This generation has the wisdom to re-create stable, workable world systems, should they choose to tear down the current outdated way of the world. In traditional astrology, however, retrograde planets are not seen as merely misguided, but as being thoroughly weakened. Pluto retrograde happens about once a year and last anywhere from four to five months at a time. Pluto in Scorpio Remember you are you and beautiful. So glad I started following. About 25 percent of people on earth were born during a Mercury retrograde—you can check your own natal chart to see if you are one of those lucky few. A ruling planet in its own sign tends to be the purest and most positive expression of its energies. I guess, I will have to wait and see. Mars turns retrograde for slightly less than 2 1/2 months every 2 years. But it's also rare to see a birth chart … Pluto is the ruling planet of Scorpio, previously ruled by the planet Mars (traditional astrologers still use Mars as the ruler of Scorpio). Pluto was last in Leo between the years of 1939 and 1957. Pluto stations retrograde once every year, spending nearly half of the year retrograde; these retrogrades normally last between five and six months. Pluto is an intense, mysterious planet in astrology, with a dangerous side. Pluto was in Libra between 1971 and 1984. Love you! Retrograde Planets in Your Natal Chart and Past Life Karma. We can see a generational influence again as the leadership of Leo was manipulated and maligned via Pluto through a variety of wars and conflicts. Pluto in 3rd House You are a professional so are prepared. We experience Pluto retrograde in Capricorn on April 25th, which lasts until October 25th. Less than 10% of the time there are no retrograde planets in the sky. Emotional extremes are normal for you if you have a 7th house Pluto; it’s very difficult for you to feel serene and calm. It might even be completely repressed. Many times a planet forming a trine to the Sun will be retrograde also. Thank you for sharing your gift!! God bless....Kelli Fox. Individuals with natal charts with many retrograde planets may have a strong feeling that something is stopping them from moving forward. Through Pluto’s energy and influence, we undergo metamorphosis, emerging from chaos and tumult as new – if not always better – people. Pluto retrograde reveals us as we truly are, nasty bits and all, so giving us a chance to work on self-improvement. You bring me hope in my daily life. However, you do have a definite talent for business and finance. • Jupiter through Pluto are retrograde every year. You may also attract strange experiences while traveling – but both travel and education can be a key to life-changing events. Pray for your health and everyone! Our view of relationships changed with this influence too. I can read people and I am working on it and my life. Pluto in 8th House You are great, delicate, strong and really cool! Other myths say she is the daughter of Hecate, the goddess of witchcraft, in this guise, she has become associated with magic in modern witchcraft. Pluto is in detriment in: Taurus. Loving your posts. ps. Kelli has the extraordinary ability to assess each person and their particular charts and explain how and why astrology works and how it can help us in our day to day lives. The astrological association between the planet Pluto and sex and jealousy stems from Pluto’s obsession with and kidnap of Persephone; his rulership over the underworld is why we also associate the planet Pluto with secrets, darkness and all things hidden – including our own subconscious or unconscious mind. If you were born with Pluto retrograde, you tend to keep quiet about the major problems you’re going through, and seem like you’re such a trooper on the outside even if you’re completely falling apart on the inside. I've enjoyed this very much, thank you. So exciting and know I am getting accurate information. Pluto will be at 21d27m of Capricorn on August 1, 2019. Pluto retrograde can bring an excellent period for you to tackle your long-term plans, focus on your goals, … This is more often than not a painful process, but it can lead to finding your personal power and great wisdom. I love your horoscopes .....I receive quite a few different horoscopes each morning , but yours are my favorites .........just love you. It frequently needs to make changes or work on an inner, psychological level before it can express itself outwardly. Thank YOU Kelli, I appreciate your interpretation of my daily emotional challenges as you always hit the nail right on the head with your astrological explanations. Astronomy has no direct correlation with astrology, however, and astrologically speaking, the planet Pluto is still alive and well. Sometimes uneasiness, depression, cruelty, bossiness and deceitfulness. Pluto in 7th House Love your work. Pluto was in Leo between 1938 and 1957. I am really interested in everything you do and I know I have psychic ability power to do things. Overall, Pluto spends about forty percent of its time in retrograde. Dogma and extreme beliefs are also of this generation. Its position by houses is more important on a personal level than by signs. I have studied astrology for many years and love the lightning thought processes that Kelli can keep altogether in one session for all of us. In your natal chart, Pluto’s position shows us how you view power and how likely you are to manipulate those around you. Dear Kelli! In a natal horoscope, any planet in opposition to the Sun will always be retrograde. There is often a link to the past or concern with the past. I can't describe how excited I was when I found out about this course with my favourite Astrologer Kelli Fox. Nobody alive has Pluto in Aries; it was last in this sign in 1853. The world lacks love & light these days. In astrology, Pluto is the God of the Underworld. Pluto in Sagittarius Meaning, Natal Birth Chart, Pluto Astrology Free Interpretations. The only issue I have is occasionally on the site itself, some of the links don't seem to the birth/natal chart...whether through email or the search engine links, or even the ones here on the site. Learn Astrology > Pluto in Leo in Your Natal Chart or Horoscope. Calculate your Ascendant, and display your natal chart. Huge ambition often results in material success, but it comes at a cost to your private life, especially when your ego runs free. Love all this. Sagittarian openness, via Pluto, is helping to uncover wrongdoings and to challenge institutional corruption and greed. So helpful and informative for the coming week so I can sidestep any forthcoming dramas! I am glad to see you have expanded! Mercury, Jupiter and Uranus! I would like to get inspiration from her. Pluto in Pisces It isn’t – it’s just an optical illusion. ❤️XXX. So your guidance helps to light the way. Love you! Jupiter through Pluto are retrograde for large periods of the year. Free Online Astrology, Natal Birth Chart Meanings and Interpretations. It's like magic, you actually don't know where you are going, very confused as what is going to happen but I know something beautiful is going to happen! Intensely private, you have a lot of secrets, not all of them whiter than white. ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. I believe She will enjoy your sauce of Astro-muse. It is magnetic attention grabbing and fun! Pluto in retrograde in your birth chart, issues surrounding control and power come to the forefront. You are helping us all and if l miss a Zoom i'm able to watch the replay. • Jupiter through Pluto are retrograde every year. I look forward to your videos each day and can relate to most of what is said. An absolute delight and an honour to have such a radiant soul be willing to share the knowledge. Secretive and reclusive tendencies can be difficult to overcome when Pluto is in the 12th house. Pluto used to be considered the most distant known planet in our solar system, although it was ‘demoted’ in 2006 and is now astronomically classified as a dwarf planet rather than a full planet.