connected to the Church, to Jesus Christ the Saviour and therefore to the Trinitarian God, the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit. How Christianity Came to Ukraine and Russia | Christian History This perspective presupposes a defective Christologyone that fails to account for the anthropos of the theanthropic (Divine-human) Church. As the Body of Christ, the Church is a Divine-human organism, just as with the Person of Jesus Christ, the God-Man. Christians in the West variously trace their roots to Rome (Catholics), Wittenberg (Lutherans), Geneva (Calvinists), Canterbury (Anglicans), or Oxford (Wesleyans). After five years or so in the Orthodox Church, Ive seen a lot of friends and acquaintances come home to the apostolic faith. Like baptism, the Eucharist is administered to infants. A second theory is that converts of any sort have a tendency to exuberance that is wearying to outsiders. While the Church is certainly Divine in one respect, She is also comprised of human beingshuman beings that can, and do, err. We must be willing to embrace mystery, to submit to other authorities, and to ultimately submit to the Church Herself. On another front, under the leadership of founder Bradley Nassif, the Society for the Study of Eastern Orthodoxy and Evangelicalism (SSEOE) holds meetings each fall at Wheaton College's Billy Graham Center for the sake of the two traditions learning from one another. It took me a few years to sense that there was a whole other something going on. Converting to Orthodoxy : r/OrthodoxChristianity Its not something you can figure out by studying the Church Fathers. Most people like to be polite and get along, so they highlight what we hold in common. And these prayers are jam-packed. I hope so. I think people just dont believe me, and I hardly provide a good personal example. By joining Orthodoxy one inherits a theological package that includes central elements that have traditionally troubled many Protestant evangelicals and omits doctrines many evangelicals consider nonnegotiable essentials of vital Christianity. Failing to remember (or be taught) this, we are scandalized and even lose our faith in the Church, not distinguishing between the divine and human natures, or confusing them. I've chosen Oriental Orthodoxy over the Byzantine Church because I believe that ours is closer in doctrine and liturgy to the earliest Christians. Orthodoxy insists tenaciously on the role of tradition which is her very life and builds upon its past, without revisions. Even more obnoxious, though, must be the tendency to reject hospitality. As we said, conversion is a love affair. We are looking forward to our journey in the church. Thats surely a factor, but I think theres something else going on, more specific to Orthodox converts. There was plenty of ceremony and beauty, but without the mainline churches affection for keeping up-to-date. The last reason Orthodox converts are obnoxious resembles the reason adolescents are obnoxious. Why Are Protestants Converting To Orthodox Christianity? This may be to some extent true but it is much more than that. Alister McGrath, an intellectual historian and proponent of paleo-orthodoxy, claims that many of the . In 1523-24 the Reformers Ulrich Zwingli and Martin Luther donned the gown of the university scholar. Ignatius's followers, however, refused to acknowledge the transition, and eventually both Ignatius and Photius appealed to Pope Nicholas (858-67) in Rome. This icon, Wedding Icon of The Mother Of God From the Orthodox perspective, both Catholics and Protestants seek to ground theological authority in an external norm. This has some truth to it, but is mostly false. (Of course, for every person insisting that there were no differences, there was another person asking me to explain the differences. Orthodox Priest Explains Why Many People in the West are Converting to Orthodox Christianity. Why do People Convert to Orthodox Christianity? - Orthodox Witness
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